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  1. C

    c-sections and lack of mother's milk

    interesting. this shows the superpowers that childrens' systems have - that they are okay until reaching older ages, even with bad microbiomes
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    c-sections and lack of mother's milk

    massive study of 2 million kids shows c-section issues Children born by C-section have been more frequently hospitalised than those born vaginally due to asthma, juvenile...
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    Skeptical about Crohn's diagnosis

    "chronic diarrhea for 11 weeks now" recommend looking into reversing gut dysbiosis and intestinal permeability (leaky gut)
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    bacillus coagulans, bacillus subtilis, other strains for ibd

    bacillus coagulans hits a homerun in this trial. full paper at link, just posted a clip. note that some of the ibs patients had NO SYMPTOMS at the end of the trial. my bold Efficacy and safety of Bacillus coagulans LBSC in irritable...
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    this guy does a nice writeup on inulin. bonus points for him covering the all important bifid family of bugs, prolific butyrate producers. my bold
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    ~80% of autoimmune patients are women, why?

    great post wildbill. the oral contraceptives fall into the problems with estrogen too. megadosing the stuff is no bueno. antibiotics are the best advertising for probiotics -- they are everywhere, esp in our foods
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    inulin fiber increases butyrate producers, helps with leaky gut massive paper, just grabbed a few clips to paste. my bold
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    healing leaky gut

    intro post -- actionable items to be added later today reversing autoimmunes and many other diseases should be done with two things in mind - correcting gut dysbiosis (bad mix of gut bacteria) and healing leaky gut. this thread is about leaky gut. the great majority of chronic diseases...
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    ~80% of autoimmune patients are women, why?

    article lands a glancing blow on the reason -- sex hormones. namely estrogen and the improper clearing of it estrogen is processed/broken down in two steps. the first step partially breaks it down into a HIGHLY toxic form of estrogen. the second step finishes it off, removing the toxicity...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    add this to the study in the op Infants in industrialized nations are losing a species of gut bacteria that digests breast milk...
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    c-sections and lack of mother's milk

    good job pilgrim! genetics are a cope/excuse. epigenetics shows that people are prone to certain maladies, but it's not absolute. it also takes other factors - all within our control. i see it like this -- genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger
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    c-sections and lack of mother's milk

    i get bifid longum in my daily cup of kefir. longum is one of a dozen beneficial bacteria in the mass produced kefir that's in our local grocery store. kefir is an ancient elixir -- been around a long time, a fermented milk product with little/no lactose. kefir has a lot of science behind it...
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    it's best to grow your population of gut butyrate producers, esp the bifid family of bugs, to rectify butyrate shortages. another thing would be to ramp up ingestion of butter, real butter. real butter is packed with butyrate. i would not use this as the primary treatment for low butyrate...
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    c-sections and lack of mother's milk

    c-sections and formula (instead of mom's milk) set children/people up for gut dysbiosis and the diseases that accompany it. natural birth bathes the baby in beneficial bacteria, which populate the baby gut. same same for mother's milk. a child that misses out on some/all needs to take steps...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    kiny - your post number 13 proves my point. the sick cant process those correctly because of their gut dysbiosis, as stated by the study. gut dysbiosis is the cause of virtually all autoimmune diseases, including crohns. that's great news, as it matters not which autoimmune disease one has...
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    bacillus coagulans, bacillus subtilis, other strains for ibd

    bacillus coagulans is top tier bacteria, rather miraculous in fact. the bacteria lives in a spore, like a shell. this spore allows it to sail right through the super acidic stomach with no issues. miraculously, when the spore reaches the right area in the intestines, it opens up, allowing...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    another research group naming gut dysbiosis in the cause Markedly, the gut microbiota has been implicated in the initiation and perpetuation of IBD. Infusion of luminal content into both mice models (13). and into the excluded...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    they are starting to catch on. mouse model shows cause. Dysbiotic gut microbiota causes transmissible Crohn's disease-like ileitis independent of failure in antimicrobial defence Conclusions We provide clear experimental evidence for the causal role of...
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    bacillus coagulans, bacillus subtilis, other strains for ibd

    this bacteria is amazing. a key cog in the successes we've had. here's a trial. note the increases in beneficial bacteria, especially the bifidobacterium, a super critical bug family Effect of Bacillus coagulans Unique IS-2 in...
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    Daily consumption of fruit/vegetables in OECD countries and crohn's disease prevalence.

    your study is part of the trial and error. that mix of bugs or delivery method didnt work. they are on the right path though. i favor working from the mouth - esp since there are really good bugs that sail through the stomach acid unharmed. there are also new ways to help the fragile bugs...