Well...where to start?? It's been a rollercoaster of a decade that's for sure. Many ups & downs (my bathroom is on the second floor!
I guess I'll start at the beginning. I was having issues for about 3-4 years before I was diagnosed. After many visits to my uninterested GP, many packages of immodium and many procedures, I still had no answers but the standard "you have IBS". I was finally sent to a gastroenterologist where i went through my first colonoscopy which was a terrible experience. Prepping for the test was nothing short of torturous after a bad experience (vomiting & diarrhea all at the same time) prepping for a barium enima, then during the procedure I felt a lot of pressure & was really uncomfortable. The test results showed nothing...but I do remember in my foggy state that the doc stopped the test because I was in pain (seriously? Shouldn't that have been an indication that something was wrong & they should investigate further!??) That was in Feb of 2004. I was not treated for anything & nothing was done until I finally took matters into my own hands & started doing my own research. I finally "suggested" that my doc send me for a CT scan. I was scheduled for 4 months later...which in my mind was NOT good enough so I phoned my doctor's office every day for 2 weeks until they moved my appt up closer. I think it was moved 2 months to the beginning of Dec. '04. I had the CT scan, and the next day, I just happend to have a follow up appt with my gastro for the colonoscopy I had done earlier in the year. I told him about my CT scan and he phoned in to the results. He got off the phone & said "you have crohn's"...I was floored. I had no idea what this meant, what to expect, nothing. I was there by myself because it was just a routine follow up. Oh, and I should mention that I was 24 at that time. Anyway, the doc gave me some Rxs for prednisone & azathioprine & sent me on my way. I was in a complete daze....I remember sitting in my car for a good 10mins before I even turned it on. I didn't know what to do, or where to go...so I went to my GPs office for some reason. I told her what had happened & she had the audacity to say "oh, so there really was something wrong with you". I couldn't believe she said that!!! Did she think I was just going to her office for fun?? Needless to say I never saw that doc again.
That's my diagnosis story.
I've moved provinces & cities over the last 7 years, so I've gone through a few doctors as well. Some good, some bad! But I'm happy to say that I am currently seeing a fantastic doctor, and despite the current flare up I am experiencing, they are fewer & farther between than they have ever been. I am lucky in that I do have have an extreme case of Crohn's. I have never had surgery, and I can eat almost anything in moderation. It's stress that is my largest trigger. I am currently on 3.5 tabs of Azathioprine, plus I take a multivitamin & more recently folic acid. Which leads me to the main reason for joining this forum. My husband and I are looking at trying to conceive mid next year & I'm looking for women's experiences with Crohn's disease & pregnancy. I have heard that some women go into remission after having a baby, or that they can experience complications during pregnancy due to their crohn's. I'm also looking for information on pregnancy while on Azathioprine. If anyone has any information on this, please feel free to post here, or PM me. I am off to search the forum! Wish me luck!!!
Wow...sorry for the novel! lol
It has been confirmed through MRI that I have fistulas. My husband and I have still not tried to conceive since I've been going through testing to make sure my CD is stable. Our TTC date was supposed to be Dec. Now that may be pushed off depending on what we are going to do about the fistulas. My doc is sending me for a second opinion. He's on the fence about surgery because my CD seems to be relatively symptom free. I have flare for 1-2 days every 3-4 months. And lately I've been able to ward off oncoming flare ups through a change in my diet.
And the waiting game begins again....
I guess I'll start at the beginning. I was having issues for about 3-4 years before I was diagnosed. After many visits to my uninterested GP, many packages of immodium and many procedures, I still had no answers but the standard "you have IBS". I was finally sent to a gastroenterologist where i went through my first colonoscopy which was a terrible experience. Prepping for the test was nothing short of torturous after a bad experience (vomiting & diarrhea all at the same time) prepping for a barium enima, then during the procedure I felt a lot of pressure & was really uncomfortable. The test results showed nothing...but I do remember in my foggy state that the doc stopped the test because I was in pain (seriously? Shouldn't that have been an indication that something was wrong & they should investigate further!??) That was in Feb of 2004. I was not treated for anything & nothing was done until I finally took matters into my own hands & started doing my own research. I finally "suggested" that my doc send me for a CT scan. I was scheduled for 4 months later...which in my mind was NOT good enough so I phoned my doctor's office every day for 2 weeks until they moved my appt up closer. I think it was moved 2 months to the beginning of Dec. '04. I had the CT scan, and the next day, I just happend to have a follow up appt with my gastro for the colonoscopy I had done earlier in the year. I told him about my CT scan and he phoned in to the results. He got off the phone & said "you have crohn's"...I was floored. I had no idea what this meant, what to expect, nothing. I was there by myself because it was just a routine follow up. Oh, and I should mention that I was 24 at that time. Anyway, the doc gave me some Rxs for prednisone & azathioprine & sent me on my way. I was in a complete daze....I remember sitting in my car for a good 10mins before I even turned it on. I didn't know what to do, or where to go...so I went to my GPs office for some reason. I told her what had happened & she had the audacity to say "oh, so there really was something wrong with you". I couldn't believe she said that!!! Did she think I was just going to her office for fun?? Needless to say I never saw that doc again.
That's my diagnosis story.
I've moved provinces & cities over the last 7 years, so I've gone through a few doctors as well. Some good, some bad! But I'm happy to say that I am currently seeing a fantastic doctor, and despite the current flare up I am experiencing, they are fewer & farther between than they have ever been. I am lucky in that I do have have an extreme case of Crohn's. I have never had surgery, and I can eat almost anything in moderation. It's stress that is my largest trigger. I am currently on 3.5 tabs of Azathioprine, plus I take a multivitamin & more recently folic acid. Which leads me to the main reason for joining this forum. My husband and I are looking at trying to conceive mid next year & I'm looking for women's experiences with Crohn's disease & pregnancy. I have heard that some women go into remission after having a baby, or that they can experience complications during pregnancy due to their crohn's. I'm also looking for information on pregnancy while on Azathioprine. If anyone has any information on this, please feel free to post here, or PM me. I am off to search the forum! Wish me luck!!!
Wow...sorry for the novel! lol
It has been confirmed through MRI that I have fistulas. My husband and I have still not tried to conceive since I've been going through testing to make sure my CD is stable. Our TTC date was supposed to be Dec. Now that may be pushed off depending on what we are going to do about the fistulas. My doc is sending me for a second opinion. He's on the fence about surgery because my CD seems to be relatively symptom free. I have flare for 1-2 days every 3-4 months. And lately I've been able to ward off oncoming flare ups through a change in my diet.
And the waiting game begins again....
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