Any Ladies here with experiance with Mirena IUD?

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Feb 9, 2007
I talked to my doc about stopping my periods cuz they exacerbate my crohn's so much every month and I'll be 42 in June so I'm a ways away from menopause and cannot handle what my periods are doing to my CD so if any of you lovely ladies here are using the Mirena IUD could you please share all your experinaces you've had/have with it?

Thanks :)
Hah. I'm having it placed on Thursday due to risk of blood clots, so inability to use other kinds of BC. Biggest risk is that if you get chlamydia you can become infertile.

So...don't know much yet. :)

I've had the Mirena IUD for 4 years. I still get regular periods, but they are very light. A couple of things...

1. I never used to get menstrual cramps, but since having the IUD I get them pretty regularly. They're pretty mild, though.
2. It has totally decreased my sex drive.
3. It hurt like a mo-fo when they put it in!
Thanks for sharing guys...I know we're all different but it's great to get other people experiances for peace of mind purposes...prettykitty I wonder why it hasn't stopped your period completely especially after 4 yrs, I sure hope it does for me...are you generally affected with your CD symptoms being exacerbated during your time of month? And if so have you noticed if the Minera has stopped that at least from happening?

Thanks :)
Well, I've had the Mirena longer than I've had crohn's, so it's hard to say... :) But I do notice that my CD symptoms are worse during my period.

But not everyone stops getting periods. I previously had very heavy periods, so I was not surprised that I am in the minority of women who continue having regular periods.
UGH prettykitty, I hope that won't be my case, the whole reason I'm looking at getting the Mirena is to stop my exaderbation of my CD/IBS symptoms during my periods. I've had constant flaring CD for 18 yrs now and ended up getting IBS DX (on top of having CD) about 6 yrs ago now.

I'm hoping that if it completely stops my periods then it will stop the exacebation during what would be those monthly times.

wish me luck :)
IUDs can make certain aspects of your period worse, as prettykitty mentioned with her cramping. The painfulness of putting it in is going to be based on how big your cervix is. Generally, if you've given birth it's going to be fine. 13cm baby head vs. 3mm IUD.

Mirena is going to have all the same effects as a depo shot or any other form of hormonal birth control. If you've tried depo before just think of mirena as a bit less side-effects and a bit less period-reduction.

My wife started having seizures and such due to complications with depo so we went with the copper IUD. But, that won't do much of anything against periods even though it's equally effective against pregnancy.
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Colt said:
IUDs can make certain aspects of your period worse, as prettykitty mentioned with her cramping. The painfulness of putting it in is going to be based on how big your cervix is. Generally, if you've given birth it's going to be fine. 13cm baby head vs. 3mm IUD.

True -- but the cervix is designed to have things go out, not for things to come in...

I have had my Mirena for over 3 years. Love it! I am part of the lucky 20% who do not get periods at all. No cramps, no pms, no worries :) I took a vicodin before it was placed. No problem. Although I was super tired.

At first my husband could feel it though. That goes away once the "string"finds it's home. Sorry to be gross boys.