Anyone else overweight with Crohns?

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Feb 4, 2013
I am leery of sharing too much because... Well I don't seem to fit in any of the "molds". Even during my worst flares, I was not losing weight. I have been living with Crohns for 8 years( least since I was diagnosed). I have pretty much done it all for Crohns care except surgery. I am now on Remicade infusions every 8 weeks.
Yep. I'm fat and have Crohn's. Prednisone has kept me from flaring too badly when it has come to that, which also makes me voraciously hungry of course. My disease is all in my large intestine so I guess absorption is largely not a problem for me.

I'm confused about why you're worried about fitting a mold..?
I am a few extra pounds over weight have been dealing with crohns for 10 years, have had complications this whole past year...finally my gi doctor came to the realization after being on remicade for 2 rounds of it and major reaction to it that it was time for surgery. Had that on the 31st, have felt great since except some pain at the present moment, but no more diarrhea!!
Hi there. I am about 30 lbs over weight. Although if you go by what my BMI and 'ideal" weight should be its more then that.

i am currently , for the last month, been working hard at trying to drop a few pounds. I find it very frustrating that i cant seem to lose the weight. Although when i cant really live on salad and other healthy stuff, it sort of makes sense. I am doing the Jillian Micheals 30 days shred, i am 3 days in and i am hoping that helps.

I dont understand how i dont lose weight when somedays it feels as if i dont keep any food in my body.

Dont feel alone. I dont understand it much myself.
Pred made me a porker!! put on something like 15kg in about 3 weeks lol. struggling to lose the last bit now
Yep! I actually put on weight when my Crohn's is at it. Actually, nobody would believe for 14 years that there was anything seriously wrong, because if there was I would be losing weight !

I put on weight because I could not eat fibre and all those things that are low in calories and yet fill you. So, when I have a flare instead of having a salad - I'd have to eat something higher in carbs and low in residue. Furthermore, because of the pain and sickness I lack energy and become less active.

When they eventually did the test I had asked them for - and they had ignored as "it couldn't be serious as you are not losing weight - it must be ibs" - they found a nice long ileal stricture. They then said to me - "why did it take you so long to do something about it - this is very serious!"

It was so serious that I laughed my side sick.
I'm the same chronic active. Can't lose any weight. I've gym'd it, dieted, and spoke to doctors who all say it is just the condition and to get used to it. I hate it. Was a size 8 prior to diagnosis can't get under a 12 now. Thinking of doing a shake thing after this flare settles. Any one got any other advice? So u do fit my mold chelleybelley!!!! Or I fit yours eitherway.
I firmly believe weight gain is just as much a symptom of Crohn's as weight loss and I wish the literature reflected that. Oftentimes people with Crohn's are made to feel even worse than healthy people about not being able to lose weight, because weight loss is "supposed" to be part of the disease.

There are many reasons people with Crohn's gain weight, some of which include:
Dietary restrictions (often the foods we are told to eat/can tolerate are the fattening ones!)
When I was first diagnosed, someone at the hospital handed me a pamphlet on " IBD and your nutritional status".. It was all I could do not to laugh!!
After several years of very hard work, I had managed to drop 20 kg, only to regain 7-8 on the inevitable prednisone!
2 yrs later, we're almost back to where we started (BMI just under 25)

pred and being pregnanat made me double my weight nearly, i used to be 8 stone now i am nearly 14 stone, cant seem to shift it now i am off the pred.
When I was first diagnosed, someone at the hospital handed me a pamphlet on " IBD and your nutritional status".. It was all I could do not to laugh!!
After several years of very hard work, I had managed to drop 20 kg, only to regain 7-8 on the inevitable prednisone!
2 yrs later, we're almost back to where we started (BMI just under 25)

Good work HD!
pred and being pregnanat made me double my weight nearly, i used to be 8 stone now i am nearly 14 stone, cant seem to shift it now i am off the pred.

I had that exact thing happen with me too! It's so hard because I have been an athletic person who ways organic & does a balance of natural/western medicine. I have not been able to take the weight off since I went off prednisone 1 yr. ago. I am 35 lbs overweight now.
Yep. I'm fat and have Crohn's. Prednisone has kept me from flaring too badly when it has come to that, which also makes me voraciously hungry of course. My disease is all in my large intestine so I guess absorption is largely not a problem for me.

I'm confused about why you're worried about fitting a mold..?[/QUOT

Thanks for the reply Muppet. I am not so much worried about fitting into a mold, I just have not ever had a Dr. or fellow Crohnie that had the overweight issue. Therefore, I was hoping for some insight if anyone else was in the same boat. I got a lot of questions answered
yep I'm a chronie and weigh 185lbs - i actually put on 22lbs in one week in hospital while i was on TPN and massive doses of pred. I was actually classed as malnourished even though I was so over weight . Unfortunately I was also allowed to eat a full fluid diet so lots of custard etc. The problem is that the crohn's saps your energy so much that its difficult to exercise to help lose the weight plus healthy foods aren't good for me cos I have a stoma and they could block it up. And then theres the pred which makes you hungry. To be honest I find it all very depressing. I was always 120lbs pre crohn's diagnosis and treatment (and having children). So I'm with you there chelleybelly.
On Remicade (double dose) - 30lbs over weight (and it's ALL on my belly). I look about 6 months prego. Trying to lose weight, but it's not working very well. Blah!
I'm constant being asked when I'm due. The best was a lady I worked with for over a month said " you can barely tell you are pregnant from behind". I was horrible in return which I regret now as two wrongs blah blah blah. But yes all belly hips and thighs.
I remember years ago when my twins were about seven an acquaintance asked if I was pregnant and I too (to my everlasting shame) was not nice in reply. So Anita you;re not alone there. I think its partly the shock that someone thinks you look like you are pregnant that makes you give a terse reply. Well, thats my excuse anyway. :)

And Welcome to the forum Anita - another Aussie. :)

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