Accepting Crohn's through art - NYC area

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This post approved by Admin
May 27, 2015

I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2011. I was about eleven years old when the symptoms stared and twelve when I was finally diagnosed. Crohn's has been a physical and emotional battle for me. My only escape has been to photograph everything in sight. I am currently a student at the School of Visual Arts and it is time for me to confront this disease with my lens. I am interested in photographing people with Crohn's of all ages and would like to know if anybody here is interested in the idea. The purpose of this project is to help myself accept this disease as well as raise awareness.

Please feel free to message me if you are interested in participating.
If I were the patient, I would be participate.

I think you're strong and brilliant and I would love to see the finished project! I hope you have a great journey with this project!!!
I would love for you to photograph my beautiful, strong, daughter with Crohn's, but we are too far away from NYC. It sounds like a wonderful project. All the best!
If I were the patient, I would be participate.

I think you're strong and brilliant and I would love to see the finished project! I hope you have a great journey with this project!!!

Thank you so much! Once the project is finished I will post my website so everyone can see. I really appreciate the support and kind words
I would love for you to photograph my beautiful, strong, daughter with Crohn's, but we are too far away from NYC. It sounds like a wonderful project. All the best!

I hope that after the project has gotten a good start I will be able to travel outside of NYC to photograph. It would be an amazing experience photographing your daughter and her journey.

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