Accused of drug seeking

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Jan 19, 2012
Has anyone else with Chrons or colitis ever been accused of being a drug seeker or addict at the ER. How do you combat this. My GI doc sent me to the ER because he could do nothing for my pain in his office.
The ER doc comes into my room and says I've been reading up on you you have quite a history at our hospital. I explained I have Chron's and that my GI doc sent me here and he said he wanted you to contact and the ER doc smirked and said ya I called him he said to discharge you. I said so your not treating me he said no I don't enable drug seekers. I called the GI doc turns out no one ever called him he was pissed.
This is not the first time this has happened to me how do you get ER docs to understand Chron's flares need to be taken seriously I could have a perforation or another blockage or ileus that could kill me not to mention how cruel it is to leave someone in such pain what happened to first do no harm.
Any suggestions
I have never been accused of seeking drugs, but one hospital I went to just didn't take me seriously and didn't treat me. I have found another local hospital that takes me back immediately when I am having an episode and starts Zophran and morphine right away. So I go there whenever I am having issues.
Fozzyboy, this has never happend to me but if it did, I would take out my cell and call my gi and then hand the phone to the e.r. doc. That is assuming it was durring business hours. That is a despicable thing to do and that doctor should be reprimanded!!! When I need to go to the E.R I insist they call my doctor and then my doctor insists they put me on the phone. I doesnt happen often but when it does this system gets me pain meds pretty quick.
I would suggest filing an official complaint with the hospital. Make no mistake, the hospital will take it VERY seriously.
I agree with David, file an official complaint.

In that letter of complaint, aside from the specifics of what happened at the time, I would also raise how "shocked and disappointed" you were at the lack of understanding and compassion shown toward you at the time but also the depth of arrogance and ignorance regarding Crohn's Disease in general. Finish off by suggesting that due to the unpredictable and serious nature that the complications of Crohn's disease can present to an ER doctor, perhaps education on the matter is sorely required. That and a refresher course on ethics, particularly focusing on lying to patients.

Dusty. xxx
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I am sorry you had this experience. Before I was diagnosed I was accused of that very thing because of my previous surgeries. Needless to say I left in tears and the referring doctor was very upset. When I ended up having surgery and received pathology back I took it straight to his office and asked him how he felt about the outcome? ( I am a bit pushy when provoked ) He politely said "sorry for the inconvenience" SORRY.....I felt like leaning over the desk and slapping the snot out of him but I didn't. I did however tell him he needs to remember what it was like when he first became a surgeon and his willingness to listen to his patient and have compassion and if he couldn't do that then he needs to retire..Yes I did.

I think all these ER docs and nurses need an education in not only CD but also uc as well.. Then take a bedside manner course as well.
I hope you are doing better today and always
Has anyone else with Chrons or colitis ever been accused of being a drug seeker or addict at the ER. How do you combat this. My GI doc sent me to the ER because he could do nothing for my pain in his office.
The ER doc comes into my room and says I've been reading up on you you have quite a history at our hospital. I explained I have Chron's and that my GI doc sent me here and he said he wanted you to contact and the ER doc smirked and said ya I called him he said to discharge you. I said so your not treating me he said no I don't enable drug seekers. I called the GI doc turns out no one ever called him he was pissed.
This is not the first time this has happened to me how do you get ER docs to understand Chron's flares need to be taken seriously I could have a perforation or another blockage or ileus that could kill me not to mention how cruel it is to leave someone in such pain what happened to first do no harm.
Any suggestions

That is just dreadful.They just have no understanding of Crohn's patients.
I came across many Dr's who were very arrogant.I always got the impression they thought they knew my symptoms better than i did!
I was never accused of seeking drugs like you were but i had one Dr lie to me.
Under his team of Dr's i was treated with various immunosuppression drugs.When it got to a stage where it was clear i could not tolerate these potent drugs he had prescribed he decided to tell me i had been give the wrong information and i should have just stayed on 5ASA drugs (which were hopeless).
His arrogance stank.
I have great empathy for what you have been through.

I have recently been on strong pain medication for a non-digestive problem. My pain became so severe that I could not sleep at all for several days and I had to keep moving (pacing) during the day to cope with the pain. Because I did not present with the textbook symptoms for my problem, the ER doc was very condescending to me. After I produced the private MRI that I had done the day before (that visually displayed the severity of my problem) she took me more seriously.

However, when I was discharged home (a four-hour drive away),[SPECIAL][/SPECIAL] I was given only one dose of pain meds to last the weekend (hospital policy to deter drug seekers), despite needing Percocet every four hours at the hospital. Fortunately, a GP that I had seen earlier in the week for this condition agreed to order more pain meds over the phone, so I was able to have them when I got home. If he had not been compassionate, I would have ended up in the ER at home specifically drug-seeking! I wonder how that would have affected my care in future visits. Thankfully, I am completely off the pain meds now.

Looking back, if the ER doc hadn't come around right away, I think that I would have had my spouse speak up for me and insist that they treat the pain and that we were not leaving until they did. It is too hard to advocate for yourself when you are in so much pain.
Fozzyboy, I have been in somewhat similar situations. For ages after my diagnosis before I had a pain specialist who now provide Pain Meds to keep my Crohns pain under control as my GI was relucant to prescribe these which is common for them and the reason why most people get there pain meds of their GP or pain specialist. For ages before I got him there where many times I visited doctors at the ER at one of my local hospitals and they laughed me out of hospital, saying I didn't need any medication. They even went as far as saying I didn't have Crohns disease and it was just IBS so I should been on any medication at ALL, even though My GI has diagnosed it and it is a classic case of CD. Anyway, my suggestion is don't let this get you down. First of all either find a pain specialist who can deal with your pain and prescribe pain meds to deal with pain when you get it. Crohns disease can be a very painful condition to have and any good doctor that has compassion will know to treat your pain or distress seriously. So first of all find a good GP and/or pain specialist who can prescribe pain meds. Second of all you need to file an official complaint with that hospital, that piece of **** doctor who treated you like that sounds like an ******* and should be held responsible for not only treating you like a druggie, but lying to you and then discharging you without any medication to keep you pain under control until things were resolved. DOn't worry mate, I was in a situation like this for months trying to get proper pain management for my Crohns and the whole time I was treated like a druggie and laughed at by alot of mean doctors with little to no empathy. Long story short though, there are good, compassionate doctors out there who are in Medicine because they REALLY do care about people, theses are the real doctors/healers. Find yourself one of them and you won't have to worry about drug seeking or being treated badly. My pain is managed by my GP and pain specialist and it is very rare I ever need to go to the ER for pain management. Which is good because often they make you wait ages to get treated and then depending on who you get as your ER doctor, might get treated like a drug seeker. Have faith, file a complaint with this doctor and also for the future I recommend getting a Pain specialist to treat your pain. They are specialist in Pain medication and if you have a good one of them looking after you, you wont have to worry about relying on ER's for any acute flare ups. Hope ya well now mate. Take it easy. Seeya - Tim :)
This is one thing I am afraid of. Most of the time I am scared to even ask for pain meds for fear of being accused as a drug seeker. I only take pain meds when necessary and right now I need something as I am currently having a flare. Maybe I am just being paranoid. I have to see my GP today so hopefully he can help.
I would have went out in the parking lot, found the BMW or Mercedes (because its more than likely the doctors) and left the note in the side of it with a rock I found. Just kidding, but I have to give you credit because I don't know how I would react to somebody turning me away like that. When I was in the hospital after my abscess surgery I was on morphine until one time I ran out and needed to call for more when the nurse came in and told me the charge nurse said I don't need anymore and that was only for the remaining day after surgery. Some girl who knew nothing about my case, I've never seen before got to determine how I felt? It wasn't happening. Fortunately I had a nurse that was decent enough and had my surgeon called and had orders to keep me on morphine until she could come and personally see me to drop me down to something lighter.

I really feel bad that you took the time to go to ER, waited that time only to be turned away by some idiot. I would definitely be making some sort of complaint and making that heard.
I had a nurse accuse me of drug seeking. I had been in the worst flare I have ever had, and the pain was unusually more than I had ever remembered. I called my gastro's office Friday morning after a night with no rest bathroom visits and PAIN. I usually reject pain meds because I don't like the woozy bubble headed feeling I get. Anyhow when I spoke with one of the office nurse's she said she would talk to the Dr. and get back with me. I waited until afternoon and no return call. I called the office again she said that she had spoken with my Dr. and since I had waited all week and was calling on a Friday they felt I was looking for "pills for the weekend". My response was excuse me? She hung up on me!!!! So i called the main office and complained to my Dr.'s personal assistant. the message was passed on to my Dr. who then called me to get the situation from me. He apologized called in my script and the nurse who handled it was discharged with my Dr's office.

It's unfortunate that due to druggies, that patients with legitimate complaints are not taken seriously.
The only way I have found not to be accused of drug seeking is to ask the same doctor for my pain meds. And I bring my previous prescriptions with me so they know when I ask for them and how mcuh I got.

I have a family doctor and my GI. I ask them only for pain meds.

In Quebec we will soon be connected in a global system for our medical file. At least then they will know what I am using and when I ask for more it will be written that it's normal for all doctors to see.
After my last post here I went to a new PCP and finally he listened. (Something I have not had in the past) I told him I had been given Norco in the past but didn't like the zombie effect. He gave me Tylenol 3 which does make things bearable. I am not sure hoe they will do in a major flare, but at least I was not judged when I told him I genuine pain on a daily basis that regular otc medication didn't touch. I hope you find a doctor who will listen to you as mine did for me, a lot of stress removed for me.
Warm regards and best wishes
It really worries me that even people who have been diagnosed are not being treated fairly . Is there some stigma attached to the likely hood of Crohns or IBD illnesses ? I recently asked a young newly qualified Doctor about IBS out of curiosity. He said " this means we don't know" SO IBS should be changed to WDK ( we dont know ). My doctor is very reluctant to perscribe anything other than over the counter meds and will not move past IBS even though my symptoms are IBD related.
It's not just Crohns. It is all chronic pain disorders. Doctors are afraid to give out pain medication because they are so closely monitored by the DEA. You can thank all the prescription drug abusers out there for this. Chronic pain sufferers are the innocent victims of the war on drugs. Every time another celebrety out there ODs the media makes a huge issue out of it and the DEA tightens control even more.

I also have chronic migraine disease. I cannot tell you the number of times I've had problems in the ER when I've had breakthrough pain. I even have a pain contract and some of the docs will still not treat me. It's so unfair.
I agree.
I think there needs to be an educational course for all medical personnel when it comes to any chronic illness. I have been a pediatric nurse for almost 20 years and I still get angry when a doctor tells a parent no pain meds even after the child has been in pain to the point of throwing up. Having CD is another prime example of what ER physicians need to be kept abreast of the treatment protocol.. It angers me to the core knowing there are so many of us who find ourselves in pain more than not. I especially love when a young doctor comes in the room and suggests I walk or exercise more to help alleviate the pain.. I feel like saying "Look if I could do more than run to the bathroom and lay with a heating pad do you not think I would?" We have not chosen CD as a disease we wanted to have, so why are we treated any differently than a cancer patient who is on morphine for pain?
Personally I opted for a lower pain medication and it took 3 years to get my PCP to even write the prescription. WHY????? No ONE deserves to live in a day and age where medical technology has made leaps and bounds and be expected to just deal with it. There has to be some way for all of us who have a voice , for our voices to be heard no matter where we hail from.
Best wishes to everyone
While getting my remicade treatment yesterday, a student doctor came in and was asking questions as part of her training....I spoke with her before leaving, and she asked me if there was any advice I would give a new doctor starting out.....

My response was to listen to the patients and pay attention to what they tell you....I mentioned being on the forum here and how many people have issues with doctors not listening to symptoms, whether they are changes or new ones...also about pain.....

She was taking notes as we talked...if only ONE doctor takes this to heart, there will be more patients who will have fewer problems with getting the correct responses and treatment!
I am so sorry you had to deal with this. I would file a formal complaint, get a letter from your doctor as well.
I've been very lucky as that I haven't had much being pinned on me as a drug seeker, but I did find out by word of mouth that was the assumption of one of the nurses at a hospital I was being treated at. It was pretty insulting. I had a fistula at the time, and the abscess I had was the worst pain I had ever had. I wrote a letter to the hospital, and they were very responsive.

A huge clue for someone drug seeking vs. not drug seeking: most people that are drug seeking are not apt to be seeking actual treatment for their disease, won't go to follow up appointments, or plan to attend tests.

Those who are not drug seeking really want to find what is wrong and fix it. I think as long as you are proactive to seek a solution, asking for pain medication isn't thought of as your reason for being at the doctor's office.

Also, if you call your GI doctor and speak to them before heading to the hospital, this is a good way to access if your current situation really does require a trip to the ER. That way, when you show up, you can tell the doctor treating you that you've already been in contact with your GI should you need to be admitted.
Cupcake you would think that would be enough information,but sadly even in this day and age, most ER docs either want to put a label on you or just down right not listen. I live in a very small town, every time I have had to go to the ER I take my records with me because if I don't they chalk it up to drug seeking. Sadly too many folks have to go through this.

I just don't get why anyone with CD or UC should have to deal with ER docs and nurses who fail to realize when we say we have pain it is a genuine statement. I mean even being on medication my white cell count stays around the 20.000 mark. A simple test like this would show inflammation is out of control. Or for that matter they could take 2 minutes to call the GI doctor and get a feel for the treatment regimen and or advice.

When asked what my biggest wish is after being diagnosed with CD my answer is always going to be that more ER personnel get educated about CD and the effects it has on the person as a whole,not just a symptom that needs to be controlled.
I was recently taken off my pain meds by my GP doctor and he did it quite abruptly. I have a GI who is typical as most GI's and does not like pain medication at all and thinks they make Crohns patients worse and cause extra long term problem with the bowels in the future which cause diarrhea. Anyway my GP had a letter from my GI and when I went into his office asking for another script of my pain meds he got very angry and accused me of using to many and not dealing wih the pain properly and suggested I try excersise and a hot water bottle. I was so upset and by the time I left the doctors office and got to my car I was in tears. Not only had my doctor taken away the medication that provided me with the much needed pain relief I need he had made me feel like a druggie in the process. Needless to say he sent me to a surgeon thinking I could get surgery but when the surgeon told my GP that surgery would only make me worse and I need to be medicated as that is the only way to manage symptoms he got embarrassed and re-wrote a prescription for my pain meds. So I have them again if I need them, but the whole situation has left me feeling very upset. The fact doctors are so worried about drug seeking, addiction and all the stigma associated with pain meds means anyone with a condition that involves pain as a symptom can randomly expected to be treated like a druggie or addict for seeking relief. To me there is nothing more upsetting as after all we all have enough stress in trying to deal with our IBD's and getting denied pain relief or having to be treated like a drug seeker for trying to get meds to help with pain is a disgusting practice these doctor are displaying. I had to deal with this alot early in my treatment having multiple doctors treat me badly and finally I found a Pain specialist and GP who were more compassionate, but lately the GP is trying to get me off them, despite not having set up a plan on other ways to deal with the pain. You have to be careful with every doctor you deal with as they always have the propensity to turn around and deny you the meds, particularly if they are having a bad day (which I think mine was having). I still say voice your concerns with your GI doctor and if he cant find or prescribe medication to deal with the pain then you need to get a referral somehow to a Pain Management Specialist. I have only ever had problems with GI's or GP's and ER doctors not prescribing these meds and these ar the ones who make you feel bad too. If you get a Pain Specialist they are the ones wha are qualififed and 99% of the time are far too compassionate to make you feel like a druggie if youre dealing with real pain. Try to ignore any doctor that won't take your pain seriously and second of all if you really need pain meds get a good specialist and they should help you with a good pain management plan. I have tired all avenues to reduce pain such as excersise, diet and even seen a surgeon seeing if I could get surgery and I can say I was told surgery is not an option and diet and excersise aren't a cure all. The only thing I can rely on are my Crohns meds and also the Narcotic pain meds. It makes me sad I have to be on all this but it's the only thing that helps and this is the reality my specialist know to be true and why the recommend my GP prescribe them too me and the sooner my GP realises this the less likely he is to get fired. I will also add if a doctor is treating you in a way that is not helpful, just fire them and go back to or find a good doctor that understands you and knows how to treat you. Sorry for ranting, you're not alone. I hope you sort this all out soon :)
new to forum

I'm new here but I have Ben in and out of the er numerous times.once I had flare up and was admitted into the er bed just to lay there in pain without even a nurse running an IV. For over 3 hours and finally after screaming they brought security down. Anyway I have never gone back to that hospital again. The only reason I go to the ER in the first place is for I.V. fluids and steroids....By the time I am in the ER I've been home blocked for a few days anyway and the real reason I am there is for dehydration. Still sucks though.
I've been very lucky as that I haven't had much being pinned on me as a drug seeker, but I did find out by word of mouth that was the assumption of one of the nurses at a hospital I was being treated at. It was pretty insulting. I had a fistula at the time, and the abscess I had was the worst pain I had ever had. I wrote a letter to the hospital, and they were very responsive.

A huge clue for someone drug seeking vs. not drug seeking: most people that are drug seeking are not apt to be seeking actual treatment for their disease, won't go to follow up appointments, or plan to attend tests.

Those who are not drug seeking really want to find what is wrong and fix

I know I am late to the party, but working with an ER I just saw this situation...the 19 year old had stopped taking his meds and recently restarted but was having a flare. (He had Crohns and arthritic pain). He was in the ER because his doc couldn't see him for a week. Sadly, he has used recreational drugs in the past (not sure if this was found by admission or blood tests) and is considered a seeker because of it.
He also seemed depressed...I tried to direct him to this forum, as talking with others is SO helpful, but I am fairly certain he had no interest. :(

I don't think IBDers should be refused pain meds. However, if you don't take proper care of yourself and don't follow a treatment plan/regularly see your GI, the ER staff is going to view you a bit differently. Love the idea of bringing your records with you!

THis may be a dumb question, but why are GI's reluctant to prescribe pain medication? (THis hasn't been an issue for us yet...dd has pain but it is so intermittent I only med with tylenol)
this happens to me so much from people in the hospital and my own family. i started off taking hydrocodone and i became tolerant to that so they put me on iv dilaudid and after my surgery i became tolerant to that as well. high doses of it. so now they put me on a fentanyl patch when i am in the hospital for pain because my crohn's is re accuring sinse surgery and nothing seems to be helping it :/ i mean yeah i am "seeking drugs" but for a good an legitimate reason. not to just get high.
I know I am late to the party, but working with an ER I just saw this situation...the 19 year old had stopped taking his meds and recently restarted but was having a flare. (He had Crohns and arthritic pain). He was in the ER because his doc couldn't see him for a week. Sadly, he has used recreational drugs in the past (not sure if this was found by admission or blood tests) and is considered a seeker because of it.

Hi Izzi'smom and cupcake, Can the e.r run a drug test w/out consent?
Hi there,
I know in my area of Tn. they will do a drug screen without your permission and it is completely legal because of the problems we have with meth here. A few years ago when I was diagnosed I got really depressed and the meication wasn't working. I called hubby home from work then called the pcp she had me go to er which I did They put in their admitting records that I was intoxicated above the legal limit...Funny considering I do not drink. So anything to better serve themselves they will most certainly test for or not and say they did with bogus numbers. When I saw this in the report I went straight to the Hospital Association and demanded to see the actual blood test..Guess what they couldn't find any because they never drew my blood or offer a Breathalyzer test.
Hi there,
I know in my area of Tn. they will do a drug screen without your permission and it is completely legal because of the problems we have with meth here.

Oh yes, That I understand. We have a terrible meth problem here too. Marcy, did they at least apologize to you?
They *do*, and I can only guess if it was illegal they would not (the ER has one of the highest litigation rates). I will try to find out...I am a firm believer in informed consent, although I understand why they may screen for drugs because it may affect patient care (I once had a patient complain that she wasn't given pain meds...she was intoxicated and high and they didn't want to compromise her further by giving her any other meds)

No there never was an apology but my insurance company sure got an apology once I told them what happened. I am a nurse so I know what most protocol is in the er.
Either way I also believe in the disclosure act it was put in place for a reason and I wish more er physicians were more forthcoming but they are not. All in all I think every person who works in an er department should be educated on ALL IBD procedures and practices. Honestly when anyone is in a flare or in pain we don't want to be in the er anymore than anyone else does. My favorite thing I love to laugh about is how far they always seem to put me away from the bathroom especially when I tell them I am running to a potty like my hair is on fire..Just can never figure that one out. lol maybe I should leave a nasty mess on the way then they would think about the empty room right along the bathroom wall .lol Have a great day everyone
I always ask what my blood pressure and pulse rate are- you cant fake that- if you are in pain that will tell them and they tend to get serious about it. The fact that I also turn bright red from my chest up helps. My dr said I internalize the pain. Better than yelling it out I guess
I have not been accused of being a drug seeker, but a terrified thy think it anyway. I had one er doc ask me if I knew what crohn disease was, and of course I gave her probably more info than she knew , and then was asked what they usually give me so I told her iv fluids, steriods, zophram or phenegren, and dilated because I am allergic to morphine. She gave it to and wanted to discharge me 20 minutes later and I refused and said call my gi he sent here. I was treated better after that, but it happens all the time until they gt to know me and realized I only asked to fix me but they cant so make it okay for a moment. But thanks to druggies it is a tragic situation

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