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  1. tots

    Handicap Pass

    I got a prescription for one from my Dr. It sure is useful when you have to get to the bathroom fast! Lauren
  2. tots

    Seeing my internist today.

    My Dr didn't want to give me pain meds, he said it dosent cure CD so "they" don't like to prescribe it. My answer? If you had a kidney stone- would you ask for pain meds? It doesnt cure it.. How about when your wife was in labor? Did she use pain meds? He said I made a good argument and gave me...
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    Pretty much what he is thinking is, this is as good as it gets for me. I see my GP tomorrow and will talk to him about the joint pain and back pain. To be honest- i do not even know how to deal with feeling crappy all the time anymore. Lauren
  4. tots


    Get it fixed. The whole point is to use it as you need it! I used all my FMLA last summer. Aug to November. I am on short term disability and very afraid of losing my job. On the other hand also don't know how i can continue to be sick. I have been out of remission for 6 years. Lauren
  5. tots

    Osteoporosis Infusions?

    I have never heard of it. Let me know when you find out more info. Very interesting. Good luck, Lauren
  6. tots

    Not sure where to go

    If its in the terminal ileum, its very hard to get to. Mine only shows on a CT scan with contrast and a small bowel series. My lab work is always normal. Except my VitD Always very low. Talk to your Dr out those things. It took forever to get my DX. It was not fun and in the end I switched...
  7. tots

    After a flare

    I think you are having daily episodes while in an active flare up. A flare up can last days, weeks, years then you hit remission. When I was in remission, I would have isolated episodes and then be fine for quite a while. It can leave you exhausted and hungry as things are running right...
  8. tots

    Did I read this or make it up?

    LOL Ron, I am pretty sure we all do, the problem is- I am not a Dr!! Lauren
  9. tots

    Did I read this or make it up?

    Thank you guys for your responses, now who wants to go to the Dr with me?? LOL I consider myself really good at giving the Dr my history of symptoms. At times I get the feeling it bothers him. I remind him I worked for a GI Dr and I learned how to talk to patients, there for I can turn that...
  10. tots

    Not sure where to go

    I would go see a GI or two or until you have the answers you need. I worked for a GI and a Surgeon before my DX. It was not uncommon for a patient- usually male- to be Dx with CD because of an appendicitis. Trust yourself- we are our own best advocates. Good Luck! Lauren
  11. tots

    Did I read this or make it up?

    I have been having a lot of joint pain- low back, shoulders. I thought it had a a lot to do with work. I work retail- a lot of unpacking and hanging of clothes. Well, I have been on short term disability for a few months. I have also seen a Rheumatologist. He did X-rays and found not...
  12. tots

    Location of fissure

    Walt- I agree, the brochure lied. I want my money back! "They" can either let me return it OR if there are enough of us, a class action law suit to get our money ( lives) back would be a good idea!! Lauren :rof:
  13. tots

    Pressure on your left side

    I have been having increased issues on my left side. The pain is not as intense as my usual CD pain but I get more urgency and pain across my lower back. I have also had some bleeding issues. Actually while I logged in tonight Lauren
  14. tots

    New to all this stuff have a few questions

    i never show positive on a colonoscopy. It seems they cant reach the spot with the scope. I need a Ct scan with contrast or a small bowel series. I saw someone posted earlier that the SB series was a bit out dated. So I ma not sure about that one. Good Luck, and keep going until you have the...
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    Junk Food is my friend!!!

    They are usually high in fiber- junk food not so much- thats a trigger for me. Spicy foods too. Lauren
  16. tots

    Doctor Questioning Crohn's Dx?

    I was Dx at 28, a long time ago!, only once has my lab work been abnormal. Thats just how it goes for me. My Disease shows up on CT scan with contrast and with a small bowel series. My old Dr told me all your test results can be negative and you can still have CD. CD is sometimes a Dx of...
  17. tots

    Can't stop my body

    Thats what I try- clear liquids then a full liquid diet. Seems to help. Lauren
  18. tots

    When oral prednisone doesn't work..

    Maybe its not a high enough dose or to soon of a taper? Lauren
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    Can't stop my body

    Thats miserable. Do you go onto a liquid diet when that happens? Lauren
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    I hope they can clear that up quickly!! Lauren