Reaccurance after 15 years

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 5, 2012
I actually believed that I had been magically cured from this disease. I had not had an episode for 15 years and then a week before this past Christmas, I got sick with what I thought was a stomach flu. Within 2 days my symptoms had worsened, I not only had severe pain but I was passing blood. Needless to say I spent the holidays in the hospital, trying to control a full blown Cronhns episode. I am now home armed with so many kinds of medications, I can hardly keep track. Working is a challenge, with numerous trips to the restroom, always nauseous, not eating, the fatigue and just plain not feeling good all the time, I'm starting to think my employer is about to let me go. I need help, the depression is getting worse.
Hello Lucy and welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear that after all this time you are now having problems :( No time is a good time but to chose xmas just adds insult to injury. I would get straight onto your doc about getting your vitamin B12 and D levels checked. Us crohnies tend to be deficient in these and low levels can contribute to how you are feeling mentally about things. With regards to your employer they cannot let you go because your are poorly, if they start giving you grief just remind them of the DDA. Sending lots of hugs and I hope you start to feel better soon :hug:
Hi Lucy and welcome! I am so sorry your 15 year remission had to come to an end. What medications are your currently taking? Have you seen any improvement?

As far as your empolyer, as Angrybird mentioned, don't forget your rights. If needed, you are allowed 12 weeks of leave for medical reasons:

I completely understand how you are depressed while battling a difficult flare. This disease is difficult physically and emotionally. Please know that the forum is always here for you, whether you want some advice, suggestions, or just a place to vent.
Hello Lucy. Welcome to the family.

I can see how it would be easy to believe that you no longer have CD after such a long and beautiful remission. So sorry that it ended so abruptly, but perhaps it will come back.

Many of us struggle with depression and/or anxiety, and are on meds to help us cope. The best thing you can do, though, is to talk about it. You've made a good decision coming here and opening up to others who understand what you're going through. Check out our Mental Health Support Sub-forum. Vent as often and as loudly as you need to. We're all here for each other. You're not alone at all. :hug:
Thank you all for your messages of support. I actually was able to get out today and do some shopping, without being in complete terror of having an accident. :ybiggrin: