Anybody else have ear/hearing issues?

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May 5, 2010
This just started yesterday and it's slowly gotten worse. I'm not sure if it's a new symptom or a side effect of my meds or something else. My right ear has some ringing and some loss of hearing - things sound louder and clearer to my left ear than they do to my right. It almost feels like my right ear is plugged up, but there's nothing in my ear.

I've tried cleaning out my ears and I've tried "popping" my ears by holding my nose and gently blowing. Nothing seems to fix this. No other new symptoms either, just my usual symptoms (some d, very mild nausea, a bit of fatigue). I don't have a cold or anything like that. I'm currently on Entocort and Amitriptyline. I know that Ento can cause sinus issues, so I'm wondering if this could be something like that? Has anyone else experienced something like this? Any ideas what this could be?
You may want to get your ears checked - I had soemthign similar happen, couldn't get anything out myself, but hte Doc got a HUGE plug out!.....OR - get an ear bulb, use warm water and try gently washing your ear out.....

I do still get a TON of really nasty wax, and my ears plug - I use warm water and even peroxide to break it up and clean out the goop....not sure if it is remicade related, or the darned skin problems or what.....never had this a year ago!
I always have ear troubles- ever since I was a young child. I have eczema in there, combined with 'wonky' ear canals means I am very prone to getting problems. At the moment I feel permanently bunged up in my ears. Doing a steam inhalation seems to help (where you get a bowl of steaming water, put your face over, and chuck a towel over your head and the bowl).
Oh, and warmed olive oil in your ears helps too- I got a dropper from my ent doc, but you can get them from pharmacies I think. Put the bottle in a cup of warm water for a minute, then lie on your side, drop some oil in, then rub behind or in front of your ear so you hear the oil sloshing around. Then put a piece of cotton wool in your ear so when you sit up the oil doesn't run everywhere! You can do this 2 or 3 times a day.
Thanks for the ideas! I will see if I can find an ear bulb, if not I'll try the steam and if that doesn't work I'll try the olive oil, and I guess if that doesn't work then I'm off the the doctor. Does any type of olive oil work? And can you use any old eyedropper? I have an eyedropper that I have just for putting oil in, actually (my pet gerbils have a squeaky exercise wheel and every so often I oil it so it doesn't squeak so much).

I took a sinus med about an hour ago to see if it would clear things up, as it sort of feels like it might be a sinus thing. But that did nothing so I'm back to square one. I'll head to the pharmacy later today to see if I can find an ear bulb.

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