After Prednisone...

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Jan 8, 2009
sorry to have to ask yet ANOTHER pred question, i tried doing a search and there was just so much to go through and i couldn't seem to find threads on this...

so, now that i'm finally off of the pred (my first day off *happy dance*)... i'm really curious as to how long it'll take to leave my system.

i'm also worried about the adrenal gland thing... i have a bit of joint pain (just the right knee, comes and goes but is tolerable)... what else should i monitor?

also, will exercising help get my body (adrenal gland or whatever pred affected) back to normal?

please share your experiences after getting off pred.

anyone else notice an increased sinus problem while on pred or while tapering off??? i'm noticing that i'm more susceptible to sinus problems at the moment... dull sinus headaches, runny nose here and there, a lil blood when i blow my nose...eyes feeling strained more easily.
Yes. I have been getting sinus issues coming off Pred too. And blood also.
But I'm not completely off Pred, so I cant really answer your question.
But tapering has given me joint pain.
Hey Cheeky congrats for getting off pred! It's a great feeling! I know it takes a little bit to get out of your system. I felt a little bit tired for a week or two and a bit achey but it was gone in about a week I think. If you had adrenal shock you would know about it by now so don't stress about that. I had a drop in appetite but that was only my appetite returning to 'normal', rather than eating anything that wasn't secured. I exercise on pred (as soon as I feel well enough too) and I continued when I got off it. Excercise perks me up but I'm guessing it is different for everyone. Just listen to your body and don't over do it! Enjoy being pred free!:)
I had sinus issues with pred too, but mine were while I was on it. Well, I'm still on it, but I guess as I got to lower doses, the sinus issues got better. While I was on 40 and 30mg I had big, bloody sores in my nose, but really high up. It was always bloody when I blew my nose too. The sores were the worst though - they were up high and hurt as they built up. I'm down to 3mg now and I don't have any sinus issues that I didn't already have when starting.

I'll be glad when I get off of this stuff! Only 5 weeks to go!!!! Too bad a lot of my abdominal issues are coming back now that I'm almost off of it. I hope he doesn't bump it back up again. I've already been bumped back up once. Wonder if I need something different? I'm on Pentasa as well.
Hi cheeky, I have been off the pred for about 6 weeks now. Still have the god darn moon face, have read it can take from weeks to months to maybe even a year to completely disappear. I think it is all relative to how long you have been on it for.
Still getting the acne a bit as well, although its nowhere near as bad as it used to be and I also you a peroxide cream to clear it up when it appears.
Fortunately the mood swings went away pretty quickly, a few days after I had finished pred I felt like I was back to how I was before I started taking the pred. It was like a big weight had been taken off my shoulders and I could finally relax!
I wouldn't worry about joint pain, I was getting it after in knees, elbows and hands to start off with. Now I am only getting a slight discomfort in the sides of my fingers.
Hope it goes well for you.
thanks to everyone who replied here! : )

re: the sinus pain, yes it was really bad the first few weeks of pred...improved a bit but never really went away and then during my last 2 or 3 weeks of tapering i'd have it pretty bad here and there...

Lom said:
have read it can take from weeks to months to maybe even a year to completely disappear.

yeah i heard that it can take as long as the amount of time you were on pred... so if you were on it for 6 months, it'll take that long to leave your system... but i don't know if that's true.

i've also heard it takes 2-3 weeks to get out of the system...and for some people 12 days.

we shall see... i am not too concerned about the joint pain cuz it's really not that severe... i was able to exercise last night, no problem.

plus i happen to have an appt with the rheumotologist next week, so i'll be fine.