Anyone take antibiotics with periods

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Feb 25, 2010
Hi everyone. Saw dr. Yesterday, been having pain on and off on left side of vagina since about 2 years ago. I did get about two er dr. To check and couldn't,the find anything, maybe yeast infection, but I have no itching just a burn raw feeling. It slightly swollen when you open up and red going down to bottom of vagina. Also showed my gp and said it's coming from rectum, so I left it. Saw gastrointestinal and she saw it a day sent me to gyno who said possible bartolin and keep an eye on it. She was rushing as it was closing and I failed to mention this has been going on for 2 years. I tried canasten and still there. So I show dr. Again yesterday and says chronic and maybe infected so gave me antibiotics. I hate to tame them as my period pain is bad and it flares my stomach. Have you ever took while on period.
Yes I've taken antibiotics while on my period. I never had any issues. Then again antibiotics never seemed to affect my stomach to begin with. Sorry for the late reply. Hopefully the antibiotics help. Make sure your doctors get a treatment plan that works for you as this isn't something you should have to deal with on a constant basis and treat with antibiotics over and over. There must be a way to prevent it.
Thanks so much for reply. Yes I am going to push dr. To treat it, the redness on left side of vagina is starting to worry me. Thanks again.

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