Pubic Bone Pain

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Sep 4, 2011
When I had my first bad flare up back in June, the couple of days before the bleeding and diaherra started I had horrible pain which was in my right lower pubic bone area. This was awful and painkillers didn;t take it away. I thought it was some menstrual thing but not sure. Can IBD cause bone pain down there. I have slight rectum and colon twinges and little cramps now and then but nothing like that. I have had it since but not as bad, but haven't had a flare up again yet! Fingers crossed!

The pain you are describing is what many call lower right quadrant (LRQ) pain. If I am not mistaken, usually this pain is associated with your terminal ileum. The TI is where the small intestine meets the colon. It's common for Crohnies to have active disease in this area.

I have had bad LRQ pain exactly where you are describing, and I had a full colonoscopy in September and all was clear. So, I hope this pain doesn't mean you are inflammed, but it is best to follow up with your GI just in case. Better safe than sorry!
I had sharp stabbing pain behind/in my pubic bone. Not sure what caused it. It was when I had a blockage, and I ended up with a resection. I haven't had that kind of pain since. It might have been "sympathetic" pain, since I'm sure my Crohns issues had nothing to do with my pubic bone. :D