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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. xJillx

    Hi everyone..

    Hi Sharyn and welcome to the forum! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis, but at least you now know what is really going on with your body and its not just IBS. Have you seen an improvement after starting pred, yet? Pred works quickly to get the inflammation under control. However, it...
  2. xJillx

    Update: AWESOME

    Hooray! Congratulations! I am so happy to hear you are doing so well. I hope the good times keep on rolling!
  3. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Yes, Cat, you did suggest taking a photo and I did just that yesterday! Unfortunately, the first few times I passed a lot of blood, I was at work and w/o my camera phone. But I took one pic at home, but it had the least amount of blood for the whole day, but it is still visible. I am holding...
  4. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Oh, Tamesis, what an awful day you had. I am so sorry. Hopefully, that will be the last. Crossing my fingers something comes up in the test that gives you some answers and on the road to feeling better. Well, I know I said I was going to put my undiagnosis on the back burner for now, but it...
  5. xJillx

    Our Forum Queen is poorly!

    I am glad you are doing a bit better, Pen, but I am sorry to hear about hubby. Ouch! I hope he has a speedy recovery!
  6. xJillx

    Missing food!

    Hi sarahjane and welcome! I haven't been on a liquid only diet, but I imagine it must be very difficult. I think the biggest challenge must be the social aspect & food. Everything revolves around food! I sure hope these 4 weeks go by fast for you. I think what would make me stop craving...
  7. xJillx

    Elemental and Elimination Success

    Wow! What a great success story. And you have some diligence. I give you a lot of credit, but it certainly seems like it has paid off. I hope you continue to feel so terrific!
  8. xJillx

    Is anyone like me?

    Hi Ellaruby and welcome! It may take Infliximab a few more doses to full take effect. However, I don't know for sure if it will or will not help with your energy levels. Many struggle with fatigue. But I think the goal is to get the inflammation under control as much as possible; in my eyes...
  9. xJillx

    The worst few months of my life!!

    Hi jk86 and welcome! Oh boy, you certainly have been through a lot in such a short period of time. Thank goodness you have such a wonderful support system. That is key. How are you feeling at the moment? Any improvement? Are you going to take a maintenance drug to try to keep the...
  10. xJillx

    My story

    Hi shazamataz85 and welcome! I am sorry you aren't feeling well and are back in the hospital. You've tried many of the treatments, but one biologic you haven't tried is Humira. I wonder if this will be an option your GI suggests. Some people have had some great results with the drug. If you...
  11. xJillx

    Budesonide not working

    I am so sorry to hear Budesonide isn't cutting it. After 3 months, I think you should have seen an improvement. What other medications are you taking if any? As my friends above said, be sure to reach out to your GI and stress the fact that you need an adjustment to your treatment plan. I...
  12. xJillx

    UC --> Bowel perforated-->Total colectomy--> Jpouch --> Pouchitis--> now Crohns?

    Hi and welcome! I am sorry you have struggled so much with your JPouch. I think the main reason is you its likely you do have CD, not UC. To be honest, we have had several members with the same story - diagnosed with UC, got a JPouch, rediagnosed with CD. It is very, very upsetting to think...
  13. xJillx

    Scared, frustrated and down right confused..

    I am glad the big D is under control, but I hope the other symptoms subside soon, too.
  14. xJillx

    Newly pregnant and a nervous wreck!

    Hi Sbailey! First off, congratulations! Were you trying or was this a surprise? Hubby and I want are going to start trying this year, so I have done a lot of homework on the subject. I have found this article on the CCFA website very informative. What medication are you currently taking...
  15. xJillx

    My wormwood supplement experiment - let's see if I poo worms

    This is really interesting, David. How long do you intend on taking wormwood? Please continue to keep us posted.
  16. xJillx

    I don't mean to sound horrible..

    You don't sound horrible. The truth is people don't understand what it's like to have a chronic illness. Health comes naturally to so many; they just can't relate. But when the tables turn, people quickly change. I have a two close friends from college. When I got sick, they'd ask how I...
  17. xJillx

    My post-surgery update

    I am so happy to hear you are doing well only after 2 days! I think this is a really good sign. Happy Anniversary, too! Enjoy!
  18. xJillx

    Crohn's Newbie

    Hi ekuskrash and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis. But you've come to the right place for support and knowledge. Granted, thanks to your profession, I am sure you were already familiar with IBD. Before meeting with your GI, I suggest doing some homework ahead of time. I'd...
  19. xJillx

    My Stem Cell Transplant Blog

    I am glad your labs look good, but I wish your symptoms matched the results. This cdiff is being so stubborn, isn't it?!
  20. xJillx

    Diagnosed with Crohns-New to all of this!

    Good, I am glad. And by the way, never ever be afraid of being too detailed on the forum. Nothing is off limits! Actually, I pass a good deal of mucus every day. Sometimes, I go to the bathroom just mucus. It's so gross! Ah...the life of IBD...