Anxiety the cause of some symptoms???

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Feb 2, 2012
We have been told that our son's inflammation has come under control and that the azathioprine seems to be working but my son still has some debilitating symptoms. The symptoms that have cleared up are diarrhea (now 1 - 2 formed BM per day), weight (back to pre-Crohn's weight), anemia, disappearance of perianal abscess and all inflammatory markers (CRP and fecal calprotectin) are now normal. HOWEVER he still can't make it through a day of school, calls home at about 11 everyday and when I pick him up he looks exhausted. He still can't put any weight on his left leg, the cause of this is not yet determined although it seems that it may be due to inflammation of the sacroiliac joint. And he still gets periodic LLQ gut pain that doubles him over for hours and Buscopan does nothing for it.

It has been suggested that anxiety is causing these lingering symptoms. We are going to have him see a psychologist soon, and I believe that this will be very valuable for him to do, but I can't wrap my head around anxiety causing these very concrete symptoms (i.e. leg and gut pain). Anyone got experience with this?

I agree that speaking with a psychologist will help him learn to deal with his diagnosis, however, I also find it hard to believe that anxiety alone would cause these symptoms. But, do you believe he is very anxious or stressed about his crohns, especially as so many of his symptoms are beginning to disappear?

But, just one thought... how is he getting around school, etc. with the pain in his leg? I have a knee that periodically flares up very mildly but, even though only mildly sore, I notice that, after a few days, my entire body (other leg, back, etc.) begin to feel tired/sore and I just feel more tired overall. I'm sure that it's only because I'm compensating and adjusting my stride/stand to compensate for the sore leg. If he's trying to keep up with his friends at school, could this possibly be contributing to his fatigue?

As far as his pain, could a tiny abscess or stricture cause pain without inflammation being present? I'm just thinking that, if small enough, these could have been missed in tests but be causing him the pain???

I doubt that such a specific pain would be psychological, although docs do seem all too ready to use that excuse if they do not know what it is. Does he just walk around at school or does he have any crutches? Maybe he would be more comfortable if he could take some of the weight off his sore joint.
My son has just gone onto Aza but also seems very tired at times. However he is anaemic so needs an iron supplement which he is just starting again. Maybe your son just has an ulcer or something else small that is causing the pain but not an increase in inflammation markers. Buscopan never helped my son as he had multiple small ulcers (his blood tests never showed any increase in CRP or ESR). However the EN should have healed any ulcers.
I hope he feels better soon and his energy picks up!
I can't believe that leg pain or extreame fatigue could be caused by anxiety either. I have always suffered from anxiety and IBS type symptoms and I know that when I am stressed I can get very bad abdominal pains but always get nausea and diarrhoea with it. If he has a crohn's diagnosis surely that would be the first place to look for being the cause of his symptoms. I'm sure that seeing a psycologist may help him deal with his Crohns and maybe help him mentally deal with his pain but go with your gut instinct and if you feel that there is something else going on then push for answers. I am a vet and have used acupuncture sucessfully to treat anxiety, pain, and help ease some symptoms of chronic GIT problems in animals - Obviously it isn't a cure, but may help - I know many human pain clinics use it a lot - but I don't know if it would help humans in the same way as it helps animals and don't know how your son would feel about trying it - I expect he feels he has been through enough, maybe ask your Dr if your son felt he could give it a go? I hope he feels better soon
Hey Twiggy,

I agree that seeing a psychologist certainly can't hurt and I also agree that anxiety isn't producing that level of physical symptoms.

Sarah has a tendency to take on too much at times so is prone to anxiety. I know everyone is different but I still don't think that anxiety would produce what your boy is experiencing. Sarah gets the loss of appetite and associated weight loss symptoms.

Chronic pain is very debilitating and it wouldn't surprise me if that is what is contributing in large to his inability to get through a school day. Treat the root cause of the pain and I believe his stamina will return to normal.

Dusty. xxx
chicken and the egg.... I think their symptoms cause anxiety, kind of a vicious cycle. Not that getting some therapy can hurt any, but it seems the leg pain is real. doctors used to think menstrual cramps were in women's heads, right, they are still slow to accept patient chronic pain. Keep pushing for answers. Hope he feels better soon!
Thanks for all the replies. I think that there definitely is some anxiety there but I really think there is something physical still going on too.

I find the leg thing very frustrating. Been to our GP, a orthopedic surgeon, 2 physios and the GI and no one has any answers for us. I have requested that he get seen by a pediatric rheumatologist and the referral was sent to rheumi by our GI but I have yet to hear about an appointment date. The kid hasn't been able to walk without crutches for 7 weeks!

A couple of weeks ago I asked our GI if the abdominal pain might be caused by the pentasa. I was told that that was very unlikely but that we could discontinue the pentasa if nothing changed in the next couple of weeks. I didn't question this much as all sorts of other things were roaming around my head (Remicade vs methotrexate, fecal calprotectin tests, leg issues etc.) but I am now wondering about it again. Everything I look up online lists abdominal pain as a possible side effect, why then would the GI say it was unlikely??? So I have ditched the pentasa 1 week early in the hopes that the abdominal pain subsides.

I find it very distressing that these last few symptoms seem to be brushed off. I feel like answers such as maybe it is IBS or anxiety to be a bit of a cop out. None of this crap started until he had Crohn's so... maybe it is Crohn's!

Anyone had a pill cam done? How detailed were the results? Wondering if that test might find something that the MRI missed.

I am devastated by the thought that he should just have to cope with the chronic pain. I WON'T accept that.
As for the abdominal pain - I do believe that can be psychological in nature (with physical pain too at times!) husband went thorugh a period of haivng abdominal pains daily - bad enough to drop him in his tracks/double over/sit down/collapse.....

No other physical signs other than being under a lot of stress - had a scope done which was that the stress is getting better (Personal stuff) - his attacks have all but disappeared.....
Hi Twiggy,

Been wondering about you guys. Sorry to hear that S is still not up to par and that you STILL have no answers. How very frustrating!

Keep following your gut instinct on this. I can't imagine him not being able to walk on that leg is due to anxiety. I do think anxiety can make existing issues worse though but that doesn't mean the doctors should stop looking for the route cause.

We haven't done a pill cam here but from my understanding they are very detailed at picking up certain aspects of small bowel disease. Obviously it will be more effective at visualising the bowel itself whereas the MRI will also pick us issues outside the bowel. Has he had an MRE done?

Now that the inflammatory markers have reduced would it be worthwhile revisiting imaging as it is often the case that other complications aren't found until the inflammation recedes thus allowing other structures to be properly visualised.

Dusty. xxx
This makes me so angry that these symptoms are being blamed on a psychological cause. We had this with our first doctor who we ended up firing. I am sure a small amount of their pain is caused by anxiety but the majority of it I am sure has a physical reason. Caitlyn suffered so much with pain that we consulted with a pain specialist. Now that we finally really got her disease under control her pain finally has improved as well. To me this is even more proof that the disease was causing her pain and not anxiety or some other psychological cause.
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Twiggy, re the pillcam, no actual experience with it, just what I've read and I don't want to add to your concerns but, just a heads up! If you go ahead with a pillcam, make sure they test with a 'dummy' pillcam first!!! I've read of two or three members here who have ended up with their pillcam stuck and then causing all sorts of problems! :( I don't know why their GIs wouldn't have used the 'dummy' pillcam first! Apparently the dummy is slightly larger than the real pillcam and, if it gets stuck, will dissolve on its own.

Sorry your son is still struggling with fatigue and leg pain. We have been on a rollercoaster for the last month or so. At H's appt, mentioned back pain and ped gi thought might be sacroliac joint and referred him to ped rhuemi. He was cleared at consult. Recommended pt for muscular stretching. When I was looking up info b4 appt, radiating leg pain was definately mentioned. Also think I remember reading that it does not always clear when the flare clears. Some people mentioned having trouble sleeping. Maybe s is not getting restorative sleep which is causing fatigue. In addition he has dealt with the leg pain so long which must b fatiguing emotionally as well They did mention that many of the treatments for arthritis and crohns r the same. Not that we parents r excited adding any more meds to our kIds list. Hope u get answers soon.
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Anxiety may very well be the cause. I had panic attacks everyday before I took some L-Tyrosine. Never had it since. NOW is the brand, here are some good reviews: http ://
Im totally with your son with the leg pain and being drained of energy. I think ive had a Crohns flair - been in remission for 7 years since terminal ileum removal, so the symptoms are different this time. I have pain that radiates down my leg from my groin, which makes the muscle in my leg weak and ache constantly. Also lots of other joint discomfort.
My bloods are normal too?!!
Im waiting to see a Rhemotologist on the 21st June, so hopefully i'll get some answers.
I know that you can get referred pain sometimes, but my GI doctor thinks i may have an abscess or cyst in my bowel and i'm waiting for an MRI scan.
I think its good that he has an appointment to see a Psychologist, to discuss any issues, but i dont think for a minute he is imagining the pain.

I start the day feeling ok, but by lunch i am whacked, and my battery is empty!!

Best wishes to you all,
A few years back I was experiencing horrible knee pain, to the point of almost arthritic. The orthopedic surgeon was baffled, since I did not have any "incident" or injury that attributed to the swelling, limited movement and pain. Long story short, another eastern/western doc performed an allergy analysis and determine it was corn that was swelling my joints. Ends up, our weekend movie nights (w/popcorn) would cause my trouble. I would return from the theater and hardly be able to go up stairs and then exhausted thereafter. Realized so much in diet (drinks, food) had corn in it. Once eliminated, issue resolved! Anyway, I guess I can only suggest you look at what he is eating and drinking and perhaps see if there is some direct correlation. May be a possibility!