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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. G

    Paying 4 students loans when very ill

    Greetings Everyone, I tried to search for information on this topic, trying to pay for student loans when the patient is too ill to work but can't seem to find it. Does anybody know of a website or have information (I could've sworn it was on the CD forum) that if one can not work due to be...
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    Great article on 5 signs of bad nutrition advice

    found this article from the Cleveland clinic. Just wanted to share it with everyone. Very good advice...
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    Article on IUD Safety found this on Yahoo health. It's updated information on the IUD which I should have specified better in the title. sorry. have a great weekend!!
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    Serious parasite affecting GI tract in these states just an fyi for our forum members who live in these states. IT DOES NOT LIVE ON HANDS OR IS TRANSFERRED FROM PERSON TO PERSON. The PARASITE IS FOUND IN FOOD AND WATER. Be safe and feel well!!
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    Another surgery for ANOTHER abscess

    The fun never ends for some of us. I have ANOTHER abdominal abscess that hurts like heck and is draining on his own (I did help it a little by lancing it with a sterile syringe). Saw my GI surgeon and he said that he has to go back in and see where the infection is coming from PLUS do culture...
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    Any newer oral medications out for CD?

    Hello CD Forum, How are we doing today? I'm a Crohnie since the age of 12. Tried Remicade and it only lasted 2 yrs. for me. Humira never worked, 6MP worked for a few yrs. until it lowered my white count down to 1. Anyway, I'm on Entocort and it's been working but now I'm getting some soreness...
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    You can have both Crohns AND Ulcerative Colitis

    ** Administrator Edit - You CAN have both Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis. The thread title has been edited to showcase that. Please see the last post of this thread for an explanation. ---------------------------------------- THIS IS JUST AN FYI FROM AN IBD PATIENT WHO'S DONE RESEARCH AND...
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    High dose of folic acid doesn't raise cancer risk article to share about folic acid. fyi. :)
  9. G

    Mthfr & IBD this is a blood clotting disorder that's genetic. I have it and have been told that there is a link between that and having Crohn's & UC. Anybody else have this as well?
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    From the American Cancer Society This is an up to date article 3-21-12 written by the National Cancer Institute.. There will ALWAYS be ongoing testing to determine the safety and viability of newer treatments. PLEASE NOTE: This is just an FYI. Please TALK...
  11. G

    Beyond Birth Control--Newer Isn't Always Better

    With Birth Control Pills, New Isn't Always Better by Richard Knox Bayer HealthCare, the leading maker of birth control pills, is coming out with a brand new pill. Natazia, as it's called, contains a form of estrogen that's never been used in an oral contraceptive. It also has a novel...
  12. G

    Health risks They won't tell you about while on the pill

    I got this article from one of the members at a CCFA meeting I went to and she emailed it to me. Thought it was interesting so I'd like to share it with everyone here. Another article from my buddy: Bowel...
  13. G

    Great article on the pill & how it causes gut problems

    Found this article and wanted to share with women who use the pill and want to get pregnant down the road or who have other GI issues: This is why I have never used the pill at all. On top of these...
  14. G

    Who's done with their Christmas shopping?

    Hi everyone!! I've been done since April with my holiday shopping for my nieces and nephews. I broke my record from last year AND I even spent less money this year as well. I honestly had no intention of shopping really but I was out and about and kept on seeing all of these great bargains so...
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    Nobody should have to work for a jerk

    nobody should have to work for a jerk I found this site and it is awesome. Now you can rate your boss anonymously if they are the worst to work for. I rated my ex boss so if my old job was ever open, applicants would know that she's not a great person to...
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    Find a bathroom anywhere in the world

    find a bathroom anywhere in the world Came across this site and just wanted to share with you especially if you are traveling this summer. Wishing everyone a lifelong remission. Hugs, Gutless Wonder woman :D:D:D
  17. G

    I need some help please

    I was in the hospital AGAIN due to an abdominal abscess (had a temp and felt lousy) that had to be drained in the ER. I was admitted with IV antibiotics for 2 days and then sent home with a script for antibiotics and a visiting RN to check the wound as it's very deep and only 2" wide. No more...
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    In honor of my birthday today

    I am wishing for everyone with IBD to be pain free forever and that a cure may be found once and for all so we won't have to be poked, prodded, and turned inside out anymore. Also, I wish that WE WILL NEVER EVER HAVE TO STEP INSIDE AN ER OR BE AN INPATIENT AT A HOSPITAL FOR TESTS OR SURGERY...
  19. G

    Anybody else read this on TNF blockers causing cancer in young pts.

    anybody else read this on TNF blockers causing cancer in young pts. FROM YAHOO NEWS: FDA finds more blood cancer with TNF blocker drugs WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. health regulators have received more reports of rare blood cancer in young patients taking a class of anti-inflammatory drugs...
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    Another new online article on IBD and blood clots

    Hi everyone, I found another article while surfing and just wanted to share it with you. Seems like there is more and more studies saying the same thing: people with IBD are at a greater risk to develop blood clots. Inflammatory Bowel Disease More Than Doubles Potentially Fatal Blood Clot...