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  1. Scipio

    Eli Lilly's Omvoh (mirikizumab) beats J&J's Stelara in head-to-head study

    Omvoh, another IL-23 inhibitor, is already FDA approved for UC and is now reporting good results for Crohn's and performed better than Stelara. Quote from the link: "A greater number of patients that achieved histologic response were observed with mirikizumab at Week 52 in the overall...
  2. Scipio

    Higher Early Anti-TNF Levels May Be Crucial to Treatment Success

    In patients with Crohn's disease a multicenter prospective study found that anti-TNF therapy failed to achieve remission at 3 years in about two-thirds of cases, and that high drug concentrations early in treatment are linked to greater probability of sustained remission. This suggests that...
  3. Scipio

    Exposure to Certain Chemicals and Pollutants Associated with Increased Risk of IBD in Humans

    Recent meta-analysis of 32 published studies identified exposure to certain types of chemicals and pollutants as associated with increased risk of IBD. Plastics were not specifically called out. Interestingly, exposure to zinc was found to be associated with lowered risk of IBD. Quote: "The 32...
  4. Scipio

    This is Why I Don't Get Too Excited Over Animal Studies

    This analysis shows that despite close concordance to human diseases, and seemingly promising early results, therapies developed from animal studies result in an FDA-approved therapy for humans only about 5% of the time: Animal studies rarely lead to approvals, new research finds...
  5. Scipio

    Risk of PSC Reduced 86% in IBD Patients Who Receive Statin Therapy

    Huge decrease of risk of developing Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (a serious disease of the bile ducts that can lead to liver failure) is associated with statin use in IBD patients: In IBD Patients, Statin Use Associated with Lower Risk of Developing PSC | GI and Hepatology News (
  6. Scipio

    Life Cut Short by Crohn's Disease

    If there is any comfort in having an incurable, serious disease, for the Crohn's patient it may be the knowledge that at least it is usually not fatal. The life expectancy for Crohn's patients is almost the same as that of the normal population. One tragic exception to this rule was that of...
  7. Scipio

    New AGA Guideline for Diet and Nutritional Therapies for IBD

    The AGA has issued new GI practice guidelines for diet and nutritional therapies for IBD: The Guideline: Summary: A Starting Point First, the panelists advise that, unless contraindicated, all patients with IBD follow a...
  8. Scipio

    Zeposia (Ozanimod) Flunks Its Crohn's Clinical Trial

    Bad News: Zeposia, which is already approved by the FDA for treating multiple sclerosis and ulcerative colitis, failed to hit its target endpoint in its Phase III clinical trial of Crohn's disease...
  9. Scipio

    History of IBD Linked to Severe Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for COVID

    Keep those masks handy and vaccines up to date:
  10. Scipio

    Higher Vitamin D Levels are Associated with Improved Outcomes in IBD Patients Treated with Entyvio From the paper: Conclusions Our retrospective study of patients on vedolizumab therapy for both UC and CD found that higher pre-treatment vitamin D levels were associated with higher endoscopic improvement in UC and greater nutritional and...
  11. Scipio

    New 5-minute Blood Tests for Remicade and Humira Have Been FDA Approved
  12. Scipio

    Entyvio Receives FDA Approval for Injectable Version

    Until now Entyvio has been by infusion only in the US:
  13. Scipio

    Skyrizi Beats Stelara in Several Key Factors in Head-to-Head Comparison Trial
  14. Scipio

    Scientists Get a Better Understanding of How Stress Can Inflame the Gut in IBD Patients

    " Psychological stress is known to worsen the gut inflammation caused by certain bowel diseases. Now scientists have found out why. New research1 outlines a sweeping narrative that begins with chemical cues produced in the brain and ends with immune cells in the gut — a sequence that spells...
  15. Scipio

    First JAK Inhibitor Approved by FDA for Treatment of Crohn's

    Rinvoq: A new class of drugs for...
  16. Scipio

    Understanding of the Genetic Basis of IBD Susceptibility Increases with Addition of East Asian Patients

    Article The paper...
  17. Scipio

    Antibiotic Use Associated with Increased Risk of IBD

    New study: "Conclusion Antibiotic exposure is associated with an increased risk of IBD, and was highest among individuals aged 40 years and older. This risk increased with cumulative antibiotic exposure, with antibiotics targeting...
  18. Scipio

    Receptor on Gut Cells is Also Present on Immune Response Cells

    This is very early basic research, but finding the same receptor protein on the surface of both gut and immune cells opens a new approach to treating/curing IBD. This is years or decades away from clinical use, but it is encouraging to see new approaches opening up...
  19. Scipio

    Preventing IBD May Not be Hopeless

    From the article: "Adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle may prevent inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), according to findings from an analysis of three prospective U.S. cohort studies, which were validated in three external European cohorts. In the primary analysis, maintaining low...
  20. Scipio

    Reassuring data on NSAIDs in IBD flares