Antibiotics and other meds

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Jul 17, 2011
Just wondered if antibiotics or other meds interfere with Crohns meds. Had acute laryngitis 2 weeks ago and was quite sick with it. Went on antibiotics and my crohns seems to be on a mini flare. I am trying to calm it down with probiotic acidophilus, cold liver oil and all that. I am not stressed but a bit tired due to college work and end of term etc. Hopefully it will be ok as I dont want a flare for Xmas if I can help it.
Thanks- Hope everyone is keeping well
Hey Goldfish.....sorry to hear you had laryngitis...I had that a couple years ago after having strep...was on antibiotics too...yes, a change could throw you into a mini flare - in addition to just being run down...

Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks Pasobuff. Makes sense I guess. Feeling better but just keeping an eye. This crohns lark like to fool me and make me think I am fine and then UH OH! Ha!
There are a few antibiotics out there that should absolutely be avoided if you have IBD and are known to send you right into a flare. Which were you prescribed?

Have you taken cod liver oil before and done ok with it? It's awful high in vitamin A which I personally think Crohnies should stay away from supplementing. But if you've never had trouble with it, more power to you :)
Cod liver oil seems to be ok and only take it if I feel i am about to flare or mini flare. I also take a licorice supplement (the good stuff not the sweet) and put together they seem to pull me out of it. I am allergic to penicillin and arithomyosin (??) so the doctors have to look a little further. Cant remember the one I had last week to be honest. Interesting about the cod liver oil though. My consultant seemed happy for me to go on it in the summer along with the other stuff but like I said I only use it when needed. The reason for this was the price of it all. Hope you have been keeping well David. Been ages since I have been on here really. Holidays now though so hope to be around a bit. Great to know I can pop back in for the advice :)

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