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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. xJillx

    Son Almost 12th w/Ileocolonic Crohns, Exclusive Enteral Nutrition

    Hi NewbieMom and welcome! I am so sorry to hear about your son's recent diagnosis. I am glad there has been some improvement while taking Exclusive Enteral Nutrition, but I wish it had a greater impact. Perhaps remission can be achieved when combined with a round of steroids. And being...
  2. xJillx

    Hello Everyone

    Hi and welcome to the forum! I am glad you are doing well now and soon will be graduating college. Congratulations on both accounts. You may want to bop over to the Humira subforum. I am sure you'd find it helpful to talk to others taking the same treatment.
  3. xJillx

    1 Year In - Constant Arthritis Pain

    Hi Cap410 and welcome! Ouch! That ankle sure does look swollen. I am so sorry to hear you are struggling with such bad joint pain. Have you been tested for rheumatoid arthritis? As I am sure you know, Crohn's & RA are auto-immune diseases, and it is not uncommon to have more than one...
  4. xJillx

    Diagnosed with Crohns-New to all of this!

    Hi and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis, but it sounds like you are in good hands. You doctor sounds very attentive being that you see him every 2 weeks. That's amazing! And it sounds like you are on a good treatment plan. As Astra said, you just need to be a little patient...
  5. xJillx

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi there and welcome! I am sorry to hear you haven't noticed any improvement with Pentasa. To be honest, you should have seen some improvement at this point. Perhaps you need your dose adjusted or need a strong drug. Pentasa is used for mild cases, and it may not be strong enough for you...
  6. xJillx

    My History of Crohn's Disease

    Hi tdunn7 and welcome to the forum! Boy, you have certainly been through a lot! And I am so sorry to hear Remicade is just not cutting it anymore. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for this to happen, as the body can build up antibodies against the drug. Have you and your doctor discussed...
  7. xJillx

    Stem cell replacement

    Mr. Ziggy still makes appearances on here every once and awhile. I am quite sure he is still doing very well. I suggest you send him a private message. I am sure he'd be happy to answer any questions you have.
  8. xJillx

    Liz's Story

    Good luck with the dermatologist. I hope he can provide some answers. Keep us posted.
  9. xJillx

    Our Forum Queen is poorly!

    I am glad you are improving a little bit, Pen, and even enjoyed some fresh air. It will do you some good. I hope you continue to improve little by little each day. Hang in there!!!
  10. xJillx

    Pubic Bone Pain

    The pain you are describing is what many call lower right quadrant (LRQ) pain. If I am not mistaken, usually this pain is associated with your terminal ileum. The TI is where the small intestine meets the colon. It's common for Crohnies to have active disease in this area. I have had bad...
  11. xJillx

    Our Forum Queen is poorly!

    Thinking of you, Pen, and hoping you have a speedy recovery! Rest up!!
  12. xJillx

    Our Welshy is poorly!

    I, too, have been thinking of you, Andrea. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I am praying 2012 is a much better year for you.
  13. xJillx


    Oh, Rebecca, I certainly hope it's not MS. I will be thinking of you and sending you well wishes!
  14. xJillx

    Finally diagnosed

    Hi Brenda and welcome! Wow, I can't believe you went undiagnosed for so many years! I am struggling to figure out my GI issues, so I know how frustrating it can be. I am glad to hear your current treatment plan seems to be helping. I hope it continues to work well for you. Once again...
  15. xJillx


    Hi scottsma! I am not from the UK, so I can't offer any advice on communicating with your IBD nurse, but I did want to welcome you to the forum. We have an entire forum devoted to Ulcerative Colitis: I am sure you'll find it helpful. I look...
  16. xJillx

    Reaccurance after 15 years

    Hi Lucy and welcome! I am so sorry your 15 year remission had to come to an end. What medications are your currently taking? Have you seen any improvement? As far as your empolyer, as Angrybird mentioned, don't forget your rights. If needed, you are allowed 12 weeks of leave for medical...
  17. xJillx

    Stem cell replacement

    Hi Jessica and welcome! Boy, you have been through so much. I think pursuing a stem cell replacement is a smart move. As my friends above have said, we have had a few members have successful transplants. And, as far as I last heard, the first person to receive a transplant in 2001 is still...
  18. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    I am back from my scope. All was completely clean. No sign of any inflammation. Hubby and I had a long talk with my GI. We discussed all my results from start to finish. She said we've done "extensive" testing, and at this time she does not have evidence for a diagnosis. She said that who...
  19. xJillx

    My post-surgery update

    Glad to hear everything went well! Hoping you have a speedy recovery.
  20. xJillx

    3 Days Post Op - Investigative Lap

    Hi, ellipse. I am sorry your most recent testing didn't offer any explanation to what's going on with your health. I agree with Cat, it is time to investigate your small intestine. I am surprised you haven't already. I understand you need a break from the testing, but the pill cam is the...