Anal fistulas and setons Painful! Any advice?

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Aug 12, 2010
Hey all.
I have introduced myself before, but I must admit that I'm not a regular on the forum. I'm 29 and have had this same persistent fistula for 6 years now, was diagnosed with CD and I do have some activity in my descending colon.
Over the years I have had countless surgeries and EUA. The most drastic was a lay open procedure done in 2005, most others have been to place, remove or replace a seton (both loose and cutting) on the left side of my anus, now the opening only about 1cm away.
Over the past 12 months pain and swelling has developed on the right side, developing into a lump. I told my surgeon this before an op last July, but he didn't do anything about it (a week after this my surgeon stopped practicing as he found out he had leukemia!). Naturally, after a while it got sooo painful and close to the surface that I ended up seeing my GP who lanced it open, instant relief! Its about 3cm away from my anus.
I'll just mention, I'm a country patient so all this time I have been seen buy the one local General Surgeon, to see any specialists I have to travel the the nearest major city, which is not too much hassle but still they are not here when I need them. I have been seen by a Colorectal Surgeon, thats who did the lay open but I hadn't seen him since then, I just wonder that things my not have gotten worse had I kept seeing him instead of the local. Anyway, thats the past. Since my local left, there is no permanent surgeon here, so I have been sent back to the colorectal surgeon, finally!! I had a EUA 2 weeks ago and they want me to see a GI, finally!! I have mentioned it a few times but I was told that I have anal disease not bowel disease :mad:
And so my main reason for this post...during the last EUA they put in 2 setons! Argh! They are causing me so much grief! Its so painful where they come out of the anus, and it hurts sooo much to got to the toilet! And the setons are loose not cutting! I have been back to my GP, but he doesnt really know enough about them so doesnt want to play with them. I was in tears! He ended up giving me an anesthetic gel to use, which has given a bit or relief and I'm on constant pain meds. I'm at a loss as to what to do, I dont go back to the surgeon for another 3 weeks, I dont know if I can take it! I havent taken this long to recover after surgery for ages, I'm usually back at work by now. My BMs are by no means solid, I'm not eating alot as I'm scared of the resulting BM :(
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! I'm sorry for the long post, but thank you for reading.

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