Advice regarding Flare

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Mar 31, 2011
I'm sure many of you have endured a similar situation as I'm currently experiencing and would like your advice.

Since late February 2011, I started having a flare-up. I've seen my GI doctor twice since then. I was having bad stomach pains and blood was appearing in my loose bowel movements. I asked my GI to put me on Prednisone since I felt that it was going to accelerate the healing process with the flare up. I started at 40mg and have tapered down and am currently at 17.5 mg. She upped my Sulfasalazine to 8pills/day and 6mp to 125, 150mg alternated every other day.

Having saw my GI last week I was only having two bowel movements a day with occasion cramping. My GI felt that I wasn't going enough a day to where it was a concern and suggested if it doesn't improve in the next month that we were going to go ahead with a colonoscopy.

Here are the symptoms I am currently experiencing:
Bowel movements: Twice a day, stool seems to range from loose/watery to soft in pieces. Haven't noticed blood the past few days but prior, there were bright red streaks in toilet and sometimes was a brighter red in the whole water. Smell is more foul than normal but not unbearable.:stinks:
Cramping: center of stomach, occurs before my bowel movements and a few other times throughout the day for short periods of time. I do get very warm in the face sometimes when I cramp up.
Diet: soft foods, chicken n fish. Have been very cautious and am sticking to eating the same foods to avoid worsening the condition.

I am confused by this current flare-up. With prior flare-ups I was bedridden and very weak. But this one I do feel fine aside from the cramping and am able to go about my daily routine. The fact I only have two bowel movements a day isn't debilitating, but I am at a stalemate with this flareup and am trying to get over the hump.

Thoughts? Advice?
does your doctor know about the blood in the toilet? Are you able to call and let him know?? A month seems like a long time to wait if you are this concerned.
Hope things improve for you and sorry I couldn't be much help
Yes the doctor is aware of the blood in the toilet. It comes and goes. Like i hadn't seen any for a couple days until this morning there was some.
I have UC, not Chrohns, and have just stopped bleeding after two months. I started using Rowasa for inflammation, and have been seeing an acupuncturist, who has helped me a lot. I also took some herbs that she prescribed to help stop the bleeding. For me, my flares have to run their course. I have many similar symptoms that you mentioned, especially blood (sometimes filling the toilet) and loose, strangely formed stools. It sounds like you are almost at the end of the flare if you are only going to the bathroom twice a day. Hopefully you are feeling better soon!

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