6MP and Yellow Fever Vaccine

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Apr 16, 2018
I'm 29 and was diagnosed with UC 4 years ago. Been 100% stable and flare free since starting 6MP following my diagnoses. In general the disease does not control my life at all and the only impact to me has been having to take my pills daily.

I've always dreamed of backpacking through South America and will have an opportunity to do so in September, 5 months from now. In looking into my vaccination requirements it's become apparent to me that a yellow fever vaccination is recommended/required in many places in South America and as a live vaccine is something that is recommended for me to avoid. My dose is only 75mg/day, recently down from 100mg/day.

I will be talking to my doctor soon but has anyone else been in a similar situation and had this work out for them successfully? If so were there any hurdles you had to deal with?
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My daughters are on Remicade and we saw an infectious disease travel doc who totally nixed travel to Senegal and Ecuador without the yellow fever vaccine. She also nixed another African trip due to yellow fever. The country wasn't on the "must" vaccinate list but it bordered one that was and the itinerary took her very close to the border so the ID doc said not to go.

Our GI nixed travel to Ecuador because of dengue fever and TB risk in the areas she was planning to visit.

Being a 29 year old woman I would also just caution you if you are planning to become pregnant research Zika in the area.

How's that for paranoid and cautious?

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