Anybody poor who also has Crohn's Disease?

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Dec 17, 2011
I'm a 23 year old educated, unmarried, happily childless woman:

*I've been sick almost 10 months
*Got fired in October because of my diagnosis of what they thought was Colitis but ended up being Crohn's.
*On food stamps but they don't pay bills
*Welfare denied me cash assistance because I have no children and I'm not pregnant!
*I had to quit college because of my disease.
*Unemployment denied me because I couldn't accept jobs because of how sick I got.
*Disability denied me twice but are supposed to accept it in a few months or years.....don't have long to wait.
*Parents can't help they're both poor and they're my only real family.
*I live with someone but they make minimum wage and only bring home $100-$150 a week! They won't give her full time and she's becoming manager slowly but the managers and workers get paid minimum wage NOTHING above.
*Have nowhere to go if we can't live here.
*No money for more appointments.
*No money for medicine. Can barely pay $16 for a box of probiotics.
*Went to hospitals, statcares, clinics, and docs over 23 times last year!!!! HCAP is paying 100% of any hospital bill I've ever had at that hospital....that's around $14,000 or more! THANK GOD!

And people say I shouldn't be STRESSED with this disease????? REALLY? I'm sick for life and now have to worry about a roof over my head......
hi, and sorry for what your going through. That's just awful that your getting no help. Myself i'm on welfare. I have no children and can't believe they wouldn't help you and yet your sick. Is there some place that can help you fight this. really hope you can get help soon and hope you feel better soon also.
Can I ask why you had to leave school because of crohns? Did you try talking to the schools disability office? I'm in school right now and my school has been more than helpful/supportive of my condition and they are very willing to help me if I need it. I also get OSAP which helps with schools/bills.

Do they have any sort of financial assistance for students in the U.S?
I only went on full federal student aid.....I have no other source of college $$$ lol. I had to leave my once a week 4 hour class because my diarrhea got so bad I couldn't even get in my car to go anywhere!! I was just diagnosed with Crohns and I'm not even over my flare up which seems to be lasting almost a year or more....I don't know when it will end. Think of having diarrhea and nonstop gas and bloating which no medicine will help. That's why I can't even walk across the street to the store sometimes and I can't wait in line for long at the grocery stores etc. I don't pay school loans or anything....I keep deferring them so that I don't have to pay. I'm too poor to pay.
Well with student loans, you wouldn't be expected to pay anything until after you have graduated and in that case you would more than likely have a job with a degree. Another option, what about online courses? That way you could do schooling from home and not have to worry about bathrooms.

I'm not trying to sound rude, I'm just trying to understand more and help you out. From what I read you have no job, and no welfare/financial assistance? How do you do it?
I'm not doing a very good job of making a living....what I saved from working and from college loans are running out. I'm really not making it. Haven't paid gas and electric in at least 4 months, haven't paid car insurance, my boyfriend is paying my phone but he has no job and nobody will hire him. He's a hard worker yet nobody will hire him...I can't live with him he rents a room in a house and is not allowed to have anyone stay with him. He wants to help but has $0 coming in just like I have $0 coming in. Unless I get disability I will not have a roof over me and my sister's head. :(
I'm unable to work at all, there's no possibility of work. Can't worry about college until I get better. Online colleges are scams sometimes and it's hard to choose a good one, they haven't perfected online classes etc.
I'm only 19 and live off of government assistance with my boyfriend (who works full time and helps a ton) and my two cats (who are always in and out of the hospital themselves) I am very very fortunate to have medicaid and have my moms insurance otherwise I would be stuck with hundreds and thousands of dollars of bills. I'm really sorry that you having such a rough time with crohn's. Crohn's caused me to drop out of high school in 9th grade and then college too. It's tough and I have never had a job, I've been too sick. I figure I might as well try and become a nurse sinse I am at the hospital so much anyway. I think my last hospital bill was somewhere over 100,000$ that included a month stay and surgery. It's tough and it's hard when you don't have a lot of support around you. I hope your situation gets better I really do because when I first got crohn's my family didn't have much money and it was a really scary thing :/
I work as a Personal Assistant to the MD of a company supplying hair products to salons. My salary is 850 euros per month. My combined monthly bills are 610 euros per month (this includes paying back the bank loan for my surgery since no insurance company would cover me). I visit my GI once a month (40 euros) & have bloods done every 6 weeks (60-80 euros). I have very little to live on, buy the cheapest foods, sometimes walk to work (25 minutes) as I don't always have enough money for petrol but I am grateful that my meds are supplied to me by the local town hospital (Humira, Warfarin and whatever else I may require). That in itself is a load off my mind.

My parents who are both pensioners often help me out by stocking up my freezer and secretly putting small amounts of money into my bank account. Bless them. I would be dead without them.

Having said all that, I still put 3.50 euros a day to have a cup of coffee by the sea. I absolutely refuse to give up that little luxury.

Wow I don't know how to put this but aM I glad I'm not in america.

Here in OZ i got disability within a few years of been on unemployment since been sick then they changed me to disability.

I don't pay for my remicade paid by medicare they also pay for hospital stays and most meds, We have a good thing run by the federal government called the pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS) and they pay alnost all the meds most meds cost me like $6 bucks if there on the pbs.

I live at home with my parents and sister but waiting on a government flat to move out as I wanna live bymyself and don't get along to well with sis shes a fricken moron.

But yeah so greatfull I live in OZ as our medical system is pretty good even though we whinge they don't do much and have long waiting lists but there is awlays the private health system but costs a bomb and I don't have insurance
Have you checked with the Drug Company that makes the meds you are on? They all have assistance programs. My Humira only costs me $5 a month...otherwise would be upward of $1600 a month.
Yeah sent paper to get FREE medicine to doc office then they faxed it to the shire company. I'm supposed to get them free but they never mailed anything back, my doctor said I may just have to keep calling for samples. I have this for life though how can I keep asking the doctor for medicine? This is crazy.

Once disability accepts me I'll get medicaid but hope it would pay it ALL or else I wouldn't be able to get it.
I know a few people who work from home via internet. Since you have an internet connection, it would be something you should look into. I can pass along the info to you if you'd like. My cynical brain thought they were scams, but they aren't at all.
I am poor. I have a 5 year old son and live with my fiance. We struggle as my hours get cut and live payceck to paycheck. Last Christmas I waited in a 3 hour line early one morning when thedisease hit and of coarse there were no bathrooms. I sat in it for 2 hours so my son could have a couple of toys under the Christmas tree.

We do have medicaid though which covers any medically nessesary treatment which is huge considering I'm on lialda, prednisone, and 6mp and this Tues I'll be starting remicade.

When I was very sick and didn;t have insurance it became hard to work. I would leave work early because I had an accident(my disease causes urgency and bloody diarreah more than anything) when my paychecks were nonexistant we started doing things to help makes ends meet. We would donate plasma, sell things we didn't use/need(clothes, appliances, ipods, game systems ect) go to food pantries, apply for HEAP(electric/gas bill assistance) and even would go to local churches and ask for help. It wasn;t much but it would help to get us from one paycheck to anouther. When tax returns would come in we'd then pay back any loans we took out from our parents and then put aside a big chunk to save.
I am poor with Crohns Disease!! I have no medical coverage and do not qualify for medicade.. I have two small children and Im 26! If it was not for my husband and my parents I would be dead somewhere. I have applied for federal grants and qualified but was too sick to even sign up for classes. I understand you 100 percent. I am having lots of symptoms and really need a colonoscopy and have no way of getting it. My pentasa is $860.00 dollars per month and I have found a lady who gave me a supply for 6 months she switched to remicade. I have no way to ever try humira or remicade or imuran because I have no insurance. I have applied for disability and was denied and applied a second time mainly to get the Medicade(State Insurance in the US)Awaiting a denial. You are not the only one broke Crohnnie sweety Im sorry and hope you can find some way of help. A lady recommended to me earlier trying a State Medical College or Catholic hospital. Best of Luck to you! Thank you for your Story!
Have you had a chance to speak to a government agency such as social services? I am a social work student and I would encourage you to keep fighting! these are your rights and you as well as many out there deserve to be on medicaid and to have disability. I understand that it is very hard for you to keep appointments or to travel but social workers can do home visits. I have seen it so many times where welfare denies people assistance until they apply and reapply for services. I agree that our government is not as well structured as other countries but if you find a helping professional that is competent they can even help you find a resource out there that will pay for energy assistance, place you in the SNAP program, rental assistance, and disability resources. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me.
I am poor too. I have ssi and medic-aid and if it weren't for these benefits I would literally be homeless. I also encourage you to keep fighting!
have been poor now for 10 years when I got so sick I went on disability for the 6months that they alloow. I kept my health insurance through cobra but it cost $900 a month. I had to live off of my savings and go totally broke so that I could qualify for Medicaid and SSI. It took over a year and I had to sell everything I owned to make it. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis as well as crohns. I now have to live in a nursing home because I don't want crohns be a burden to my family. There ate other younger type residents like me and I don't have a bad life..... I don't have the worries of bills and pills and I always have nurses around. So... there are different ways of life when you ate poor with crohns
i'm so sorry for what you are going through. something you could do that is low cost in addition to the probiotics is to take Vit D3 drops. A year supply is like $30. I'm from Ohio so I know you don't get enough Sun in Canton and you are probably Vit D deficient. Find a health food store that has D3 drops that are 4,000iu strenghth and take 2 drops a day. Also take a magenesium supplement, it makes the D3 absorbable. Make sure the probiotic has bifidus and acidophilus and take S Boulardi. That's your best bet for low budget supplements that go a long way. Also take 1000mg of Vit C a day and 50mg Zinc. All of those i mentioned will help your immune system which is the problem. Things can get better, a lot better. Good luck!
I know a few people who work from home via internet. Since you have an internet connection, it would be something you should look into. I can pass along the info to you if you'd like. My cynical brain thought they were scams, but they aren't at all.

What job is it? Amazon Mechanical Turk? Because I tried that and you make 4 bucks after turning in 7-11 assignments it's not worth it. Plus they don't let you put the money in the bank unless your on it 10 consecutive days etc.

I need an at home job but I'm in Canton, Ohio....there's hardly any real jobs here let alone work from home jobs. Everyone here is fighting to flip burgers for a living even if they're in their 30's or 40's!!!!
Although many of you are poor you seem to have family to help you.....imagine not having any family to help and no money coming in. This is terrifying. I feel like I'm going to end up dead one day just because I'm poor and close to having $0 and no health insurance or any kind of benefits :(
I noticed quite a few online ads for disability lawyers who will get you on disability - and they do not charge you anything. They only take a certain portion of the initial check you get from disability - which normally includes a back pay portion - that is where they make their money. Why don't you contact one of these disability lawyers and see if they can expedite the process for you? I am really sorry you are in this predicament - you should not have all these worries on top of feeling so poorly. You need to get onto disability and medicare - and do whatever it takes to get that done.
I would sue the company that fired you when you get a chance but before the statute of limitations is up. Don't let them get away with this. Just make sure you find a reputable attorney.
Although many of you are poor you seem to have family to help you.....imagine not having any family to help and no money coming in. This is terrifying. I feel like I'm going to end up dead one day just because I'm poor and close to having $0 and no health insurance or any kind of benefits :(

Being from the states originally, I know where you are coming from! If I didnt live here in the UK...I'd have to take some herbs and do away with myself if I was in the USA! I have no family either. Luckily I'm still able to work...thanks to 'Stan'. However, if I'd have needed that surgery in the USA...forget it, I'd be dead. Although disability or unemployment here will get you £65 a week...max. That wont pay the heating!

It's a shame that the USA...supposedly the 'richest' western nation...does this to people. However, soon the EU wont be able to afford these things either! Too much debt.
Thanks to Obamacare you can pay $750 per month for high risk insurance. The only problem is no one can afford to pay $750 per
Month for one person.
Someday, I want to go home. But I just cant see it ever happening. Perhaps in a box. It seems in this day and age, and in this world the way things are arent welcome if you are old or infirm. We have plenty to offer...but no one wants us.

Thank goodness there are at least charities in the USA. You must keep fighting Crohns2011 for medicare/medicade.
Wow. I feel incredibly grateful to live in Australia.
Free universal healthcare and subsidized medicine.
I know if I did not live here, I'd probably be deceased.
It is hard enough grappling with CD - but the added stress you folks have to negotiate around accessing healthcare sounds horrendous.
I'm so sorry you have to deal with this.
This job listing is with American Express customer service. Many major companies hire people to work from home as customer service reps. Honestly though, you need to get to one of the free clinics and get your symptoms under control first so you can work and study. I'm really just showing you that there are legitimate jobs available.

Get mad at this stupid disease that hijacked your life, and fight back! Don't give up.
AT&T and Comcast also hire out customer service reps. I'll send you a few of the other companies that are LEGITIMATE work from home jobs.

There are a lot of options out there for assistance. it's a matter of trying and not getting frustrated and giving up. Sometimes it's easier to say "no one will help me" than going through all the paperwork, forms to fill out, and waiting it takes to get the help.
I dunno but even working from home feels so hard for me at the moment I'm always tired and my concentration isn't the best at at the moment.

I was doing some clerical work for my dads business nothing hard just checking dockets and some paperwork I nearly died after an hour so tired, blurred vision and just couldn't do much after an hour

so how do you make a living when you feel like that
Healthcare in Canada isn't "free". True, doctor's appointments, surgeries, hospital stays aren't charged to the patient, but the wait times to get in to see anyone are incredible. I don't have a family doctor. The only reason I have a GI is because I nearly died in hospital. I pay for my meds and ostomy supplies out of pocket as I don't have benefits where I work. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for what we have (I'd hate to live in the States), but it's not what everyone thinks it is. I can't comment on welfare or social assistance here as I've never had to use it, but I don't imagine it's that easy to get on here either.
I agree with ThanksP - there is no such thing as "free"

I live in the US - in Alabama, in fact

I am very happy to be a US citizen and although, I am lucky in that I have excellent insurance, there are ways to be treated even if you are "poor"

Remicade, Humira and other expensive drugs have programs that offer substantial amounts of aid

I am currently on Remicade and qualified for Remistart which reimburses me $550 per infusion

The program is designed for people without insurance or who have high deductible plans, which is what I have

I honestly believe that even if I did not have the insurance that I have, I would find a way to have myself treated

I do not mean to be unkind but the attitude of "poor me" is a self-defeating one - it will not get you anywhere

I work and I also have accidents and have had them for a long time now

I wear depends and clean myself up and go back to work

I know what it is like to not be able to get out of your front door because of the fear of accidents - you either let it control you or you take control of it

Basically, you take control of your life because no one is going to do it for you and nor should they

If you have help, then that is wonderful and makes life much easier but if you don't, you still don't give up

You keep trying and keep forging ahead
The difference with health care between the Canada and the US is that in Canada, We have the right to healthcare, in the US it's considered a priviledge. I could back it up until the end, and have schooling to back me.

In Canada, if you truly cannot afford ANYTHING healthcare related, it will be covered for you. The poor/lower class can tell you this. The upper class can afford healthcare, the poverty class gets it free, and it's the middle class (majority of people) that get stuck paying for things such as supplies like somebody mentioned they pay for.

If you go to the hospital, clinic, or doctors in Canada, it does not cost you. This is also why it is very rare to find private healthcare in Canada.
I dunno but even working from home feels so hard for me at the moment I'm always tired and my concentration isn't the best at at the moment.

I was doing some clerical work for my dads business nothing hard just checking dockets and some paperwork I nearly died after an hour so tired, blurred vision and just couldn't do much after an hour

so how do you make a living when you feel like that

Have you told your doctors that you feel so bad? There may be more to fix. Malnutrition is a big issue. I do understand that, I was exhausted for months after I got sick. But I think it's something I have to fight, depending, of course, on how sick I am. I can only share my experience, and my hope was, that by posting the fact that there really are jobs that can be done from home, working for companies that are capable of accommodating disabilities, it might give some hope that one's situation can be changed. If you don't have any hope of changing it, it's exhausting just to think about it.

Assistance programs are hard to get because there is a lot of bureaucracy - paper work and waiting can be frustrating, and "frustrating" takes energy, too. But no one should give up, no matter what. Just put one foot in front of the other til you get the help you need, and work towards the day when your disease is under control so you can get your life back.

I'm grateful for the American medical system, even though it isn't perfect. I'm not here to debate that, though. I don't see how it helps anyone to convince them of their victim status. I'd rather convince them of the opportunities they can find if they get better, and help them get, and stay motivated enough to keep moving.
It isn't hopeless.

Maybe we can compile a list of these kinds of resources. I know needymeds has been a big help to me, in finding what resources are out there - even local services are linked from there. Someone here posted about it when I first got here, and whoever it was, I am so grateful!

There are companies that will work with you so you can have a job, legal resources, medical resources, government resources.

No giving up!! Get mad instead.
I would sue the company that fired you when you get a chance but before the statute of limitations is up. Don't let them get away with this. Just make sure you find a reputable attorney.

Currently talking to a lawyer's office but they have yet to "accept" my case.....if they would accept it I have $0 to offer so they'd have to fight for me based on contingency! I'm praying they do....
I agree with ThanksP - there is no such thing as "free"

I live in the US - in Alabama, in fact

I am very happy to be a US citizen and although, I am lucky in that I have excellent insurance, there are ways to be treated even if you are "poor"

Remicade, Humira and other expensive drugs have programs that offer substantial amounts of aid

I am currently on Remicade and qualified for Remistart which reimburses me $550 per infusion

The program is designed for people without insurance or who have high deductible plans, which is what I have

I honestly believe that even if I did not have the insurance that I have, I would find a way to have myself treated

I do not mean to be unkind but the attitude of "poor me" is a self-defeating one - it will not get you anywhere

I work and I also have accidents and have had them for a long time now

I wear depends and clean myself up and go back to work

I know what it is like to not be able to get out of your front door because of the fear of accidents - you either let it control you or you take control of it

Basically, you take control of your life because no one is going to do it for you and nor should they

If you have help, then that is wonderful and makes life much easier but if you don't, you still don't give up

You keep trying and keep forging ahead

I have $0 to put towards any medicine! I can't get a job because I will get fired like my last job even though at my last job I was fired because of my Crohns and it was my first diagnosis ever of Crohns! I don't plan on trying to work when I physically can't, to where dissability would deny me anyway then I'd get fired from another job then I'd have to apply for dissability again......the endless cycle. I was just diagnosed I'm not going to work when I physically can't! No family to help etc.
I have $0 to put towards any medicine! I can't get a job because I will get fired like my last job even though at my last job I was fired because of my Crohns and it was my first diagnosis ever of Crohns! I don't plan on trying to work when I physically can't, to where dissability would deny me anyway then I'd get fired from another job then I'd have to apply for dissability again......the endless cycle. I was just diagnosed I'm not going to work when I physically can't! No family to help etc.

I see a lot of what you can't or won't do. So what ARE you going to do? I realize you were just recently diagnosed and I know being diagnosed with a life long disease is hard to come to terms with. But trying to focus on what you CAN do and what you are going to do to help your situation will be more beneficial. Maybe you could sit down and make a list of all the resources people here have given you, a long with ones in your area and start calling all of them. Call them over and over again. Fill out EVERY application for everything you can and keep calling, calling, calling. You are lucky enough to have the internet so keep researching everything you can. Don't let yourself play the victim a survivor! Have you tried this ? Here's just a few options for you...
Canton Community Clinic
(330) 454-2000
2725 Lincoln St. E., Canton
Offers a variety of free, primary care medical, dental services and referrals. Office hours 9 - 4 weekdays. Walk-ins accepted, appointments preferred. Federal health benefits administered here.

Canton City Health Department
(330) 489-3231
James Adams, City Health Commissioner
420 Market Avenue N, Canton
Childhood immunizations Monday and Thursday from 8:00 am - 11:00 am. Immunizations provided in accordance with the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines. Walk-ins no fee, must be a resident of the City of Canton. Also offers Health Education, STD Testing, and WIC Program.

Community Services of Stark County, Inc.
(330) 455-0374
625 Cleveland Avenue NW, Canton
assistance available to assist central Stark County residents who cannot afford to pay for medication prescribed by a physician. Prescription office hours are 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 PM weekdays, at Canton office only.

Stark County Health Department
(330) 493-9904
Bill Franks, County Health Commissioner
3951 Convenience Cir NW, Canton

Total Living Center
(330) 455-3663
2221 9th St SW, Canton

Margaret B. Shipley Child Health Clinic
(330) 453-3386
919 Second Street NE, Canton
Physical examinations; immunizations; speech, hearing, vision and developmental screenings; accredited laboratory services.

or for Utility assistance...
Utility Assistance

Community Services of Stark County, Inc.
(330) 455-0374
625 Cleveland Avenue NW, Canton
Provides assistance in crisis situations with food, housing, utility payments, medications, some dental and vision conditions, and gasoline necessary to drive to a job or to obtain medical care.

HEAP (Heating Emergency Assistance Program)
(330) 454-1850
Financial assistance to qualified individuals to reconnect utilities. Call for more information.

Salvation Army
(330) 453-0158
420 Market Avenue S, Canton, 44702
Help with utility payments and rent.

United Way of Central Stark County
(330) 455-4636
Call for information regarding one time utility assistance.

For housing assitance...


Chips Townhouses
(330) 454-1114
3124 Kalahari NE, Canton
Housing for low income families.

Hillview Apartments/Washington Town Homes
(330) 455-8022
1884 Sixth Street NE
Housing for low income households.

JR Coleman Senior Housing
(330) 455-9006
1732 Market Avenue N, Canton
Independent living for elderly and disabled persons.

Mayfield Manor
(330) 478-0055
3844- 11th Street SW, Canton
Independent living for elderly and disabled persons.

Plaza Estates
(330) 492-0841
3320 Cromer NW, Canton
Independent living for elderly and disabled persons.

Sahara Apartments
(330) 454-9618
2924 Rem Circle NE, Canton
Housing for low income families.

Skyline Terrace
(330) 456-7237
635 Alan Page Drive SE, Canton
Housing for low income households from one to eight persons.

Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority
(330) 454-8051
400 E. Tuscarawas Street, Canton
Provide affordable, decent, safe and sanitary housing to low-income families, elderly, and disabled individuals.

Hope that helps a little. There's definitely resources out there but they won't come to you offering their services.
I've signed up for everything under the sun! Clinics......refuse to help me only my specialist can and until medicaid goes through there is literally nothing I can do. Until disability goes through I'm trying and trying to get cash assistance but because they can't do they're paperwork or remember to type things in the computer I have to re-apply because they sent me something I never received. I've done everything I can. I can't go to "low income housing" I have no income as of yet. Some people unless in the situation really don't know how it is to live this way since you were 13 years old......
I know what it's like. My mom was a single mom with three young kids. I most certainly know what it's like to need which is why I was trying to help you. But since you've already done everything you can, then I guess there's nothing else to do than just give up, right?

Best of luck to you. I hope you find the assistance you need.
Hi. Really sorry to read of your situation. Try taking Psyllium husks/powder. It won't cure your CD but it may drastically reduce the number of BMs you have each day. (Least it did for me). This may enable you to start college or find work again, which is a start. A 5 gram sachet costs about 20 cents where I live (in the Philippines) and should be affordable in the U.S. Take 1 sachet a day first thing in the morning. With me, it took about 3 days to start working and I now have only 1 BM a day. Put it in a cup, add warm water, add a bit of thin juice (I use cranberry) to help the taste (nothing helps the texture), stir vigorously and gulp it down. I used to live in the USA and have very little faith in the doctors there.

Good luck
I have $0 to put towards any medicine! I can't get a job because I will get fired like my last job even though at my last job I was fired because of my Crohns and it was my first diagnosis ever of Crohns! I don't plan on trying to work when I physically can't, to where dissability would deny me anyway then I'd get fired from another job then I'd have to apply for dissability again......the endless cycle. I was just diagnosed I'm not going to work when I physically can't! No family to help etc.

This attitude of I cn't do it is really a defeating one. At my worst when I was shitting blood every 15 minutes I worked through it. I was severly anemic and so wore out that even as a cashier it was very difficult but I got through it. You can let the disease take over your life like you are or you can stand up to it and not let you get down. If you need help you need help. Righ now it sounds like you don't want to help yourself and theres only so much we can say to get you back on track.

I can say try to get a part time job at a company and work a couple of hours a week to get you by until disability comes in but I know you'll say I can't theres no jobs(I live and work in Ohio and I know people in Canton, Ohio you can apply for a cashier position at the Pet Supplies Plus company they are very understanding and have worked with me 100 percent during the times at my best and the times at my very worse) I can sit here and tell you all about the programs I use to help you get by but to me it sounds like you just want to say woe is me.

I don't mean to sound mean but theres only so much we can say to pick you up. If you don;t want the help then theres not much we can do to help.
There's no such thing as "free".

Very cynical. If they say the healthcare is free in Australia, that means that the person that sees the doctor will not get a bill. That mean it is free!!
Very cynical. If they say the healthcare is free in Australia, that means that the person that sees the doctor will not get a bill. That mean it is free!!

It's not cynical, it's realistic. The patient might not be paying out of their pocket, but someone is paying for the care. Doctors don't work for free 24/7, hospitals don't run on thin air, pharmaceuticals cost money, and nurses don't work on a volunteer basis. Someone is paying for it. Therefore, it is not "free".
It's a prepay system! We pay taxes out of our wages, when we save our money, when we spend our money so that hopefully by the time we need the doctors, they have been paid for!
It's not cynical, it's realistic. The patient might not be paying out of their pocket, but someone is paying for the care. Doctors don't work for free 24/7, hospitals don't run on thin air, pharmaceuticals cost money, and nurses don't work on a volunteer basis. Someone is paying for it. Therefore, it is not "free".

Yes I was wrong. I understand. You are correct.
As I posted earlier ... here in the USA I have been on government assistance for 6 years now. I have Medicaid so all my healthcare is taken care of by the state. I pay nothing. My disability income is around. $700 a month. Because I am indigent now this disability money pays for me to live in as assisted liveing (nursing home). So the government is giving me a place to live too. Because I am poor I didn't want to drain my families money so this is a good thing for me. The USA. social security disability benefits has given me a life on my own.
I'm 23 I'm not living in a nursing home I used to work in 2 of them it was horrible there! I use to take fiber when I had IBS but obviously you can't take fiber when you have Crohn's disease because your intestines are inflamed and diseased. My body rejected fiber when I got sick severely! My doctor told me to not eat any fiber also but this was after I found out on my own.

Do you realize he endless cycle of trying to get a job when your still in a flare up? You can't work but you try to so then disability won't accept you then your fired from work then you have to sign up for disability then you think you can work then they deny you then you get fired.............DUHHHHHH!!!! If you want to **** in your pants at work on a daily basis or work when your bleeding everywhere something is wrong! "MOST" companies will not keep you on the crew or team when you can't sit still and go to the restroom every 10 minutes like I did when I worked..........
Do you realize he endless cycle of trying to get a job when your still in a flare up? You can't work but you try to so then disability won't accept you then your fired from work then you have to sign up for disability then you think you can work then they deny you then you get fired.............DUHHHHHH!!!! If you want to **** in your pants at work on a daily basis or work when your bleeding everywhere something is wrong! "MOST" companies will not keep you on the crew or team when you can't sit still and go to the restroom every 10 minutes like I did when I worked..........

I do. I was right where you are. All you can do at this point is take one day at a time. As soon as ssi okays your benefits they will cut you a fairly large check. It will be retroactive to the day you applied :hang:
I'm really sorry, and I'm sure this might offend you and I apologize but I'm starting to get the impression you might be slightly taking advantage of the system. There have been a lot of people offering up suggestions and you have something negative to reply back about everything. Especially when you said something negative about working from home. I'm sorry, but if you can't work from home you really should be living in a nursing home having somebody take care of you. Sure, some of them are scams but there are also a lot of legitimate ones out there. Somebody even mentioned a few with a good reputation.

You're most definately not the sickest person on this forum. There are many people on here who have truely faced some life changing experiences but because of their positive, strong attitudes and their determination they can move forward with their life. Hell, people who can't even go to the bathroom like a normal person and they manage to get back up and hold down a respectable job, and even some physically demanding jobs.

Yes you have crohns, no you're not the only person. Hell, there are people who have dealt with crohns for longer than you've even been alive. I myself, I'm 21 and go to the bathroom around 6-10 times a day. I live on my own, pay for all my own bills with no help from my parents and even during my worst days I've went to work so I can have a roof over my head, and food on the table. Who cares if you have to go the bathroom 10 times a day, an employer cannot legally fire you because you have a crohns. If you are a hard worker, they will be accepting and help.

I really just get the impression you don't want to work, or get an education. You even turned down my idea of doing online studies. Which is the farthest thing from a scam if you're willing to do some research on a good college. Stop telling yourself you can't do something, and start thinking "if I just change this, maybe I can do that"

I just have one last question. I've heard you say how you can barely afford your $16 pay for monthly medical bills, and have no money so you're on the brink of going homeless but how are you on the internet? A computer and internet isnt a neccessity, ****, I spent a lot of money on internet every month. I almost wouldn't even be surprised if you had an iphone or a blackberry. These are NOT things you need.

I really do feel for people on the crohnsforum who need welfare or any kind of assistance because being here and talking to them, I truely feel each and everyone of them are good, loving people who have tried everything they could before having to ask for assistance, but there are also a lot of people in the world who abuse the system.

I really do wish you luck, and I think an attitude change would really go a long way. I haven't seen one positive post from you yet.
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I'm really sorry, and I'm sure this might offend you and I apologize but I'm starting to get the impression you might be slightly taking advantage of the system. There have been a lot of people offering up suggestions and you have something negative to reply back about everything. Especially when you said something negative about working from home. I'm sorry, but if you can't work from home you really should be living in a nursing home having somebody take care of you. Sure, some of them are scams but there are also a lot of legitimate ones out there. Somebody even mentioned a few with a good reputation.

You're most definately not the sickest person on this forum. There are many people on here who have truely faced some life changing experiences but because of their positive, strong attitudes and their determination they can move forward with their life. Hell, people who can't even go to the bathroom like a normal person and they manage to get back up and hold down a respectable job, and even some physically demanding jobs.

Yes you have crohns, no you're not the only person. Hell, there are people who have dealt with crohns for longer than you've even been alive. I myself, I'm 21 and go to the bathroom around 6-10 times a day. I live on my own, pay for all my own bills with no help from my parents and even during my worst days I've went to work so I can have a roof over my head, and food on the table. Who cares if you have to go the bathroom 10 times a day, an employer cannot legally fire you because you have a crohns. If you are a hard worker, they will be accepting and help.

I really just get the impression you don't want to work, or get an education. You even turned down my idea of doing online studies. Which is the farthest thing from a scam if you're willing to do some research on a good college. Stop telling yourself you can't do something, and start thinking "if I just change this, maybe I can do that"

I just have one last question. I've heard you say how you can barely afford your $16 pay for monthly medical bills, and have no money so you're on the brink of going homeless but how are you on the internet? A computer and internet isnt a neccessity, ****, I spent a lot of money on internet every month. I almost wouldn't even be surprised if you had an iphone or a blackberry. These are things you need.

I really do feel for people on the crohnsforum who need welfare or any kind of assistance because being here and talking to them, I truely feel each and everyone of them are good, loving people who have tried everything they could before having to ask for assistance, but there are also a lot of people in the world who abuse the system.

I really do wish you luck, and I think an attitude change would really go a long way. I haven't seen one positive post from you yet.

Thank you, you said it much nicer than I am capable of.
*standing ovation for kwalker*

Seriously, lose the 'poor me' attitude and DO something about it. I edited the rest of my response out because I'm having a hard time being supportive and nice.
Thank you KWalker...your post reduced my stress level over all of these posts big rock!!!

Wow, I was kind of worried I would get some hate for my post, but I just can't stand to see people who really don't put an effort out and expect others to take care of them. I remember a few years ago I held a full time job detailing cars and having to take breaks to run to the bathroom because I couldn't control my bowels. It's all about determination and how much you want something.

I didn't even realize how helpful and time consuming "ThanksP"s post was above where he/she even took the time to do some research find assistance programs, and instead of thanking that person, you just shot the idea down.
Uhhhh yeah KWalker......things are different when the place you work has NO RESTROOM and you have to walk to a restaurant every 10 minutes to use the restroom and then your boss says,"I don't understand why you just can't sit at your desk." and fires you regardless of your new diagnosis of Crohns Disease! Yes this happened to me so obviously no matter how much I tried to keep my job or work hard I got FIRED FOR CRAPPING NONSTOP and going to the hospital over 23 times in one year with no paid sick days!
And yes this was before I was treated for it, and even now going through treatment I still CANT WORK!
Yes people I was literally FIRED because of my Crohn's disease now get it through your thick skulls!!!!! He said I was fired as soon as I told him my diagnosis and what the main symptoms are as to why I can't sit still for more than 10-20 minutes......going to the restroom 10-15 times in 8 hours!!!!
Just a heads up, you probably shouldn't talk to people and disrespect them while you're looking for help. I'm sorry but I don't believe that he fired you the second you told him you have crohns. I'm pretty sure you could sue him for that and you wouldn't have to worry about money for the rest of your life. Also, because you got fired from there, does it mean that other places will hire you or wont hire you? I have never had a problem finding work and all of my employers knew about my crohns without problems.

If you had an at home job, you could work from your toilet for all they care, so there should be no excuse against that, but I guess that would require an effort and it's easier just to apply for assistance. Hell, after reading your posts you probably got somebody to fill those out for you too.

You're 23, you have your whole life ahead of you. Why are you wasting it? I would also really appreciate if you would answer my question about your current source of income without a job and no financial assistance. Am I right about your internet, and phone?

Lastly, if your meds aren't working (which they obviously aren't) why are you staying on them? Why don't you talk to your doctor and get switched to something more effective?

The people on here are trying to help you, but you have to want to help yourself.
This just proves the old adage, "You can't help people who won't help themselves."

I tried to give the benefit of the doubt and offer up assistance but I think blaming everyone else is easier than working to get help. Some people need more help than others apparently.
Amen to all above

A pity party gets you nowhere

I have bled everyday for the past 4 years and have chronic diarhea. I had rectal surgery in July - pretty much lost control of bowels at that point

I am on Pred, Remicade and Colazal and none of it is working

I have not given up and have no intention of letting it get me down

March '11 I developed a bloodclotting disorder that caused me to have double pulmonary embolisms and pulmonary infarction all due to Crohn's

I am grateful to be alive even if it means I crap on myself daily and have gut pain along with the other problems

Take control of your life and when you send off applications or they are sent to you then follow up daily to make sure they have been received or mailed to you

That is YOUR responsibility

I found the Remistart program myself by googling - you need to to do the same
It is worth keeping in mind the different countries / states / provinces and systems in place to accommodate disability also differ a great deal in what services are offered.

Without imposing my politics on you I'd say fight hard, fight to live, fight for your health. (maybe that is my politics - sorry)
Yes people I was literally FIRED because of my Crohn's disease now get it through your thick skulls!!!!! He said I was fired as soon as I told him my diagnosis and what the main symptoms are as to why I can't sit still for more than 10-20 minutes......going to the restroom 10-15 times in 8 hours!!!!

What is it you want from those of us on the forum who have read your posts and taken time to try and respond in ways that we have found to be helpful in our own lives?

No one on this forum (including you) should have to take on further stress from others who post here...we all have enough in our own lives and are here to support each other the best way we each have to offer. However, your posts have all been angry and negative and I find it to be pointless for you to continue using this great place to lash out at anyone who dares to respond. A vent post is one thing but what you have been doing is something totally different!

Why do you insist on returning to the forum with the anger and bad attitude? I honestly would love to know what it is you want?????
I'd just like to say one thing here, that people should be fully aware of, that yes there are some here with terrible symptoms who manage to work, but that does not automatically mean that everyone else can work just because you can with awful symptoms. CD affects everyone differently and everyone is different in how well they cope.

As a fictional example, someone with raging CD may well be able to go out to work- but only because they do not rely on public transport, work close to home/lots of public bathrooms en route, because they have good access to a bathroom at work and an understanding boss. Remove just one of those and it becomes much much more difficult to hold down a job. And with all the unemployment in the UK and US, who stands a better chance of getting that job, someone sick or someone healthy? It may be illegal to discriminate against disabled people but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. A friend has just started work with an insurance company (her main issue is pain, not IBD) who have been more than happy to make some adjustments for her. But you wouldn't believe how many outright "no" answers she got or how many employers told her outright "you are too much of a risk to employ" before she got lucky. She had to give up her previous job, working for very good friends, because she was just too unreliable, and despite them being 100% understanding (sometimes she would go in and they would send her straight home to sleep), she could not carry on her employment there.

Alot of people take for granted having their own car for example and just can't comprehend how difficult it can be without one.
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@Crohns2011 - After reading through all the posts it would appear that you have been given a wealth of information and direction on ways that may be helpful to overcome your current situation. Perhaps now is the time to leave it at that.

The objective of this forum is to gain information and knowledge but more importantly it is to help support the people that come here through their personal and individual journey's with IBD. There is nothing wrong with robust discussion but it needs to be conducted with respect and bearing in mind that you are likely communicating with people that have indeed had very similar experiences to yourself.

Regarding certainly can be used to great effective with some conditions caused by Crohn's.


Regarding "free" care in it is not free, as stated nothing is free. Every tax payer contributes to our universal health care but I must say it is certainly one arm of government I have no qualms in my tax dollar going to. It is free in the sense that they walk away from a public hospital with no bills, whether they be there for 1 hour or 6 months. It would break my heart and cause me no end of worry if my children did not have access to such a system.

Dusty. xxx
Thank you to those of you who provided wonderful, supportive information; it is appreciated and what this forum is all about. :heart:

If someone chooses not to utilize the information we provide that is their prerogative. While frustrating at times, especially when you know you're correct, trying to force them in a direction rather than create a supportive space for them via kindness and patience (or possibly just ignoring them) so they can make the right decision, rarely ends well.


Email from Crohns2011 said:
How do you delete a profile on this forum? I don't want to be a member of this site anymore I would like my profile deleted.

It's relatively easy to support someone ready to be supported. To support those who are difficult to support is when the saints are crowned. I know it's not easy and often fail myself but it's something I hope everyone on this forum is conscious of and working towards.

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