Am I the only one that experiences this?

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Sep 20, 2011
Hey all

Diagnosed a couple months ago now been on imuran for 7-8wks with little improvement.

One thing that's been happening quite allot lately is Im getting more regular cramps and rumbling that has lasted 2-3 weeks. And within the last week, I can actually see an egg size shape protrude out of my lower stomach, its pretty hard and then my gut rumbles and the egg shape goes down.

Weird thing to watch, it is slightly painful but not as bad as my cramps used to be.

I'll do anything to get rid of this stomach rumbling now.
Hi travy_87!

I know you were diagnosed a couple of months ago but how long have you had symptoms? How were you diagnosed? Which is to say, what diagnostic procedures did your doctor(s) perform? How much do you weigh? When does the "egg" show? What kind of diet are you on?

Sorry if it seems like I'm asking a lot of questions.

Hi slugger

Had crohns symptoms since May 2011 had the above symptoms for the last week or two. Diagnosed via colonoscopy and ct scan affected areas are the terminal ileum and one more patch further up the small intestine. I weigh 88kg but am 6ft 8 lost about 10kg from may till now.

Diet is safer with little fruit and veg no caffine no dairy limited red meat no tomatoes and o gas producing food (onion peas corn).

The egg appears in two places lower right or lower belly one or the other when I cramp then it dissappears when I get the rumbling (which relieves the cramping pain)
Hi Travy
Good to meet you. It's still early days with the Imuran. It can take up to 3 months to become fully therapeutic. What dose are you on? The rumbling may be a good sign as it could be signs that food etc is moving through your gut. The 'eggs' might be pockets of matter or gas building up where you have inflammation, therefore narrowing.
But I'm not a doctor, so it is probably better to check with them.
Are you going for regular monitoring blood tests? Perhaps make an appointment to see the doc when you are there for the next one.
Hey grumbletum (love the name!) on 100mg i see the GI in dec and am on 2 monthly blood tests

Thks for the reply!
My pleasure! Definitely mention your symptoms to the GI. Hopefully it's a sign that things are moving where they were blocked before, but better to be on the safe side.
I had quite a large, almost ridge like lump low down - think it was due to the abscess on my bladder - but it and the very loud rumblings have all but gone.
Keep well and let us know how you get on with your next appt x
Hi travy_87,

Yes, I agree with Grumbletum that both your "egg" and the bowel sounds may be secondary to narrowing due to inflammation but I would add that it may be scarring as well.

Your weight didn't scare me though it is pretty lean for someone who is so tall. The weight loss is what got my attention.

I'm glad you have an apt to see your specialist.

Take care,

Thanks guys

Went and saw my GP today and said just what you guys did. Put me on prednisone to help with pain etc

Hopefully these particular symptons go as fast as they came, not enjoying it.

Ps slugger ive always been lean weighing 98kg before crohns but taking it to a marathon runner physique at 88! Ha oh well im just taking what life throws at me, could always be worse.
I had the exact symptoms. Diagnosed with a very tight stricture that was not responding to medication. Had a short bowel resection last week.
Hopefully the Pred will act fast (it usually does) and tide you over til the Imuran kicks in. Hah, you might put on a bit of weight, depending on the dose and how long you're on it!

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