Advise please - Crohns symptoms? or meds?

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Aug 9, 2016
I have been diagnonsed with Crohns since 2014 and have been really lucky so far in regards to symptoms etc.
Medications have changed and currently taking 30mg Pred, 1.6g Asacol and 50mg Imuran as having a flare.
This time i'm having a flare I have some other symptoms which I havent experienced before and I dont know if its the Crohns, the meds or something else.

1) Vaginal pain. I feel like I have a cut on my vagina somewhere, it stings and theres pain when i have sex or pee. I cant see anything though, it doesn't look like theres anything there. And it doesnt seem to be healing or getting better. This has been for the past 7 days now.

2) Pain when I eat. Like really bad indigestion. When i swallow food I have pain in the top of my stomach. I have no idea what this is. I also have trapped wind and am burping a lot.

Both of these things are worrying me and I dont know if they're from the Crohns or Meds. Do I have anything to worry about? Has anyone else experienced similar things?
Hello Hattie and welcome.I can't tell you whether or not it's the crohns or the meds.,but what I can tell you is that crohns is a sneaky disease and has a habit of taking us by surprise.The pain when you eat is very common,the vaginal pain I'm not sure.But if you type in Vaginal pain in the search box at the top of the page,you might get some help.It's my usual "go to" when I need to.Meds. react differently for each of us. Someone who can relate to your symptoms will be along soon I'm sure.Feel better soon.
There are loads of possible explanations for every symptom so it's impossible to generalise about anything to do with Crohns, as I'm sure you know, but I have Crohns Colitis and I started getting the same stomach pains you describe when I had a really bad flare about a year ago. It came as a big shock to me as previously pain had hardly been an issue at all, and this was agony. Regarding the vaginal pain problem, do you mean the problem is internal or external? I had an external skin problem which felt like a cut, and I think this happened due to excessive wiping when my diarrhoea problems were at their worst and also anal mucus causing soreness. Once these were more under control that pain went away. However, if you're talking about an internal pain, I don't have any experience of that, but if it's Crohns-related, I'm sure someone will have an idea what it might be and let you know soon.

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