
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 5, 2012

hi,just wanted to say hello and thankyou all for being there,although I know we'd all rather be somewhere else.I was diagnosed with u.c. proctitis in 2006.Have used asacol supps.for maintenance since then.when I stop ,I flare.I have discomfort,urgency a lot of the time and try to be careful what I eat or I suffer.I get my meds on repeat prescription and have not had a review or follow up appointment in over 5yrs.I would like to have achat with my ibd nurse,but as it's been so long I'm not sure how to go about it.any suggestions would be apprieciated.thanks for your time.:uk_flag:
Hello and welcome :bigwave: I would say that as it has been so long since you have had a consult at the hospital you may need to have your GP do a re-referral (is that even a word??). I take it you don't have a number for the IBD nurse written down anywhere? If not you can always try contacting the switchboard for the hospital you used to have your appts at and ask to be put the through to the gastro team or the gastro outpatient clinic, in my experience the receptionists are more than happy to start giving out numbers. How are things for you currently?
don't ask

hi angry bird, thanks for replying.usually when anyone asks how I am I say "dont ask" or "how long you got?" I'm ok at the minute.I think I've just accepted "it".I'm never 100% but soooo much better than a lot of people.I suppose I'm lucky that this dratted curse came upon me late in life (I'm now 63)but with all the other age related inconveniences it can wear me down sometimes.please believeme,I'm not a whinger but you did ask.I'm quite fit actually and do plenty walking and keep pretty busy.but there is always a flare at the back of my mind.things have got gradually worse since I was diagnosed so I will take your advice and get an appointment with my Ibd nurse.thankyou for your interest.:thumright:
I know exactly what you mean :) Our 'normal' is not always the same as others and you do tend to get used to feeling 'okay'. It took me ages to realize that having bad tummyaches on a daily basis was not something everyone experienced and that diarrhoea was not the only thing to look out for when on a flare :ybatty: I hope you can get an appt soon and if you don't mind keep us updated?
Hi scottsma! I am not from the UK, so I can't offer any advice on communicating with your IBD nurse, but I did want to welcome you to the forum.

We have an entire forum devoted to Ulcerative Colitis: I am sure you'll find it helpful.

I look forward to seeing you around!
newbie from newcastle

hi Jill,thanks for the welcome.I'm going to contact my IBD nurse soon.just for a chat and a bit of reasurance really.My symptoms have gradually worsend since I was diagnosed and I feel a wee bit neglected.I'm not half as sick as most of you but "it" does interfere with my life quite a lot.hope you are having a "better"day.keep in touch
thanks from newbie

hi Jill,thanks for the welcome.I'm going to contact my IBD nurse soon.just for a chat and a bit of reasurance really.My symptoms have gradually worsend since I was diagnosed and I feel a wee bit neglected.I'm not half as sick as most of you but "it" does interfere with my life quite a lot.hope you are having a "better"day.keep in touch

some people are like slinkys.they serve no useful purpose but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.:eek: