Ughh! Why did The Almighty and Beautiful God make poop !

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Okay so for me.. im 15 and life sucks!!
I truly think i have something like IBS but the fifty doctors ive been to wont touch me! i wish i could get scoped....

I wake up everymorning and try to poop and sometimes i do and sometimes i dont.. but no matter what i feel like i can sit there for the rest of the day bc i ALWAYS have pressure on my anus like i have to go and it gets worse when i sit down... every moring bc im still in school im freaking out bc i always have that uncomfturbul feeling of gas and poop and its no matter what.. no foods make it worse really... the wirdest part about me is this WHEN I HAVE TO PEE REALLY BAD MY SYMPTOMS GO AWAAY! evermorning im drinking like 2 botles of water and an hour later when i have the urge to pee , then im all better until i do pee...then my stomach starts rumbling again and i feel like i gotta fart or doodoo ! ha thiss suckss! does anyone have this issue ...tell me its get ridable bc i wanna die !
Hi Lala,

You poor thing, I'm so sorry you're going through this :( May I ask what country you're in? Why won't the doctors perform a colonoscopy?

We do have a teenagers forum here as well. If you'd like the password, please PM me.

I hope you feel better soon! *hugs*
Dont say you wanna die sweety, nothing is EVER that bad! I wanna hear some fighting talk! You've dealt with this so far so you're obviously strong!!

Have you tried some over the counter laxatives? Gentle ones like lactulose? That might be a start but ONLY IF YOUR DOCTOR SAYS IT'S OK!!!!! You're doing so well drinking lots of water.... try some prune juice, its natures natural laxative and it doesnt taste so bad! Bit like raisins!

Hang on in there kiddo!

Lala- Have you tried a bowel massage? Just relax and gently trace your intestines around your abdomen. Take the palm of your hand and start lower right, come up to above belly button, across, and then down. Always start on the right! Try this while on the potty. It may help. This helps the colon to move. Just keep repeating the massage. Walking helps. Drink warm water. Have the docs said why they will not scope?

No more of this wanting to die!

Hi lala! I am so sorry you are suffering and no one is listening. I highly suggest seeing another doctor who will give you a scope. The rectal pressure needs to be taken seriously, and if your current doctor isn't concerned, move on!

Good luck and I hope you can find a doctor who can give you answers and get you well!
Hi Lala and welcome!

Sorry things are so tough for you right now. But glad you found us, this is a great place for support and advice.

A little more information and we can probably give you some better guidance -

Where are you from?
What tests have you had?
Do you ever have blood in your stools?

If your rectal pressure goes away when you have a full bladder.... that's an odd symptom. I would suggest you need either a cat scan or an MRI to diagnose that and find out why your bladder is impacting your bowel.

Good luck - let us know a little more of what's going on. There are so many users on this forum and it's likely there is at least one that knows exactly what you are going thru!

- Amy