My name is Hannah, I am 14 years old and have been majorly suffering from Crohn's disease for over a year now. I was just diagnosed by my gastroenterologist through endoscopy and colonscopy in April. The pills I am prescribed don't seem to be working very well which is making my doctor think i also have IBS. As much as I am glad that my mysterious stomach aches and bathroom trips are now explainable and have a name, i was discouraged (and a little embarrassed) by the fact I had a "disease" and a crummy one at that. But it seems more people than I realize are suffering from this too! I am currently on 2500 mg of Pentasa everyday as well as folic acid. And I have just begun taking Methotrexate. Overall I was just looking for some tips on how to cope with this and any ideas that worked for others like me!