Ok, so I was diagnosed about a year ago. I went through a lot of pain and misery before I was diagnosed like many on this site. I am finally (after over a year of different meds) starting to feel somewhat human again and so I am trying to get my diet on track. I have 3 or 4 books on IBD, Crohn's etc and I am really confused about what I can or should eat! I know everyone is different, but the moment I try to eat anything remotely healthy (veggies and some fruits) I begin getting terrible diarrhea and cramps. I recently started a new job (after not being able to work for 2 years due to health issues related to this) and we are in a small setting. It is extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing. I don't know how I am supposed to eat better when it seems like the only things that don't give me issues are chicken and rice. I have heard that Breaking the Viscous Cycle is a good start and the key to being able to digest these "healthy" foods is a cleanse that has something to do with chicken broth. This is 3rd or 4th hand knowledge, any advice out there from a fellow sufferer who has had success? Thanks everyone!