1 Year In - Constant Arthritis Pain

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 4, 2012
I was diagnosed with Crohn's 1 year ago after living a pretty much pain free 26 years of life. I'm currently 27 which I'm told is the average age to be diagnosed. Having a sister with Crohn's made it easier to seek out the right doctors and get diagnosed, then treated.

Since my diagnosis I was been put on Asacol (3-400mg 2X a day), it seemed to do the trick, for a few months. About 5 months in I started having arthritis flare ups about once a month and they would last about a week. My wrists, ankles and knees would be unusable for several days and impact my active life severely. I was told that if it was tied to my bowel inflammation so if I got that under control then the arthritis would subside with it. I have been put on prednisone twice in a year and although my immediate symptoms got better, over time it returned.

My doctor put me on Sulfasalazine in addition to my Asacol (1-500 mg 2X a day). Since starting this medicine 2 months ago I have not seen ANY decrease in joint pain, but rather increased pain. My migratory pain has gone from occasional to constant. I have seen 2 GI doctors and a Rheumetologist to try and find a solution to this. I have recently started a gluten free diet and despite having no significant stomach discomfort, my joints are keeping me almost immobile. I have also started getting acupuncture recently to try some alternative practices that might help.

I'm feeling pretty helpless at this point and don't know what direction to go in. My doctors seem pretty stumped and most things I have read say to control bowel inflammation in order to control arthritis flare ups. Does anybody out there have any suggestions? Should I be recommending different medicines to my doctor to try? I appreciate and welcome to all opinions and ideas...


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Hi Cap410 and welcome! Ouch! That ankle sure does look swollen. I am so sorry to hear you are struggling with such bad joint pain. Have you been tested for rheumatoid arthritis? As I am sure you know, Crohn's & RA are auto-immune diseases, and it is not uncommon to have more than one auto-immune disease. So, perhaps your joint pain is not associated with your bowel issues.

Furthermore, I agree that different medications should be discussed with your GI. You may need something strong. Humira, for example, is used to treat both Crohn's & RA. Even if you don't have RA, I am sure it would help your joint pain.

I sure hope you can come up with a solution soon that can get your feeling well again. Hang in there!
Hey There Cap410 welcome to the forum! I just wanted to say hello and also say that I have Crohn's and I also have arthritis that comes and goes. My arthritis pains do not seem to coincide with any bowel issues. My bowels can be fine and then I can still have pain in my neck, back, wrists, etc. Just wanted to point out that you do not need to stress out because you had the bowel issues under control and then you still had pains. In my opinion from my personal experience, this is not abnormal for me.
there is a forum of arthritis called reactive arthritis which is caused my stomach issues. it is seronegtive which means no rhematod factor. I have ankylosing spondylitis which is also paired with crohn's. My arthritis and stomach issues are not coornated the body is a fancinating like that.
Ouch! Your poor thing :( I had the same joint problems as you in the same areas but this was put down to an allergic reaction to the medication I was on, is this at all a possibility with what you are taking? Have the docs looked at this? If this has been ruled out then perhaps they need to look at the joint pain as a seperate issue on it's own and not try to tie it into the crohns, as already mentioned it is possible to have two autoimmune diseases, although if you did that just would just suck. I hope they manage to get this sorted for you soon

NB Welcome to the forum :)
I have been tested for RA and tested negative, which I thought was good but just created more confusion for me. I will contact my doctor and discuss the RA medicines though to hopefully subside my flare ups. I have not considered the idea that I may be allergic to my medicines but it is a possibility because of the ride in arthritis flare ups. At this point I would like to get off of Sulfasalazene because I have not seen any improvement since starting it, I've actually seen things get worse. I read that if Sulfa doesn't work that Methotrexate is usually prescribed. Is this medicine effective in fighting arthritis related to Crohn's?
Hi, I have been on Methotrexate and this was used to treat both my joint pain and crohns so it is worth looking into. Have a read about it on the treatment forum to make sure this is something you would like to pursue though. It is one of the more 'nasty' ones and does require a lot of monitoring blood test wise.