Anyone claimed DLA for CD ?

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Feb 29, 2012
anyone claimed DLA for CD ?

Hi all,

not sure what section to post this in but anyways -

can you claim DLA (disability living allowance) , i have heard that you can but it can be a fight to get it.

has anyone done this ?

is there anything you can advise me about all the forms you have to fill in.

many thx
Sorry I am not in UK.
However there is a government site_:: --- you might find something in there.
I am sure someone will be along who knows more about this.
Hugs and best wishes
DLA doesn't get paid just because you have such and such an illness (in this case CD). DLA is paid if you have care and/or mobility needs. Care is paid at low, middle and high rate, mobility at middle and high rate.

It is very hard to get and most cases are won on appeal, which are now taking 1-2 years. Also it is in the process of being reformed, so it will be even harder to get. For example low rate care is being abolished, which means all those currently getting that will be entitled to nothing under the new rules.

Unless a case of CD is very bad I can't see anyone getting anything over LRC, if they even qualify for that, unless they have other problems which mean they need higher levels of care and help getting around.

Personally I have though about claiming (I feel I would qualify for LRC), but decided it's not worth over a years stress only to have it withdrawn in the near future. It's £20 odd a week at that rate and don't have the energy to fight for it frankly, especially as I will qualify for a short time only.
I've tried twice & been refused twice because of the mobility aspect. Its a weird one because not everyone who suffers from a chronic illness needs care or help with walking. The parameters are way too small IMHO.
I read Disability Living as Living with a Disability, the Govt see's it differently.
I am expecting grief over this as i have claimed dla for my wife for different reasons - her dla went to appeal and one thing i remember is the judge saying " describe your worste possible day " which we did, it was then granted on the spot.

I have started on the forms but must admit - im not to sure of my answers as the questions are very black or white and as we all know depending on what we have eaten, or if we are in a flare up or stressed can make a huge difference to how we feel and what we are capable of doing.

i will continue with the form after i have spoke to my specialist and find out exactly what it what. all im running on is the way i feel and not what it will be like in the future and what the consultant said " you have a really serious condition .. its crohn`s " sorry but that dont really tell me sod all. getting ratty now so time to chill

hell its a bad time to stop smoking :(
I first applied early last year and got turned down straight away and tbh I thought that was a fair decision but was worth a go anyway.

after a certain incident and lengthy spell in hospital I applied again, this time they spoke to my doctors etc and I was awarded the low level care award. which is 20 quid a week. Bearing in mind that I had gone through 2 big ops and spent 4 months in hospital before they'd give this to me. You have to be very carefull with DLA and at the time I was awarded it I was in need of a lot of help and care after what happened. I've now got to a point where I am more able to look after myself and I have made the DLA aware of this which means the likely hood is I will have my award taken away. Which I wouldn't argue with tbh.

In all honesty, unless you're at a point where Crohn's is affecting you so much that you can't physically look after yourself on a daily basis without help with good reason then it is going to be hard to get. Crohn's can be very disabiliting at times for a lot of people. But it can also be controlled in a lot of people so just a diagnosis of Crohn's on its own doesn't particularly warrant getting DLA straight away.