Anyone colonscopy negative and biopsies positive?

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May 15, 2016
Hi guys I'm a girl of 35 years old from Italy. I'm searching a help for my problems becouse the doctors does not understand. I would like to have your opinion. i have done a ultrasound bowel loops which says : sigma with increased echogenicity of the wall and loss of stratification. increase of the liquid in the intestinal peristalisis and loops. After i have done a colonscopy which say negative and waiting for the biopsies.. and a gastroscopy less represented the villi of the duodenum and i m waiting for the biopsies.. The antibody asca igg positive.. Do you think it is possible chron with colonscopy negative and i m waiting for the biopsies? I will do the pill cam.. thank you so much for your help.. Hilary
Hi. It is best to wait on results from the doctor but it his possible that you have Crohns. Please let us know wgen you find out.
It is possible to have Crohn's in or the small intestines, or only the large intestines or both. A colonoscopy will only tell you if it is present in the large intestines or where the large meets the small(terminal ileum). Someone could have a clear colonoscopy and yet a pill cam of the small intestines shows the Crohn's located there. Also, a visual diagnostic is not always accurate-a biopsy will show if there is microinflammation that may not be visible. This can be a tricky disease to diagnose depending on the location of the Crohn's and degree of inflammation/ulceration.
It is possible to have Crohn's in or the small intestines, or only the large intestines or both. A colonoscopy will only tell you if it is present in the large intestines or where the large meets the small(terminal ileum). Someone could have a clear colonoscopy and yet a pill cam of the small intestines shows the Crohn's located there. Also, a visual diagnostic is not always accurate-a biopsy will show if there is microinflammation that may not be visible. This can be a tricky disease to diagnose depending on the location of the Crohn's and degree of inflammation/ulceration.

Thank you for your explanation in fact i see that this disease is so strange and the gi are not very informed.. I cannot belive that the colonscopy was negative becouse i have a lot of pain.. every time i eat colic and dysenterie.. and the visual image see the infiammation of sigma in the place i say to have pain.. in 2008 i had a recovery and with the colonscopy they find out the colitis eosinophilic .. the doctor said to me that if the antibodies and the pain don't disappear in the years i can have chron.. so i'm now a lot of year later.. i have osteoporosis and entesitis shoulder and not only pain in the abdomen but in the legs and shoulders too.. I really hope that the biopsies find out what i have becose i'm sure that i have something but i m afraid that the doctors will not understand.. I just come back home from a recovery and i'm waiting for the biopsies and i will do the pill cam at the end of may.. they wanted to to the magnetic resonance but i have not accepted becouse of the allergy so they decided for the pill cam.. Thank you so much for your help it is very hard to find people informed here in Italy..
Hi Hilary, sorry to hear all the difficulties you are having. If you have enthesitis related joint pain, perhaps the doctors could put you on a TNF blocker medicine such as Humira or Remicade. These medicines also help with Crohn's symptoms as well.
Hi Hilary, sorry to hear all the difficulties you are having. If you have enthesitis related joint pain, perhaps the doctors could put you on a TNF blocker medicine such as Humira or Remicade. These medicines also help with Crohn's symptoms as well.

Yes i really hope the understand what i have so the reumatic doctors too can hell me.. Thank you so much :)