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Feb 25, 2011
Shelby Township, Mi
Well, I had small bowel ressection on Feb 16, 2011, and I have gained 25 lbs, can eat everything and anything! This was by far the best thing I have ever done! I regret waiting for so long to get it done. I recovered in about 5 weeks, and I feel like I am in a new body. The down side is I have outgrown many of my jeans and some shirts are to tight! But I will deal with that, oh and my grocery bill has increased a little too much! I also was depressed before the surgery and I now have a great lookout on life. Just a sucsess story for me. Thanks, Billy.
That's great news!!!!
Enjoy this new feeling...just make sure you still take care of yourself! You don't want to push it too far & end up back where you were!

All the best!!! xo
Hey, BK! I am so happy for you. It really is quite a success.

Thanks for sharing this with us. :hug:

O, and I moved this thread to the Success Story section. Hope ya don't mind.
Hooray! Congratulations! I am so happy to hear you are doing so well.

I hope the good times keep on rolling!
:pika: HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May you enjoy remission--and keep it! So happy for you---isn't food awesome when it doesn't hurt and cause other issues? :dance: Dana
Yes, food is awesome, except for the 30 lb gain, but at least I still have my six pack! I can even eat seeds with no issues. Surgery changed my life, lets hope it will last for years!