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  1. lblair

    Achy, heavy arms??

    I have very achy and heavy arms they are so tired and I don't even do anything to cause them to get tired. I thought it was from the steriods but when I was at the Dr today he said that it is unlikely I have had terrible body aches since Dec when all this started!!! He said that its the Crohn's...
  2. lblair

    Prednisone treatment just been diagnosed

    JohnnysMom has he had any flare ups????? How long has he been in remisson??? Thanks Lisa
  3. lblair

    Prednisone treatment just been diagnosed

    Thanks yes I have been on a number of oral Meds but allergic to alot start on imuran was on it for one month went toxic so took about 7 weeks for my liver blood work to go to normal I can't take a lot of anti inflammatory because I tend to have low hemagoblin.. I can't imagine having this as a...
  4. lblair

    First humira shot

    I will try that a distraction is good they are no fun!!!
  5. lblair

    Humira Club Support Group

    Yes got the card it's a 5.00 copay then they bill the ins and then Humira will pick up the rest can't believe the cost. Today they said some people feel better the next day some takes a week some a month. I am having a good flare up so anxious to see if it works!!!! What happen with remedia that...
  6. lblair

    Humira Club Support Group

    Thank you!!!
  7. lblair


    Hi Welcome I just started Humara today I also have a gluten allergy I have not drank since March and was so sick after 2 I stopped haven't had a drink since I was Dx in April with Crohn's but had been in a flare up since Jan and still in a flare up I'm having trouble finding the right meds to...
  8. lblair

    First humira shot

    Praying that it helps!! I also started today I had 4 injections today they hurt can't image how Lucy felt. I had tears they sting!!!!! Lisa:smile:
  9. lblair

    Humira Club Support Group

    I did start the Humara today I did fine a little rash about the injection site that my be the latex allergy or that is normal but I could see throwing 8800.00 dollars out that is not what I paid but that is what the insurance company paid I have met my deductible this year!! I have one dose left...
  10. lblair

    Prednisone treatment just been diagnosed

    I started out on 40mg and once I tapered to 20mg I had the black stools so he up it back to 40mg and that still didn't work so he up it to 70mg that worked! I hate the side affect my face shows it the most its chunky. Currently tapered down to 10mg and today had black stools blood work is good...
  11. lblair

    Humira Club Support Group

    :hug:Hi Just wondering I'm going to be starting Humara on Mon. I was reading everything that came in the starter pack that if have a latex allergic to let the DR know I did but they didn't get back to me yet. It says that the prefilled needles ave a rubber tip. Does anyone else have a latex...
  12. lblair

    Diets for Crohns

    Hi Saralynn Everyone is differnt as far as tigger foods. I was told that you need to change your diet to control your symptoms. You want to avoid greasy food I also notice raw veggie for me. I have a gluten allergic so I'm on a Gluten Free diet. Which is hard but makes the bloating not as bad...
  13. lblair

    Humira Club Support Group

    I'm starting Humara on July 8th and can't wait I'm having a flare up and currently on 70mg of steriods and thats not helping!!! I'm nervous I was on Imura for 4 weeks and went toxic!! Blood work was finally normal today!!!!!!!! If Humara don't work then its Remicad and Methatrax which that...
  14. lblair

    Newly diagnosed and learning to cope.

    Hi I'm also newly Dx and currently in a flare up I work and its tough not sure some days how I do it. The joint pains are bad shoulders, back, hips hands and feet. Currently I'm waiting to start Humira I was on Imruan and had a reaction to it so I'm waiting for my blood work to go back to...
  15. lblair

    Chubbie with Crohn's or Colitis??? Vent here.

    I'm 5'2 and 198!!!! I still eat when I have a sick stomach because that is what I have been doing for the last 20 years!!!!!! I think that if I didnt I might be a skinny as a pencil!! When I told my Mom I had Crohn's she said you do the people I know are super skinny thanks Mom I told her that...
  16. lblair

    Crohn's and Celiac

    Hi Sarah I have both just Dx in April of 2013 all started at Chritmas time in 2012. I was Dx with IBS about 20 years ago but might have been wrongly Dx!!!!!!!!!! I started on Imuran because that was the cheapest route for my family and the I was on for 4 weeks before I went toxic and was...
  17. lblair

    Imuran - has this helped you

    My urine did change to real dark everyone's Dr has a different starting plan.
  18. lblair

    Humira has stopped working

    I going to start Humira in July Dr said that it usually works for about 2 years sometime longer he said that everyone is different on this drug but this will be my second drug in 2 my blood work needs to get back to normal I was on Iruma for 4 weeks to the day I stopped. If this don't work I...
  19. lblair

    Imuran - has this helped you

    I was on the drug for 4 weeks and my and I went toxic I was on 200mg a day!!! I need to wait for my blood work to be normal and then I will start Humura hopefully by july. I had to go back up to 30mg of my predisone because I'm having a bad flare up. But yes was not hungry and some hair loss...
  20. lblair

    Update on Emilee

    Hi So sorry that Emliee is feeling this way and no one should have to go through that at school. This sounds likes something that I just got done with mine was from dehydration and Imuran I went toxic I was taking 200mg a day and was on it for only a month. This is a new Dx for me along with...