Oh honey, I'm sorry. I had some tearful accidents when I had my ostomy, my first one in an airport when I was with my husband on my way to visit my parents in Alaska! I thought I was going to die of embarrassment, but my husband just helped me get cleaned up, and told me it wasn't a big deal and not to let it ruin my trip, and I didn't. I had another leak on vacation in Alaska with a bunch of people around, several at work, and one on my wedding night after my husband and I had dinner. I also had problems with my skin, and two days before my wedding I had to spend the whole day up in my room alone while my extended family waited down stairs because my skin was too sore to hold a bag at all, and they wouldn't stay on for even an hour! I went through a ton of bags that day!
As bad as that was, it all did make me stronger, and no matter what I always had the support of my husband, thank God. I really learned not to take myself so seriously, and I have never regretted my ostomy for a moment because it gave me my life back.
I did learn a really great trick from all of those blow outs. It is disgusting, but I taught it to other ostimates on here, and if you are willing to be a little grossed out, it could be really helpful to you.
On the day when I had so many blow outs and my skin was so raw that I couldn't keep a bag on at all, I discovered that what you have to do is lay in a bath tub with your bag off getting soaked for as long as you can stand it. I used a plastic cup and every time Oliver Stoma did its thing, I collected the poo in it and just kept soaking. Just soak and soak, and it will help the skin heal. Then, when you want to get out, obviously clean your body with fresh soap and water, but just use water near the stoma. Dry off really well, and then put a bag on. Works every time. Your skin should be healed enough to hold a bag again.
I know this is disgusting and extreme, but it helped a few people on here last year, and it is better than never being able to get a good seal and leaking again and again.
Good luck sweetheart, and remember that every hardship makes you stronger, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time.