Diagnosed with Crohns-New to all of this!

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Jan 7, 2012
Hello Everyone! I am new to this board, and I was diagnosed with Crohns Disease back in early december. Before that, I had battled C-Diff on and off for three years and I came back up positive in October this year. While I was on Vancomycin, I just didn't feel like I was getting better and kept losing weight,nausea, stomach cramps etc. On a Monday morning early in December, I got severe lower abdominal pain when I was getting ready for work and then I noticed I was bleeding vaginally when i went to the restroom. I had my mom call the doctor and we went over and the doctor checked my urine and felt around and she ordered a CT scan. She believes a cyst had popped and I had started my period, but she mentioned she was concerened because my Ileum looked inflammed and she was going to forward my results over to my gastro doctor. Anyway, the next day at work i got a call from my GI doctor and he was concerned about it and wanted to do a colonoscopy that coming Friday, so I did. Turns out he did a biopsy and everything came back postive for Crohns Disease, and he said my Ileum was severely inflammed with uclers all over.:( Since then, I see him every two weeks and I've been on meds, and I have good days and bad days. My bad days consist of weird Bowel Movements or these strange fevers I get? It has me confused with the fevers and I'm not sure if they are a reaction of the meds or what. I did have another CT scan this morning and I'm suppose to call my doctor Monday morning to talk with him. I'm currently on Pentasa 500 mg 2 pills 3 times a day, Entacort 3 pills a day, and 5 mg of prednisone a day. My doctor said in a couple weeks, i'll be starting 6MP. Today has been rough, as I've had abdominal pain and loose stools with chuncks of mucus ( sorry so detailed!). Last couple days I've been running the weird fever I get. Does anyone here experience the mucus? I alwways fear it's C-diff trying to work it's ugly face back.

A little bit about me, I'm 21 in school full time, work full time and it's been a rough year. Lost two grandparents also. Past couple of weeks I've missed alot of work because of everything, I was hospitalized with a 104.6 fever over Christmas and they couldn't find anything wrong besides the fever. I live with my parents because I couldn't afford to be out on my own even if i wanted. I'm also on the c-diff support group from when I had c-diff.
Hello and welcome to the forum :bigwave: Really pleased you have found us but am sorry you have been diagnosed with crohns. You have come to the right place for lots of support and advice.Glad you will be speaking to your doc on Monday as he needs to be made aware of your current symptoms,did the fevers only start after you started taking the meds? If so then it could be thay you are having a reaction to one of them. Have a look a our treatment forum as this will have info on all these meds along with any side effects people have experienced. With regards to mucus I do believe a lot of poeple have this when they're crohns is flaring up so do not be too alarmed about this being c-diff and again mention it to your doc. I hope things start to improve for you soon and please keep us updated.
Hiya BB
and welcome

Give the meds some time to work, the ones you're on are the business!
I've been on Pred and Entocort, they healed me good and proper.
Good luck and don't forget to talk to your doc about your concerns, mucus is a sign of inflammation.
Glad you found us, lots of Crohnie friends here for you.
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Thanks to both of you! I ended up calling the doctor on-call because the urgency to go just go worse and it wasn't pretty! The doctor is calling in Flagyl and vancomycin to treat as if c-diff were back, and he said the Flagyl will also help if there is an infection.
Yeah dead right it will!
I was infected too and metronidazole (flagyl) saved my life!
good luck and don't worry about the horrible metallic taste in your mouth, all normal with this med
I was put on Flagyl right when I was diagnosed with Crohns about a month and a half ago. Did fine with it then, so hopefully it works now. :)
Hi and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis, but it sounds like you are in good hands. You doctor sounds very attentive being that you see him every 2 weeks. That's amazing! And it sounds like you are on a good treatment plan. As Astra said, you just need to be a little patient for the meds to kick in. I sure hope they do soon.

So, you work full time and go to school full time? Oh my! I hope you are giving yourself enough time to rest. You need to take good care of yourself, and plenty of rest is key. Try not to tax yourself too much!
Yes I do work full time and school full time. I give myself days where I do lay around and just watch movies and nap all day. The week can be stressful but I try my best to get a good nights sleep.
Good, I am glad.

And by the way, never ever be afraid of being too detailed on the forum. Nothing is off limits!

Actually, I pass a good deal of mucus every day. Sometimes, I go to the bathroom just mucus. It's so gross! Ah...the life of IBD...
Flaygl is the worst its sooooo gross. I have been on it A LOT!!!! The taste is horrible if it gets stuck on the back of your tounge.. Just like Prednisone....Ewwwww.... Anyone else had problems with getting a yeast infection while on flagyl?? Everytime I take it I get one... BBack Im so happy to see you are in school. I applied and was approved for Federal Grants and just been too sick plus having the five month old is hard... BUT I WILL GO AS SOON AS I CAN!!!!!
LoriMichelle- Congrats! School is tough, but well worth it in the end. If I continue on my courses for spring and summer, then I'll do my externship in fall and I'll graduate after that. I'm excited to get done!

As for the yeast infections, I do know those are very very common with Flagyl. I got one back in 2009 from Flagyl, though I didn't this last time. My boyfriends mom gets one everytime she's had to take Flagyl too.

And I'm glad that potty details aren't an issue, because I like to tell what's going on in detail that way it's easier to seek advice about :rof: I'm to the point in life now when someone I know asks me about poopey problems, I just tell it how it is.

:ybiggrin: Welcome!! I just joined as well. It seems like a great place to be. I remember how hard it was after I was first diagnosed trying to figure out more about what I had. The Internet was still growing and didn't have nearly as much information as it does now so that's definitely helpful in trying to figure out why you are experiencing what you are.

I agree with everyone. Give your meds time to work. Entocort is a good one to help you get under control.

Good luck and welcome!!
Thank you Stardreamer22! I've been on meds since mid december, and I still have good days/bad days. I had symptoms very similar to C-diff on saturday so i called the on-call doctor here and he prescribed me Flagyl to start this weekend, and also Vancomycin, but I won't start that until I talk to my GI on Monday. They told me to continue my CD meds, Pentasa, Entocort, Prednisone... and also told me I can take Bentyl for cramping.