Humira Club Support Group

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Hello! New to this group! :)

I had a bad year last year. I had tried lots of different medication to help a flare I was going through but nothing worked that well. I had to be admitted to hospital for about a week were I had an iron infusion and far too many tests.

I was put on Humira and it's been amazing. Been on it over 6 months now and I'm doing much better. I would definitely recommend it.
Hello! New to this group! :)

I had a bad year last year. I had tried lots of different medication to help a flare I was going through but nothing worked that well. I had to be admitted to hospital for about a week were I had an iron infusion and far too many tests.

I was put on Humira and it's been amazing. Been on it over 6 months now and I'm doing much better. I would definitely recommend it.

I am glad to hear that its working out for you.
Hello...I'm new...Let me start by saying...I'm not a Chronie...My husband is the one with Crohn's. I'm his mouthpiece, as he don't do chat rooms, etc. He has been diagnoised with Crohn's for the last 26 years. He's done fairy well with diet, medications, and frequent check ups.
The last year he has started having flare ups, and most days just don't feel well. His last Colonscopy in the Fall, his dr. told him his Crohn's had spread, and he had lots of inflamation. They started all the test to get him ready to go on Humira. Months forward...he finally got to start his first dose this past Friday. (The 4 injections.)

He's diebetic..immediately the injections shot his sugar up to close to 400..Friday was a pretty crappy day for him..he felt drained, and just washed out..You feel this way also when your sugar is way out of whack. He pretty much just laid around.

Saturday was some better, but still didn't have any energy, his sugar reading was done some, but still not back to normal.

Today, Sunday he said he felt better..actualy felt back to normal.
Is it going to be this way every time? Next dose of course is only two injections. He's really glad his dose day is Friday if it's going to wipe him out.
I'm sure I'll be back to ask more questions. Sometimes it just helps to talk to someone who is going thru the same.
He's diebetic..immediately the injections shot his sugar up to close to 400..Friday was a pretty crappy day for him..he felt drained, and just washed out..You feel this way also when your sugar is way out of whack. He pretty much just laid around.

Saturday was some better, but still didn't have any energy, his sugar reading was done some, but still not back to normal.

Today, Sunday he said he felt better..actualy felt back to normal.
Is it going to be this way every time? Next dose of course is only two injections. He's really glad his dose day is Friday if it's going to wipe him out.
I'm sure I'll be back to ask more questions. Sometimes it just helps to talk to someone who is going thru the same.

I do not think anyone could tell you to be honest. Some people see side effects dimish with time, while others have to move to a different medicine. We all vary so much with crohns and medicine. I do not know if 400 is a dangerous score to have, but defaintly may want to mention it to the doctor and see what he has to say.

I do have some fatigue with humira not enough for me to give up on medicine.
Hi I'm a diabetic, but type 2. I'm on 850 mg x 3 a day of metformin. I've been on humira for a year now. My blood sugars are great now, I just get major fatigue and photophobia the day after jab. I also do my Jab on Fridays
Hello...I'm new...Let me start by saying...I'm not a Chronie...My husband is the one with Crohn's. They started all the test to get him ready to go on Humira. Months forward...he finally got to start his first dose this past Friday. (The 4 injections.)

He's diebetic..immediately the injections shot his sugar up to close to 400..Friday was a pretty crappy day for him..he felt drained, and just washed out..You feel this way also when your sugar is way out of whack. He pretty much just laid around.

Saturday was some better, but still didn't have any energy, his sugar reading was done some, but still not back to normal.

Today, Sunday he said he felt better..actualy felt back to normal.

Tiredness for one or two days after injection is very common side effect of Humira.
Hi All,
I was given the option by my GI to either take Humira or Remicade and of course all of the warnings for the both scare the crud out of me. Im leaning toward Humira for the following reason...
I have had CD for over 4 years now and i'm 25 now. The thing is I just developed ibd associated arthritis in my knees. :( The pain is awful and it has gone away for about a day in the last week but then just came right back.
Does anyone have any experience with the arthritis who has also taken Humira?
I am just so sad to think that at 25 I wont be able to fully extend my leg for the rest of my life. I dont know if im being over dramatic with this.
I remember when I got my first fistula removed i was the same way thinking the tissue would never heal, but it did.
Is it possible that the knee pain can go away.
Im currently in the middle of flair up so im hoping when its gone the arthritis will follow suit just like when it showed up.
I was also proscribed Neurontin while i was in the hospital this past week and now that i got the fill im not really sure what its for? im assuming the knee pain??
Please help!
Hi viclynn,
I had arthritis and tendonitis in both feet last year prior to starting Humira in January this year. Ever since going on the Humira I haven't had any joint pain at all which has been absolutely wonderful. I could have gone on Remicade instead but chose Humira after my rheumatologist thought it would be better for my arthritis. Yes there are side effects and while it's important to be aware of them it's also important not to freak out about them and let them stop you from trying to fix your extreme pain. I can definitely recommend Humira. :smile:
Hi All,
I was given the option by my GI to either take Humira or Remicade and of course all of the warnings for the both scare the crud out of me.

I take Humira and find it helps with both conditions, so I would recomend it. At least to try first because it is much more convienent if nothing else. You can take it at home, you don't need to sit at hopsital for 3 hours getting a infusion. With all the TNF blockers one just may not work for you while another is a miracle drug.

Start with humira and if it works awesome, if it doesn't don't get discouraged and try remicade. I have used Cimzia, Remicade and Humira before finally sticking with Humira. Also remember while some people see almost immediate results sometimes these medications can take alittle while before they kick in full go.
Hi Elvie,

Thank you for your response!
It really is nice to know that there are other people out there who can share their experiences with me!
I will be starting Humira on the 28th so I really am looking forward to it!
I am a student and am now just very insecure about walking around in public, but that is a different story.

amrycrohns ,

Thanks for your message. Being discouraged was never the type of person I was until one thing turned into another with the CD, but I will try my best to stay positive!

Ill come back and tell you how it all goes! Thanks!
Just joined the forum and the Humira Support Group.
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 1994 and have had 2 bowel resections. Have run the gamut of medications and am now on Humira, which my Dr says is my last ditch effort drug - if this doesn't work, I have no other meds to try and will be winging it on my own. I believe I am having some bad side effects and wanted to know if anyone else here is familiar with any of the things I have going on.
I have been on Humira for almost a year (it's a holiday today so my pharmacy isn't open to give me the exact date)
I give myself injections every 2 weeks with the epi pen, rotating between my stomach and thighs for injection areas.
I get big welts at the injection site that show up the day after my injections and last for at least a week; my Dr told me to use Benadryl and to not worry about it if it's tolerable.
About a month ago, I woke up with a big itchy swelling on the bottom of my left foot, which I thought was a spider bite and really didn't think too much about it until my whole foot was inflamed and it hurt to walk (I wrapped my foot up with Manuka Honey and it went away eventually). Then, out of the blue, my right knee started to hurt so bad I couldn't even walk, but stopped hurting the same way it came on, the next day. My knee was pain-free for about a day then started hurting again, mostly at night. I am unable to sleep because at night everything (all my joints) hurts and I can't get comfortable.
I need to back track a little here, sorry....
I went to the Dr for the umpteenth time about my shoulder pain numbness in my arms a few weeks ago (which has been an ongoing since my early teens but getting increasingly worse), and he finally sent me for an ultra sound and xrays, the results of which are: I have a torn rotator cuff on my right arm, arthritis in my neck and also bone spurs in my neck that are closing down the holes the nerves travel through and are causing my arms to go numb. My right elbow has started aching constantly as well. I have an MRI for my neck in January.
So, to continue. 2 days ago, my right wrist started hurting and swelled up, I couldn't even move it without extreme pain, wrapped it in an ace bandage and it seemed to be better the next day, except, then my left wrist started hurting last night and now the red itchy swelling is back on the bottom of my left foot, but in a different spot, red, hot, hurts to walk on it.
I am not sleeping at night. Did I say that already? It's become quite stressful. I can't get comfortable and if I lie in the same place for even a few minutes, my arms go numb, my knee and shoulders and now my wrists, start aching so badly I can't stand it. The Dr prescribed Percoset, which does nothing for the pain but puts my head in a fog. Ibuprofen helps a bit, but is harsh on my liver in conjunction with all the meds I've been through.
I've looked up the side effects of Humira and I am pretty certain that I am experiencing some of them: joint pain, coughing, lupus-like symptoms(the wrist problem I'm having now). There are other symptoms going on, but I had a hysterectomy about 5 yrs ago and I'm not sure where those symptoms end and these new ones begin.
I will be calling my gastroenterologist tomorrow.
Thank you
I am so sorry Pins and Needles. It is friggin hard to figure out what is a side-effect of meds, what are symptoms of the disease, or something else entirely.

You hang in there and see your GI and I hope that helps to figure things out. From what I read on here, we all go through this same questioning. I know I do. Had lots of joint pain throughout my disease process, so I know it's Crohns related and not meds, but you're in a difficult spot.

I wish you all the best as you go forward in the search!
Welcome Pins and Needles. Glad you found us.

My doctor told me the joint pain from Crohns would effect numerous joints all over the body at the same time. What you described reminded me of that. Could be the disease, also could be the med.

I hope others can give you advice. I have not had the side effects you mention.
Hi! My boyfriend (24yr old male) is starting Humira on Monday for the first time but I was just reading the pamphlet in the box and noticed the quite long and scary list of side effects- most worryingly the nausea, vomiting, insomnia and depression etc.
So i was just wondering if anyone had experienced any of the really bad side effects/ how common these effects are.

Hi Samandadews.

Those side effects are not common at all. They are listed because they can happen, but I have not seen much in the way of those happening.

I think it is much more likely to get an injection site reaction, like a rash, than it is these other things.
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18 months on Humira and no side effects, 3 and a half years on varying doses of Imuran also. Never had any problems, well, I do find it harder to clear up my seb dermatitis, the better weather benefits that though.
hello! I am waiting to hear back form the pharmacy, and will be starting Humira as soon as they get back to me. I'm a bit scared about giving myself the shoot- but I'm excited for the change (Ive been on 6MP for about 10 years and its just not working anymore so I'm ready to start feeling better!) any and all advice is welcome!!
hello! I am waiting to hear back form the pharmacy, and will be starting Humira as soon as they get back to me. I'm a bit scared about giving myself the shoot- but I'm excited for the change (Ive been on 6MP for about 10 years and its just not working anymore so I'm ready to start feeling better!) any and all advice is welcome!!
Welcome to the Club gmarks! I have been taking Humira for 3.5 months now and it seems to be working well. i take it with Methotrexate and any side effects that I do get are from the Metho.

It is a bit scary to think of injecting yourself but it's not so bad. I use the Humira pen and inject in my stomach. About 30 minutes before I inject, I take the Humira out of the fridge and also take super duper strength Tylenol. I also make sure that I have taken an antihistamine as i get red itch rash at the injection site and the antihistamine helps for the most part. It is important to make sure that you squeeze the fat layer and press hard against it with the pen so that you don't get any kick back. I hold my breath, squeeze my eyes shut and count to 10 and then when I pull the pen away I press a cotton pad on it and put a little pressure to soothe it. Not too much pressure though. (you will not need to pull the needle out of you as the needle recedes inside the pen so you just move it away from your stomach)

The first four shots were done by the IBD nurse and they actually hurt more than when I do them myself.

Good luck and keeps us posted!!
hello! I am waiting to hear back form the pharmacy, and will be starting Humira as soon as they get back to me. I'm a bit scared about giving myself the shoot- but I'm excited for the change (Ive been on 6MP for about 10 years and its just not working anymore so I'm ready to start feeling better!) any and all advice is welcome!!

Welcome to the club. I hope things go well for you.
I don't often get reaction at site. I also say the alphabet as I inject, generally starting swearing around "e, f, g" then I just finish the song and take the pen away
I do have a reaction at the site often. It will cause a small lump at the site.It takes a few minutes but the lump goes away. It does not stay around.
Anyone ever not had luck with Humira and ended up with surgery am looking for info if doc started you back on it after surgery. My Doc is saying wipe the slate clean with surgery and start fresh. He also mentioned something about starting back on Humira after surgery.
I will say I was not happy when they sent the prefilled
Syringes instead of the pens cor my refill. I will say, the syringe is
less painful.

I took loading doses May 18. I have not seen any positive changes yet but I know it's still early. I did not have any injection site reactions and the shots hurt less in the stomach and more in the thighs (in my opinion). I am currently coming off of prednisone and the big D is back with a vengeance. I am sooo hoping that this symptom of crohns will be helped with humira. I was really anxious before getting the first dose but once I gave myself the first one, it was a relief. I had a nurse come to my home and she walked me through it.
It can take a few weeks or couple of months before you notice a big difference. It was a couple of months for me, that was just a year ago now :)
Hi all,

I've been taking Humira since Nov. 2012. So far I think it has helped but it did cause a cold to become pneumonia. Friday I'm heading overseas and I'll have to take my next dose there. The airline and tour company assured me there wouldn't be any problem with refrigeration. I'm hoping they are right!
Humiria users....does anyone break out with Humiria? My husband took his 40mg Humiria a week Sunday he had small red splotches on his legs, no itching. Today he has a awful rash under his arm..only under one arm. Does anyone know if this is related to his Humiria?
Humiria users....does anyone break out with Humiria? My husband took his 40mg Humiria a week Sunday he had small red splotches on his legs, no itching. Today he has a awful rash under his arm..only under one arm. Does anyone know if this is related to his Humiria?

Does it look like acne? I'd try and get Over the counter Hibiclense. It worked wonders for me with humira skin reactions and a rash post surgery.
Scary man, you're back!

How did it go? Was thinking about you and wondering about your recovery.

Just got home from the hospital today after my own resection with tons of complications.

Glad to see you on here!
My surgery went well other than a minor issue in recovery. They gave me delauded and I stopped breathing. No other complications or issues. That's the reason I went to the best in Chicago. They were honest and amazing. I had a right laproscopic hemicolectomy. Only three days of serious pain. The other days were meh in comparison.
Getting ready to start Humira, and I'm scared to death!! Doc. is hoping it'll help me avoid another surgery. I had surgery 14 years ago for a stricture in TI. They took 14 inches of small bowel plus 4 inches of colon. I currently have a stricture that is 10 cm, along with active inflammation. Now just waiting on insurance approval. Fingers crossed!
This is my first week- started on wed- and so far things seem to be going really well! i had some slight swelling and leftover stinging at the two injection sights on my legs, and now a couple bruises, but other than that it went well! (it stings really bad though!!!!)
I find it stings too, just make sure you take the humira out of the fridge 30 mins before you jab and ice the site of jab to help. But mine stings more when I'm tired or a bit below par
Humiria users....does anyone break out with Humiria? My husband took his 40mg Humiria a week Sunday he had small red splotches on his legs, no itching. Today he has a awful rash under his arm..only under one arm. Does anyone know if this is related to his Humiria?

Yes, I get the "small red splotches", but mainly on my arms. But it's worth the dramatic improvement in gut pain (virtualy disappeared) that it has given me.
You really might want to try the belly fat for your injection sites if the legs are hurting too much. There's lots more to grab there.

I had a hiccough in my Humira schedule. Took my 4 loading doses 4 weeks ago, then ended up having emergency resection on June 1st. GI Doc had me take my 2 pens today and will start my maintenance doses in 2 weeks.

We were trying to do the same thing saving bowel and my stricture ended up being 5 inches long with a pin point opening only and trying to avoid hurry up surgery, but it was too late for me. Good luck with your stricture and hoping the Humira works well for you. Back on Prednisone post op with the Humira, but will start tapering this week. Hoping to end up with Humira only and in remission!

Welcome to the club! :cool2:
I also use the belly area, after my GI initially told me it would hurt less there as I dont have a lot of fat on my thighs. Also I leave the pen out at room temperature for 30 minutes, and ice the area I am going to use. Usually expereience very little pain, on the rare occasions that it hurts more, the pain fades away in only 30-6 seconds.
Hey there guys and gals, I am new to the forum but not new to Crohn's. I was diagnosed in 1986 and have been on all conventional treatments and have tried Remicade, which worked fantastic for about 2 years until i became sensitized to it. I just got out of the hospital last month after i had an enteroenterostomy because i had severe stricutres that caused an obstruction. I tried Humira after remicade but i only took the loading dose and 2 more shots after that (every other week). I didn't think it was working so i quit. I went to the University of Chicago Hospital this past weekend (awesome GIs up there) and they don't think i gave Humira enough time to work. Anyone else have any information on how long it took Humira to work for them?

Humira took at least 4 - 6 weeks to begin working noticeably for me. You need to stick with it. Some people notice an improvement in less than a week, others take longer.
Well, scratch that. Insurance denied Humira for me. Just a tad frustrated!! Meeting with my GI later this afternoon to see what options are left for me.
Well, scratch that. Insurance denied Humira for me. Just a tad frustrated!! Meeting with my GI later this afternoon to see what options are left for me.

RippMama, may I ask what reason insurance gave for the denial? My insurance denied Humira intially - said I needed to try Cimzia first - but my doctor appealed the denial and the insurance carrier approved the Humira. If possible, it might be worth an appeal. In any event, I wish you good luck!
They said I had to meet one of a list of criteria: fistulising crohn's (which I don't have), high dose steroids or immunomodulators prove ineffective (my doc. said high dose steroids for maintenance is malpractice and he didn't think immunomodulators would be effective enough), or a failed trial of Remicade. So basically they forced me to Remicade, which I didn't want because of the length of time for infusion and I'm not terribly excited about rat protein!! But I guess if it works then great, and if not, then I should be able to get the Humira.
I have 2 friends in real life that are both on Remicade and it is doing well for them. I hope it works for you.
After months of waiting for approval, it finally happened. Seems i wasn't bad enough and hadn't been on prednisone long enough at the start :yrolleyes: The 2 years on high doses of Budesonide didn't count :ybatty:

So had my 4 loading doses into my stomach last week and no ill effects. Though not really sure what i'm expecting as still on my Azathioprine, Allopurinol and Prednisone. Slowly tapering the pred and will be a fair while till i go off the others it seems.

Fingers crossed.
I think my Humira is starting to take effect:smile: Am six weeks in and has been touch and go with strictures the past couple of weeks. Am on very low residue diet and have had three partial obstructions, but fingers crossed, I think I may be seeing improvements!!!
It will be 6 weeks for me with this next shot on Sat. I am still waiting and hoping to see some results. Lately I have felt the tiredness, joint pain, feeling like I have a low grade temp that I had before I was diagnosed; just not the stomach pain which is great. I am currently off pred.
I've seen absolutely no improvement after the first six doses, but that is probably unfair since I had to have the emergent resection right in the middle of that time.

Will plan to give it some months before judging it.
It will be 6 weeks for me with this next shot on Sat. I am still waiting and hoping to see some results. Lately I have felt the tiredness, joint pain, feeling like I have a low grade temp that I had before I was diagnosed; just not the stomach pain which is great. I am currently off pred.

I definately feel ultra tired for about 48 hours after a shot - and "heavy" legs- very weird! Vonnie - if the pain is less then this is positive:thumleft:
I'm starting Humara on July 8th and can't wait I'm having a flare up and currently on 70mg of steriods and thats not helping!!! I'm nervous I was on Imura for 4 weeks and went toxic!! Blood work was finally normal today!!!!!!!! If Humara don't work then its Remicad and Methatrax which that scares me so hoping that Humara does the trick!!!!!!!

Heavy legs?

Wow, I noticed how hard it is going up stairs right now because of weakness or heaviness in legs. I wonder if this is related to Humira? Fascinating stuff...
Just need to give it some time. Been on it for two years now. For the least 18 months I have been in remission.
I've been on humira and imuran for over a year now. I was able to start working again last December. Previous ulcers are healing well now. It's made a big difference to my quality of life and the side effects are worth it as I get to work, socialise every other weekend. Jab weekend I just sleep and relax and get ready for work on Monday
Hi, I'm new to this group. I was on Humira in 2008 but had a fistula that was getting worse due to the Humira so I was taken off. I had the fistula taken care of and then miraculously managed to remain in remission from my Crohn's symptoms until after the birth of my youngest daughter in Dec. 2010. I have since been on prednisone (off and on for nearly two years due to breast feeding), Remicade (also while breast feeding), Cimzia, after the Remicade did nothing, and then Imuran (after stopping breast feeding) because Cimzia didn't work. I had an allergic reaction to the Imuran and am now on Humira again. I'm also on Entocort. My dr felt that since I was on Humira before I could just immediately go on the every two weeks maintenance dose. I just took my second dose today. I'm praying for it to work! I have three daughters, 16, 10, and 2. I feel like I'm not being the mom they deserve because I'm always feeling bad. Abdominal pain and bloating is horrible. My husband tries to be understanding but I know he can't understand completely. He worries about me all the time. I'm just glad to have found a group where everyone knows exactly what I'm going through. :)
I have bumps all over my chest and back (it is worse on my back) from the Humira. They look like little zits or pimples. They don't itch, nor are they painful. They are mostly just gross. I realized it was from the Humira because I have not had this problem before and they tend to multiply after I inject. Now with it being summer around here, I am outside more and I am sweating more. Could this be a reaction or does anyone suggest any soap or lotion I could use to help get rid of them?


I'm looking forward to the replies you get from your post. I also have the weird rash on my back, but I just don't know if it's a Crohns rash or a Humira rash. It came about the same time as the latest flare, but also at the same time as the Humira.
The rash could be from Humira. Rash is listed as a common side effect from the drug. I would have a doc take a look at that.
I got a strange rash this weekend. It started on the outside of my right knee a couple of days ago. Now, it is on the outside of my left knee in the exact same spot! I also have it on both forearms (underside) in exactly the same spot! It is not really itchy but red and a little bumpy. I don't know if it is from Humira or methotrexate or ..... It is super hot and humid here this weekend and i was outside yesterday in the sun for about 30 minutes. Maybe a reaction from the sun?

I have also been extremely nauseous since last Monday and had to start taking metochopramide (Reglan) so that I can eat more than smoothies.

Anyone else experience this?

PS: Happy Canada Day!
I have been on Humira for over 2 1/2 months now and I have had 8 injections since. Just as I had my first loading dose, I had started flaring up, I went to hospital and I was put on 40mg pred.
I was told by my GI to taper as quickly as possible and carry with Humira 40mg every 2 weeks. (I was completely symptom free on steroids)

Then i came off steroids and 3 weeks later another bad flare, GI reluctant to put me on steroids again and told me to increase Humira to every week.

I hate waiting around for these meds to work, i hear people waiting months to feel difference.

Anyone switched from every 2 weeks to weekly Humira and noticed a difference? If so, how long did it take?
I had my injection yesterday(I have a nurse give it to me) and right after it felt a lot more sore than usual. Actually I don't recall it ever being too sore right after the shot?

Well. today there is a small but VERY red circle with a visible needle hole at the top of the circle.

I know people say they get circles around it sometimes but I thought it would only be light red and bigger, more like the size of a finger tip?

I'm hoping it's just a bruise from the needle and not some kind of reaction?
I usually have a red half dollar sized slightly raised area at the injection site. It is sore for 1 day. Sometimes it is worse then others. No reason for it. Hope this helps! I have been on humira since November 2012
I had my injection yesterday(I have a nurse give it to me) and right after it felt a lot more sore than usual. Actually I don't recall it ever being too sore right after the shot?

Well. today there is a small but VERY red circle with a visible needle hole at the top of the circle.

I know people say they get circles around it sometimes but I thought it would only be light red and bigger, more like the size of a finger tip?

I'm hoping it's just a bruise from the needle and not some kind of reaction?

I get the same dollar sized red hive-like spot. it is very itchy and lasts for at least a week. The faded spot is still there when I do the next injection. I have been taking Benedryl before I inject but doesn't make a difference. I have started using betamethasone cream for the itch and this helps a little. Mine seems have been getting itchier the longer I am on the Humira. Been 5 months now.
I get a little red dot, nothing more and it doesn't last long. Man, i've forgotten how painful bowel cramps are, had a few tonight with pain going right up to my left shoulder.
I had my loading doses a couple weeks back and then my next 2 a couple days ago.

Acne on my arms and shoulders seems to be worse though I was sure that all started more when I went on the prednisone. So maybe the Humira is adding to it.

I did notice my hands felt slightly swollen for the couple days after my last doses. May have eased off now. They weren't noticeably swollen though could feel it when trying to clench my hands in a fist.

This something others have had? 😶

Just wondering I'm going to be starting Humara on Mon. I was reading everything that came in the starter pack that if have a latex allergic to let the DR know I did but they didn't get back to me yet. It says that the prefilled needles ave a rubber tip. Does anyone else have a latex allergery and on Humara??? Also the sticker price was 8317.00 ouch I have meet my deductible for the year so I pay nothing!!!!

Thanks in advance!!!

Blessings Lisa
I have a latex sensitivity and talked to them about it. Evidently the needle cover has latex. They told me as long as I pull the covers off straight, and not let it slide to the side, I should be fine.

You might want to check though since you have a real allergy.
I think my Humira is starting to take effect:smile: Am six weeks in and has been touch and go with strictures the past couple of weeks. Am on very low residue diet and have had three partial obstructions, but fingers crossed, I think I may be seeing improvements!!!

I hope it continues improving for you Ellen.
I did start the Humara today I did fine a little rash about the injection site that my be the latex allergy or that is normal but I could see throwing 8800.00 dollars out that is not what I paid but that is what the insurance company paid I have met my deductible this year!! I have one dose left and then will witch to the prefill needles. I must say that the thigh hurts the worse so I did 3 in my stomach a little more fat there lol!!!!!!

Praying that this works I have not been having much luck with Crohn's meds!!!!!

How long until you knew it was working?
DS was on 20 mg every other week for 3 shots ( 6 weeks).
His sed rate went up and still felt bad- gi switched him to 40 mg every other week.
He just had shot #3 at 40mg ( 6 weeks) and not really seeing a big difference after the shot.
not terrible but not as "good" as when he was on remicade.
Yes got the card it's a 5.00 copay then they bill the ins and then Humira will pick up the rest can't believe the cost. Today they said some people feel better the next day some takes a week some a month. I am having a good flare up so anxious to see if it works!!!! What happen with remedia that is my next med if this don't work!!!!

I love that the company that makes Humira has a patient assistance program, because I can't get insurance through my job and can't afford to buy my own insurance. But now my prescription is out and my doctor won't automatically renew it. :( I can't afford to go see him and I already owe him $3,000 from my last hospitalization. Anyone know a loophole through this dilemma or should I suck it up and make an appointment with my GI doc?
I can't imagine not affording insurance. I think I would make sure the doctor understands your situation and get him to renew the prescription. If that doesn't work, then make the appointment.
I applied for Medicaid, they only thing they approved me for is a yearly checkup with an OB/GYN. And the $3,000 was after they approved me for financial assistance. I've been PROMISED full time status at work this year, so I can finally get insurance, but they've been acting sketchy for the past few weeks, even though I've been begging for five years to make full time. Fingers crossed that they get me my benefits by the time enrollment rolls around in September! :(

I have been on Humira for four years and was wondering if anyone had symptoms of severe muscle weakness and fatigue from this drug. My doc seems to think it is from the Humira.


I have been on Humira for four years and was wondering if anyone had symptoms of severe muscle weakness and fatigue from this drug. My doc seems to think it is from the Humira.


Fatigue is very common,I have been I on Humira 9 months, and only now is the fatigue thing becoming less.

I've been on it over a year now. I do get sleepy on injection weekends, and I'm weaker muscle wise. But I'm trying to work on that
I have been on Humira since May 26, 2013. I had fatigue before the Humira, but seem to be a little worse after the injection. I am on single injections fortnightly now.
I have been on Humira since May 26, 2013. I had fatigue before the Humira, but seem to be a little worse after the injection. I am on single injections fortnightly now.

Hi Aussie Lea. Your history says you were on LDN a couple of years ago. I've tried to find someone in Perth who will prescribe it to Crohns patients, but no luck so far. Was this through a gastro/medical/crohns specialist, or from a drug treatment facility? And did it help?

Thanks, Gra
Thanks for all of the replies.
When it is at it's worst I can only walk a few feet and then I have to sit down. When I go out to run errands and I have to park way out I just want to cry because it is going to take everything I have to make it inside the store and then I have to hang on my grocery cart. I have even driven into a lot and decided I just can't make it in and drive home. The very worst was when I almost went down in the shower and had to run out and flop into a chair. I then spent almost 2 days in bed.

I am checking out energy boosters. I know this won't help the muscle weakness but maybe I can get my butt out of the chair and get something done. I just ordered one from K-Pax they have pharmaceutical grade supplements. If anyone has a favorite let me know.

Thinking about asking my Doc. for a handicap parking hang tag.

I feel like asking my doc for one too, but it's my arthritis that hurts and today is jab day so I'll be in bed most weekend :)
Just jabbed myself, celebrating with a small glass of Pinot noir. My reward for the stinging feeling
Sorry to hear you have arthritis too. I think there should be a one disease to a person rule. I like the glass of wine for a sting. I usually stick myself and fall into bed.

Hi Kathy, I used to be on weekly methotrexate that's when I started rewarding myself for doing the jab. It works for me as I focus on the reward. I like your idea of one disease for one person then that would make life easier.
One disease per person. I'd go for that. My list as of now... Central Sleep Apnea, Crohns Disease, and, official as of last week, Plaque Psoriasis. As my GI said...Humira is good for that too.
I'll raise you Doug, asthma, diabetics, arthritis spine and hip, reflux disease, endometriosis, over active bladder, polycyistic ovaries syndrome oh and crohns :)