Advice on flagyl.

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Sep 7, 2011
Hi everyone, Firstly id like to wish a merry christmas to all the lovely supportive people on here and hope all had a wonderful day :)
So, im just wondering if flagyl can cause loss of appetite? Kian has been on it a week now since his op and he normally has a great appetite but it seems to have vanished. Im putting it down to him bein SO excited as its christmas etc but i just dont know? He has to be on flagyl for 5 months so any info would be great. xxxx
Dizziness, headache, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, constipation, changes in taste, and dry mouth may occur.
:) and Merry Christmas to you!!
Never had that on flagyl.

I'm just wondering if your doctor is aware of the resistance flagyl is going to create if this is the only antibiotic used for crohn's disease. Normally at least one macrophage penetrating antibiotic is used together with flagyl to prevent resistance. Only going on flagyl is going to create immediate resistance for clarithromycin, ciprofloxacin, clofazimine and rifampicin. You'll see a lot of people on this forum who are on double or tripple therapy for antibiotics, it is to ensure gram-positive an gram-negative coverage and to prevent resistance. To prevent infections they use amoxicillin usually because it will not create cross-resistance. Considering the amount of time he is supposed to be on flagyl, I hope your doctor is aware of the amount of resistance this is going to create for other antibiotics.
My daughters been on flagyl for 2 weeks that you've mentioned it i have noticed that in the mornings she always says shes not hungry but i make sure she eats a little so she can take her tablets.

Merry Christmas
Yes, same upsetmom, are u giving it 3x a day too? Kian takes 5ml 3x a day, along with his regular meds and his medical manuka for his wound down by his bum. x
Flagyll is hard on the stomach - Lucy took it pretty much straight for a year and it was only when she stopped taking it I realised how bad her appetite was while she was on it.
So... do you think its better to give after food? it said to give on empty stomach but if its hard on the tum wouldnt it be better to give it once hes eaten? x
Also, im thinking on giving Kian those probiotic drinks, actimel, its meant be good for people taking antibiotics, worth a try. xx
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Hi Dodie74,

I am very new to this forum and still finding my way around it. I had a flare up 3 weeks ago and was obstructed, I was put on flagyl and also lost my appetite, 2 weeks later still feeling pain around my small bowel.

has anyone been on Prenisones for a long period? that seems to be the only thing that works.
So... do you think its better to give after food? it said to give on empty stomach but if its hard on the tum wouldnt it be better to give it once hes eaten? x
Also, im thinking on giving Kian those probiotic drinks, actimel, its meant be good for people taking antibiotics, worth a try. xx

Lucy always vomited if we gave in an empty stomach so always gave after food once I realised
Hi, hope you had a good Christmas. Andrew never noticed any loss of appetite. We also gave it with food (I'm pretty paranoid about giving any meds on an empty stomach). Hope he settles down now that Christmas excitement is probably starting to ease.
well, kians just eaten a big steak n veg dinner n he said he WAS hungry, also started the actimel, he used to take the actimel every day at the very beginning so im going to carry on this time while hes on the flagyl too. I didnt really notice appetite loss the time he was on cipro and flagyl but because he on it for 5 months this time im a bit more worried. Hope you had a wonderful christmas too and Andrew and Amy were well. :)
So... do you think its better to give after food? it said to give on empty stomach but if its hard on the tum wouldnt it be better to give it once hes eaten? x

My daughters taken flagyl a few times and we've always been told to take with food or straight after.
Hey dodie,

Matt was on Flagyl for 6 months, 3 months pre op and 3 months post op.

I did notice at times his appetite would drop off but this was primarily in the pre op phase and looking back on things I often wonder if the lack of appetite was more a reflection on how he was feeling generally at the time rather than the meds. You know, good days and bad days, that sort of thing.

Dusty. xxx
Totally have dealt with the Flagyl loss of appetite here. No tummy pains now,just no real desire to eat very much. We are using both Cipro and Flagyl, doesn't seem to be an issue this time around.some of the side effects can start but then go away and get new side effects, at least this was our case. It seemed like the longer she was on it her body would adjust to the medication. I hope this is the case for you.

I am a nutritional shake pusher so when she says she is not hungry my rebuttal is always ok well then just finish your shake. ;). Then I know she is getting her nutrition. :thumleft:
My son, 13, just had flagyl prescribed this week. Supposed to begin 500mg 3x a day. Just got done with 3mo's of pred while taking 6mp. Seemed like 6mp was going to do it, but it's been a week without any pred and his sed rate is back up to 26. This sounds bad, but I'm having him wait until Monday to start the flagyl. He has a hockey tournament this weekend and I didn't want him to have to play feeling nauseous and potentially causing more diarrhea. Anyone's kid taking flagyl experience more diarrhea in addition to the stomach upset?
Kian doesnt have diarhoea with his crohns but sometimes a wee bit constipated . when he first started the flagyll his stools were alot softer but not diarhoea. since started the actimel he has been back to his "normal" self and his appetite is back. x
My daughter was recently on flagyl and her diarrhea got worse..i never knew diarrhea was a side effect i just thought her flare was getting worse.
My son did not have diarrhoea as a symptom of his disease. He was on Flagyl for 6 months, 400mg three times a day for 3 months (pre op) and 200mg three times a day for 3 months (post op). He didn't have any adverse effects with it.

Many people find the taste is a problem but Matt found using the brand Flagyl over the generic Metronidazole solved the problem for him.

Good luck! I hope he is able to take with no problems.

Dusty. xxx
Appreciate everyone's input on their experiences with Flagyl. We put off starting it yet another day. Today's my son's 13th birthday, he didn't really want to start another pill with the potential of making him feel worse. Can't blame him. I know it's needed, but all this medication sucks. He had his 6mp increased from 50mg to 75mg. Pharmacist said I should wear gloves and avoid inhaling dust when splitting the 50mg pill. Ok, but it's fine to have him 75mg every day. We were feeling pretty good getting done with the pred, now it's like we're back to square one 4 months ago. Frustrating.
Just wanted to say that Flagyl gives most people a very nasty taste in their mouth all the time. It's a systemic effect rather than the taste of the pill itself. This can make everything you eat taste bad. It's usually a metallic taste.

We found that using a strong flavored hard candy like Mango Altoids was helpful in covering up the taste for a while.

Sorry if he's got the icky taste happening. Hope it works fast.
Yep, he's got the metallic taste, and dizziness. Mornings seem to be the worst for him. Generally feels like crap from the time he wakes up until he goes to school. Prior to all the meds, he just had to visit the bathroom frequently. That sure seemed better than all of the medication side effects. Hoping for improvement at least as a trade off.
A belated very Happy 13th Birthday to your lad!


How are things going?

Dusty. :heart:

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