5 year old son has Symptoms of what I think is Crohn's

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Jul 13, 2013
My 5 year old son has had symptoms of Crohn's for over a year but no one really thought it was Crohn's but they did blood work found out he had leukemia about a month after he started Chemo the symptoms he had before disappeared and now this past week they came back. He seems very tired not himself complaining that his stomach hurts he had diarrhea yesterday and today there is no blood but there is some mucus though and on Monday he was throwing up. He has a appointment with his pediatrician on Monday so hopefully he can give us a referral to a GI. Also Crohn's runs in my husbands( his dad) family his grandfather and his little brother and sister have it. Does this sound like Crohn's it happened a month ago too the same symptoms its like a recurring stomach flu (that no one else gets )
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I wouldn't want to hazard a guess. When I was young I got in to see a pediatric G.I. Specialist. We go an answer in a couple of weeks (after a few tests). Hope things work out.
Glad you have an appt with your ped.
I agree a ped Gi would be a great place to start . There are so many things Gi wise that it could be it is good to get the Gi on board early .
Wow, Im sorry you have to deal with him having Leukemia, and now worrying that he may have Crohn's as well.
I'm sorry I really don't want to "guess" here, especially since he has such other complications. It is a really good idea to go to the pediatric GI tho given the family history.
I wish you the best of luck ! :hug:
Oh my Ashlynn, what a difficult and heartbreaking time for you. :ghug:

Wholeheartedly agree with paediatric GI referral. Given the symptoms you describe, yes they can be cyclic, and your family history it really is case that your little guy needs to have Crohn's/IBD as one of the things that is ruled either in or out.

Good luck mum and please keep us posted with how you are both getting on.

Dusty. xxx
Ditto all the above. Amazing the symptoms chemo causes in so many were actually cleared whilst your son was on it. I'm sure he will be followed very closely by the oncology team, maybe you could get a referral for his gi symptoms at the same hospital??
Oh Ashlynn, my heart goes out to you! My son was dx'd quick, but it did seem like a flu that just wouldn't go away. I hope you get some answers soon!
Ashlynn, So sorry to hear about all you have been through. I also think a ped GI would be a great place to start. Is he finished with his chemo? The reason I ask is an acquaintance of mine had Crohns since she was 19 and recently came down with cancer and said that while she was getting her chemo her Crohns went into total remission. Something about the chemo surpressing the immune system. Just antidotal and not very scientific but worth a hmmm.

I hope it really isn't anything as you have certainly had your fill.
I'm so sorry your son has been through so much at such a young age.

Was he on prednisone or other steroid (dexamethasone) for his leukemia? These corticosteroids do treat symptoms in Crohn's.
So sorry about your son and I agree this needs to be investigated in light of your family history. Quite a few IBD drugs (imuran, 6mp, methotrexate) are lower dose chemotheraputic meds so it's not surprising that his IBD (if that's what it is) responded to chemo. I hope you get some answers soon.
Just thought I would give you a update. We saw his pediatrician yesterday we got a referral to a GI we have an appointment on Friday. I feel so bad the poor kid spends more time with doctors then he spends at home.

Thank you guys so much :)
Sorry, just caught up with this! So sorry you are all having such a tough time :(

Really hope the GI appointment went well. (((HUGS))) xxx
My friend's daughter was on methotrexate for her leukemia, which is one of the meds some of our kids are on for crohn's. I hope your son is doing well cancer wise. I hope that you can find some easy answers for his GI symptoms as well. I don't wish Crohn's on anyone, but I do wish answers, healing and health for your son!
Hi Ashlyn and welcome.

I pray your son heals fast.
My Grace is 4 1/2 yrs old. My heart goes out to you and trying to tell a youngster why he has to go through all this. You sound like your doing a great job. Hang in there.
I hope the Gi gives you some direction soon.

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