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Jan 7, 2012
Night Everyone.
I'm ekuskrash and I'm from Portugal. I've been recently (today) diagnosed with Crohn's Disease.
I've recently graduated as a Nurse and I'm on the search for my first job (also failing at it).
Looking forward to get to know you, this "bump" on my life and myself as well.

Best Regards to everyone
Welcome to the forum ekuskrash!

I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I am not sure if it was a surprise or not, but I know it can be a bit difficult at the beginning to accept a diagnosis of a chronic disease.

As you said though, this is a bump in life and not the end of life. A lot of health and happiness can still come following being diagnosed, so I hope you do not despair.

I hope you are able to learn a lot on the forum and that you are able to find a treatment plan that helps to manage your condition. Were you diagnosed due to symptoms you have been suffering from?

See you around the forum!
Thanks for the warm welcome.
Yes, I have.
I've always suffered from chronic constipation but never payed much though to it, because as a kid my mom abused laxatives to help me doing my business. About 2 weeks ago I started having blood on my stools until, after a few days, there was pretty much only a liquid coming out mixed with blood.
I then went to my doctor who scheduled me to do a colonoscopy (?), I did it last Friday (before NY eve). Today I went to get the results of the biopsy they did and they told me I needed to schedule a appointment with a gastroenterologist to check on my condition.
I've got a prescription for a AI (Salza something, not here with me atm).

I also have a question I'd like to ask, but don't know if I should do it in this thread.

Hi Ekuskrash,
I just wanted to say Hi. I am a nurse midwife. I know how hard it can be to find that first nursing job. I remember when I first started looking years ago it was tough. I know here in the states right now there is a big nursing shortage and it is pretty easy for new graduates to get a job. I guess it is not the same in Portugal. Welcome to the forum!
Hey Kim.
Indeed there is a need for more nurses to be employed but government cuts makes the situation unbearable.
I'm currently taking care of my papers to go work to the UK. Perhaps I'll have more luck there.
Thanks for the welcome.
Hi ekuskrash and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis. But you've come to the right place for support and knowledge. Granted, thanks to your profession, I am sure you were already familiar with IBD.

Before meeting with your GI, I suggest doing some homework ahead of time. I'd write down all of your symptoms and questions, so you won't forget anything. Some good ?'s to start with would be where is your disease located, dietary suggestion, and supplement suggestions. Also, I'd familiarize yourself with the many different treatment options just in case if additional meds are put on the table. Lastly, try to recruit a friend or family member to join you on your appointment. I always bring my husband to my appointments as there is usually so much to pun intended!
Hello and welcome to the forum :bigwave: I second all of the advice Jill has given, the key is for you to be in control of this disease, not the other way around. You mentioned that you had a question to ask....ask away, we will help if we can :)
Hey Jill & Angrybird.
I will do just that, I'll write down what I intend to ask so that I can do it in the appointment with the GI.

My question is:

I have had scheduled for about 2 months a trip to see my girlfriend. We dated for 2 months and then she went back to her country, Chile (that was about 5 months ago)
January is the month when she finishes her degree (Psychology) and her parent's have invited me to the ceremony of her graduation. I was really happy with the invitation and i arranged everything already (flight, passport and all the other things).
But now that this CD came up I'm not sure if flying to see her (13hours flight) and staying for a month in a foreign country is advisable. I'd like to hear your opinions on the matter.
She is already aware of my situation as is her mother, they have assured me that if I decide to go they will be very careful with any dietary needs I might have.
I really want to go, I miss my gf. ):
What do you guys reckon on that?
How are things currently for you symptom wise? The good thing is that you have told them about this so they will understand if you need to dash to the loo, also being very careful with what you eat is key. If things are fairly settled for you at the mo there is no reason for the flight to be an issue - unless of course you are a nervious flyer like me? I would say go if you feel well enough, the last thing you need is for this disease to be already dictating your life for you.
Symptom wise? I don't know if I'm in a flare moment.
I am at home all the while seeing I am unemployed.
I have like a kind of Diarrhea mixed with some blood, but I can manage it when I'm outside of my House fairly easy.
Other then that I have a bloated stomach but It recedes when I go to the toylet.

I've started making my diary today and also started on my Medication: Mesalazine 3g per day
I hope it helps calm down the intestines so I can go back to "normal" stools before the flight.

As was said above by you, I should be in control and, even though, I still don't know what makes me worse (food wise) I am pretty sure my symptoms aren't that bad and unmanageable for me to travel. I've searched but there is no specific post regarding travelling on the forum I think. Perhaps I might create it?
It is definetly worth starting a new post about travel to get other people's opinions and experiences. When is the flight booked for, just wondering how much time you have to get things settled. Also have a good look through our diet and nutrition forum as this will have lot of info about trigger foods etc. The main culprits tend to be dairy, caffiene, popcorn and foods with little pips and nuts in them.
Also I would say you are on a flare at the mo due to the D and blood, the med you have been given is used to bring down inflammation in the bowel.
Hi Ekuskrash.
I understand your trepidation about traveling with a recent diagnosis of CD.
I travelled for five weeks to visit my sister about a month after being diagnosed. I'm not sure if it was the wisest decision (I was young and insistent) - but it was fine!! I literally had half a back pack of medicine, a hot line to my doc if required - and took off. Granted she lived in the US - it made scant difference to me if I required medical care whilst there.
Everything went fine.
I also refused to cancel a trip to Italy when I was in the middle of a nasty flare a few years back. Same deal - took half a backpack of meds - but made it. I can probably yell you more about Roman toilet and bathroom interiors than your average person - but dammit - I wasn't gonna miss that trip for the world!!

I do admit that I had a very miserable trip to Peru a few years back. It was arduous, nothing made me feel better and I was very glad to get home.

So maybe do it whilst you're young??!!
It's always really hard to know what to do and when to do it.
In full remission back in 2005 I managed a four month trip.
Most recently though - I came out of hospital - flew out a couple of days later. Got further symptoms 7 days in. Flew home a few days later. Was back in hospital about 4 days later ... And here I am not long after that having an ileostomy!!
First seven days of the holiday were bloody awesome though. The rest was a little stressful and a hassle. I really needed the break though.
It is hard. Sorry to ear about your ileostomy.
The doctor told me that I was not advised to travel seeing as I still didn't have a appointment with a GI. I will go next Friday to that same doctor and if, as I hope, the Mesalazine will help me reduce the symptoms.
Lovely to hear about your trips that went well. I will open a thread regarding travelling with Crohns disease, would love to have your input on the matter.
welcome ekuskrash!

It is good that you have a diagnosis, not what? hehehe

Check out National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse

As for your Nursing, you seem on track to the UK which would be a better option than Portugal or Chile. You may use your UK experience to get to the US.

My career was hiring nurses all over the world for the US. Big market and many options.

Best wishes.
Thanks Jeffrey. I won't lie. Working in the states was my biggest dream. I'd fancy living in a "smaller", quieter town and all that.
But after seeing all the requirements to work there, I've made my decision to stick with the UK. ^ ^"
Little UPDATE:

Went to the doctor today, she said my blood tests were good. Unfortunately for me to get a appointment with a GI in the National Health Service it would take me about 5-6 months.
I've decided to contact a private GI. Will try to get in touch with one that one of my relatives uses for what I think is also CD (I wasn't aware of that! :eek:) and see if I can get a appointment this week or the next one.

Have a nice week all.