12 months in Remission

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Jul 16, 2011
30 min train ride to London 2012
Just like to thank a few forum members for posting their views/experience of trying natural products.
I've had the best 12 months since i was diagnosed many years ago.

Admin edit February 21st - this appears to be a scam. Please read the last post in the thread
What wonderful news! I hope you have many, many more years of blissful remission!
Could you share more information please :)
What did you do for healing?
Hi stratford,

I hope you don't mind but i've sent you a PM re your above post.

Hope to hear from you soon.
ID4 Crohns - i've sent you PM.

One thing i forgot to add,the hospital you attend is about 20 miles from where i live.
If you ever want to meet up for a coffee & a chat pls feel free to message me via this forum.

Best Wishes
I've been taking AMP (an extract of Aloe).

I won't post the brand i buy following things i've read on various forums.

Thanks for your replies

I'm going to give this a try.I'm a bit confused about any difference the soy leitchen or l-glutamine may make so i've ordered one of each and do a month of each.(Only info i found was about if you have celiac).

Which one have you used?
Any Difference/Problems?

I'm not due to go back to hospital until last week of march so i've got time to see if it helps me.

Well i've been taking AMP for 3 weeks now and it's looking very promising.
The last 6 days i've had formed stool with no blood.I feel better in myself (not as tired).

I'm keeping my fingers crossed this improvement continues.
Been to o/p clinic today at hospital (annual visit).

As always i had a full blood test done 10 days before todays appt.
My CRP level is down to 2.The lowest i've ever had.My Doc said everything else was excellent.

He asked me all the usual q's today - Pain,Bowel Movements,Appetite etc.
I told him i've had a terrific 13 months since i've been on the AMP and i hadn't been suffering like before.

He gave me an appt for 12 months time.

I'm so glad i tried the AMP.
I'm so thankful for forums like this where crohnies can talk about all different forms of treatment.
Been to o/p clinic today at hospital (annual visit).

As always i had a full blood test done 10 days before todays appt.
My CRP level is down to 2.The lowest i've ever had.My Doc said everything else was excellent.

He asked me all the usual q's today - Pain,Bowel Movements,Appetite etc.
I told him i've had a terrific 13 months since i've been on the AMP and i hadn't been suffering like before.

He gave me an appt for 12 months time.

I'm so glad i tried the AMP.
I'm so thankful for forums like this where crohnies can talk about all different forms of treatment.

Glad to hear things are good for you.

I've been taking AMP 4 weeks now - it's looking very,very promising.
I've been taking AMP (an extract of Aloe).

Hi Stratford,
congratulations on your remission, hope it lasts forever :)

I wanted to ask you if you take anything else besides AMP, and were you on anything else before you started it? and if you have how did you switch? I might have to start Humira soon after having my surgery, but trying to maybe find another option as I'm dreading side effects and doing harm to other parts of my body to save this one.
I came off of immunosuppreion drugs 6 weeks before i started AMP
Many years ago i had hemi colectomy.Ever since then i've had to take Imodium due to the removal of some of my bowel.

Now i take AMP,Imodium & i follow the BRAT diet.

Hope this helps
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