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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. emmaaaargh

    Just feeling down again.

    I just felt the need to vent again. Which is weird, because usually I am really happy, and I only get sad for short periods. Usually at night. But that's not really relevant right now. :thumright: So after I started taking Aza in July, I had a few ups and downs and in October (I think) my...
  2. emmaaaargh

    Finishing liquid diet- Reintroducing food help!

    When you finish a liquid diet it's usually advised to start off with bland things (such as mashed potatoes and chicken - those two were definitely on the reintroduction list my dietician sent me), but I know how it feels because I finished my liquid diet two days before Christmas when I was on...
  3. emmaaaargh

    Medway hospital! USELESS!

    I'm under care at Medway itself but I've never felt the need to use their A&E so I don't have any experience there :( but I just wanted to say that I hope everything sorts itself out soon and you find some relief. I do know, though, that I've never wanted to go to A&E because nobody really seems...
  4. emmaaaargh

    Paper & Pulp Factory - Did you live near one?

    Interesting! I just did some research and the town I grew up in had a paper mill from the 1800s onwards that was demolished in only 2010. This is curious! :o
  5. emmaaaargh

    Two bowel preps in a week!

    I just popped in to offer my greatest sympathies (TWO preps? And all that work to do, as well? Teach me to be as strong as you are!) and to say that my Crohn's is in my TI and I have only ever had D related to Crohn's (because, you know, who doesn't get food poisoning?) once, before diagnosis...
  6. emmaaaargh

    Stricture Surgery Advice

    I was in a situation very similar to your son's when I was 11 - in remission, but a stricture was building in my small intestine and causing problems. My only symptom was weight loss and failure to absorb food properly, but that's very typical for me in terms of Crohn's symptoms so we knew...
  7. emmaaaargh

    Scared, my first running with Prednisone :(

    I was started on IV methylprednisolone after being admitted after my colonoscopy (freaking terrifying when you're still groggy and you don't know what's going on) and I had two doses a day. By late night on the second day I asked my dad if we could go down to the hospital's café and get a...
  8. emmaaaargh

    New to steroids.

    Hi Leah! I'm a bit younger than you, but I had my first course of pred in May and I was terrified. I was on them for 8 weeks as well and it was the best I've ever felt! I know I felt dizzy sometimes because I had so much energy I didn't know what to do with it and I also experienced a lot of...
  9. emmaaaargh

    Scared, my first running with Prednisone :(

    Hi Josh! Sorry that the best I can do is give you my experience - I was only on Pred for the first time myself in May and I was terrified! As for side effects, yeah, I put on weight, but I was underweight anyway so rummaging through the fridge and making a sandwich at 11pm was something my...
  10. emmaaaargh

    Does pentasa/asacol really work?

    When I was diagnosed I was put on Pentasa instantly and was in remission for two years. After my surgery, I was still on nothing but Pentasa - again, had another two years of remission ;) Now I take it with Azathioprine, but I think it still helps so am wary to stop.
  11. emmaaaargh

    What age were you when diagnosed

    I was diagnosed when I was 9. It was pretty much then that my symptoms started - I think it was about a month or two from the D starting to my diagnosis. Five years, go me. *blows unenthusiastically on a noisemaker*. :)
  12. emmaaaargh

    Colonoscopy in the morning :-(

    Hi lolo - sorry the sedation didn't work for you :( I had to have a resection in my TI a couple of years back and it was about 30cm of intestine to be removed. It was done laparascopically and I was out of the hospital in less than a week - would have been sooner but they forgot to take me off...
  13. emmaaaargh

    Swallowing pills how to

    Yeah I learnt how to swallow pills taking the water in my mouth first - can confirm it makes it LOADS easier! I still can't do it 'dry' but nobody seems to mind because all my friends think my Pentasa pills are HUGE haha! I'm sorry that I don't have much advice on how to swallow pills - my...
  14. emmaaaargh

    Autoimmune diseases within families

    My parents don't have anything, but my brother suffers from severe psoriasis. :) Not sure if anyone else in the family has anything autoimmune. Think we're the first generation 8(
  15. emmaaaargh

    Question about Infections

    Well, a while after I was started on Aza, I started getting D, which was kind of odd because D was never really one of my flare symptoms, barring before diagnosis. It would sometimes go, and then come back, and I'm just dealing with it. Today we got a letter in the post from the hospital saying...
  16. emmaaaargh

    C reactive Protein elevation

    I always wondered about this. Even when I was in remission, my CRP was constantly elevated. After a while, the doctors decided to leave it because I was in full clinical remission and gaining weight etc. It makes me wonder if something was/is going on that I never realised. Of course, I'm...
  17. emmaaaargh

    How would you rate your Gastroenterologist/Doctor?

    My paediatric gastroenterologist (my first one, anyhow) was great, now that I think about it. I was only 9 or so, so I don't remember much, but I know he was the one who referred me to Great Ormond Street for my first colonoscopy (to this day I'm not sure why they couldn't have done it at my...
  18. emmaaaargh

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Hi everyone! I'm not on the Infliximab yet but I thought I'd drop in and see if anyone could give me some advice. My GI originally wanted me to go straight on Infliximab after my colonoscopy in May, but I refused, had some steroids and saw immense improvement. In July, they started me on Aza...
  19. emmaaaargh

    Girl questions

    I haven't had my period for years now :/ but most of that time I've been flaring and I'm always teetering on being underweight so that's probably why. I know it's great to not have it but it makes me really depressed because I haven't grown either and I just feel like I'm going to start...
  20. emmaaaargh

    Really scared!!!

    It's ok, I had picolax! Don't worry about the prep. At the time I was really, really upset and depressed about it all, but I only had to drink 2 breakfast-juice sized glasses because I only had two sachets. Not eating was terrible for me as well since I felt so weak... but you know what nobody...