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  1. Lom

    Can really use some help.

    I wouldn't worry about the stomach aches Kasper. I still get them whilst on Remicade (even though I have felt the best I ever have since having Crohn's) In terms of the urinating- have you been weening of Pred? When i started tapering I was urinating like there's no tomorrow! Probably down to...
  2. Lom

    Travelling whilst on Remicade?

    Cool, cheers for your replies guys! I have my next dose on Tuesday so will ask about it in more detail then.
  3. Lom

    Travelling whilst on Remicade?

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anybody has travelled whilst on Remicade and in particular is it possible to have an infusion if you are abroad? I'm obviously not expecting the respective country's health systems to pay for it but I think I can afford to pay for one myself, which means if...
  4. Lom

    Crohns, Remicade, and having kids.

    Don't know if this is any use but the nurse who done my Remicade infusions said 'Don't get anyone pregnant. . . their has been 300 children born from parents on Remicade and although none of them have had any 'problems' we can't be sure it's safe until 10,000 are born'
  5. Lom


    Yer good to see the UK crohnie's on here Colin! (there is a few more on here as well!) If you need to talk to me about the Remicade then don't hesitate to PM me.
  6. Lom


    Remicade has worked wonders for me recently, i have been on it since October with no side effects at all. I have had the odd flare up (probably about 4/5 since i started) but they have only lasted me a day at most, so I am grateful for what Remicade has done for me. Hope it works out for you.
  7. Lom

    After Prednisone...

    Hi cheeky, I have been off the pred for about 6 weeks now. Still have the god darn moon face, have read it can take from weeks to months to maybe even a year to completely disappear. I think it is all relative to how long you have been on it for. Still getting the acne a bit as well, although...
  8. Lom


    Hi Clads, The way you're describing how you feel sounded exactly how I was like when I was on azathiopine, it turned out I was allergic to it, do you have a rash anywhere at all? In terms of diet, there are diets which claim to help Crohn's, the only ones I know of are The Maker's Diet and the...
  9. Lom

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Hi Lola, Im on Remicade and have mini 2 hour flares about once a week but they seem to come and go without too much fuss. When they come along I put on the air-con at work as my temperatue rises, loosen my belt a bit (as my stomach swells up a lot whilst flaring!) and I drink plenty of water...
  10. Lom

    Prednisone fevers?

  11. Lom

    Pred side effects

    Cheers for your replies everyone. I'm now down to 2mg per day and tapering down to 1mg on Sat which is a big relief! Still have the moonface (even though it is reduced somewhat) and the acne has pretty much gone now thanks to some cream my gp gave me for it. Not as bothered by the moonface now...
  12. Lom

    Pred side effects

    Just wondering if the moon face and acne from the pred decreases when you taper down or do they stay with you until you finally wean off (or maybe even longer)? I wasn't that bothered about it until a couple of people yesterday started commenting on how my face looked fat and round!! Thanks
  13. Lom

    Remicade Club Support Group

    Had 2 infusions, started feeling better almost straight after the first one. I to secretly enjoy going (they give me a nice dinner to eat whilst the IV is happening!). Next infusion is on Dec 2nd.
  14. Lom

    Going for Infliximab. Need advice

    Hi Lily, I felt a vast improvement pretty much the day after my first infusion (although they isn't necessarily the case for everyone).I had my second 'loading dose' on Nov 4th (this was 2 weeks after my original infusion) and I am due my next infusion on Dec 2nd. I believe that after this my...
  15. Lom


    The iron tablets i was taking really upset my stomach as well, spoke to my GP and he gave me this iron syrup stuff instead (ferrous fumarate) and I appear to be digesting it a lot easier.
  16. Lom

    Lactase Enzyme Tablets

    Thanks for your replies guys, going to use them mainly for when i eat out i think, as a lot of the time it is hard to tell what it is in food without a label! Sounds delightful! I started Remicade a week ago and feeling great at the mo so decided to treat myself with a much needed bar of...
  17. Lom

    Prednisone and Sensitive Teeth

    I'm exactly the same! Never had any problems with sensitivity before pred, but now I find it hard to eat really cold food due to sensitivity! Sure there is some scientific reason behind it which someone on here can explain!
  18. Lom

    6 MP or Remicade ?? which works better ??

    I'm the same as RHOV. I tried 6-mp and was allergic to it! I've heard it has been successful on other people though. Started Remicade a couple of days a go and starting to see the green shoots of recovery already! But as RHOV says it could well work out differently for you!
  19. Lom

    Lactase Enzyme Tablets

    HI guys, Just wondering if anyone takes the Lactase enzyme tablets to counteract a lactose intelorance? And if you do how much success have you had with them? I CAN'T DO WITHOUT CHOCOLATE ANY LONGER!!!!!!