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Jan 3, 2008
As some of you know, i've been on iron pills for a few days now (because of my level being dangerously low).
Maybe it is just my body trying to get used to it, but I really don't feel well..I feel warm (which is NOT at all normal!), worse dry mouthed even though i've been drinking more fluids on purpose, tiredness, shakiness, sore stomach, bad "urgency"...
Anyone else have this problem when starting to take iron?? Or can it be something else acting up?
i eat so much meat i dont think i'll ever have to take tablets for it:D

silly question, have you ever googled iron tablets side effects?
I'm not sure what they are sayin about D and C?

Yes, I did look up the side effects. But I'm wondering if it's only me who has these problems. If it is, it's not the iron that's doing it. Make sense? ;)
When I was taking iron supplements, I didn't feel warm or have dry mouth, but it really upset my stomach, so I stopped taking it after a few weeks. I ended up having to get iron infusions. I had two infusions/week, for 3 weeks. That got my levels up to where they should be.

Now I just make an effort to eat iron-rich foods to keep my levels up.
The iron tablets i was taking really upset my stomach as well, spoke to my GP and he gave me this iron syrup stuff instead (ferrous fumarate) and I appear to be digesting it a lot easier.
some people have trouble absorbing iron. maybe you're one of them? i take iron tablets and vitamin c tablets. vitamin c is supposed to help your body absorb iron.
Weird, and for me it's doing the soon as I eat or drink, straight to the toilet within 10 minutes. And then i die of pains/major stomach cramps.
num1habsfan said:
As some of you know, i've been on iron pills for a few days now (because of my level being dangerously low).
Maybe it is just my body trying to get used to it, but I really don't feel well..I feel warm (which is NOT at all normal!), worse dry mouthed even though i've been drinking more fluids on purpose, tiredness, shakiness, sore stomach, bad "urgency"...
Anyone else have this problem when starting to take iron?? Or can it be something else acting up?

when i was on iron i had constipation and it gave me a sore tummy. it made me feel asthough i had to go the toilet.. but i didnt cos i was constipated it was weird
Hi num1,

I am just new here and noticed your thread.

I was really anemic and had low iron, so I was on iron pills but felt really crap on them. When my gastro doc found out, she said that they often played havoc with your guts even in people who don't have Crohns! She took me off them (yay - one less pill to take!) and sent me to the day unit at the hospital for an iron infusion. They kept a close check on me because side effects are quite common - including some of the ones you describe.

I did feel a bit off after the infusion, was really tired and aching all over and also nauseous (although that's nothing new!) but it passed in a few days. The good thing about the infusions is that you only have to have them every few months as a 'top-up', unlike the tablets. Maybe you could ask your doc for an infusion instead? I did feel better after mine, once the initial side effects wore off.

Hope this helps you.

Blah, I talked to one of my pharmacists. He said that nothing can really be done about it, just have to deal with it and continue taking it with food. Sucks :(

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