Anyone had to stop due to liver/kidney issues?

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Jul 28, 2014
Im undergoing testing due to unexplained edema in one leg. GI and PCP have said that while it is possible this is steroid related as Im just now tapering after being on since June 2014, they are concerned that it could be liver or kidney problems and GI says that is a concern with Azathioprine. Im hoping its not b/c the Imuran- Humira combo seems to work. Wondering if anyone has seen/experienced this sort of thing?
Hey Aideen! Have you got your labs back yet?

A few years back I had elevated liver levels while on 6-MP. My GI at the time just monitored me frequently and they dropped back to normal. I think whether or not it's advisable to just "wait and see" depends on how elevated your levels are.
I was on 6mp and remicade. Was doing fine but they kept upping my 6 mp to get the levels into the "effective" range. High bilirubin!? no worries! I was extremely fatigued for weeks on end then I became jaundiced my skin was dry and scaley and I realized my liver was shutting down just like having Hep. I quit the 6 mp and it cleared up in 48 hours. Stayed in remission for many years after just on Remicade.
Finally got labs drawn on Wednesday morning. hopin they will be back and will call in the morning cause my follow up appt isnt til the 18th and thats a while to be wondering. Swelling has gone down on the Lasix but that only tells me there was fluid retention not *why*