Anyone researched/tried an AMISH doctor?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 8, 2013
I am wondering if anyone has thought about, researched, or went to any type of Amish physician for their Crohn's? I've heard many things (positive) about people being treated for various medical problems, but haven't heard much from anyone with Crohns who has tried this...if you or anyone you know has done this, I would greatly appreciate any info you can share.
This is the first I've heard it mentioned on the forum so I'm going to tag Jim (POPS) and see if he's heard of anyone being treated for Crohn's by an Amish doctor. :)
Sorry, I can't help you. I lived Amish only until I was 10 years old. I found out I had crohns when I was 61 living in California.

Maybe I should go back home and look into it.

Jim (POPS)
Hmm...I don't know...nextg time I see one of my neighbors I could ask ...I do know they use one of the local 'old time' doctors sometimes and have been known to go to the hospital for more serious illness/injuries.

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