As reality slowly sets in...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 25, 2012
It has been almost a year since my diagnosis and all things considered its not been as bad as some other stories I have read here and since starting Humira I am doing significantly better. Thing is that the reality of the situation is slowing setting in. There is no magic cure and no medicine that will make me feel completely normal again... I have really good days, sometimes I have great days and sometimes I have rough days and through it all life goes on.

It hard to make sense of this but it really is hitting me hard right now... I seem to be having a hard time dealing with the fact that needles will forever be normal for me, this disease will never truly go away, the uncertainty of what life will be like day to day and the fact that everyone in my family will completely freak out when one of the kids gets sick. On a side note my 3 year old was sick over the weekend (we thought he had the flu) and I was locked in my bedroom for 2 days and not aloud out for fear that I would get sick.

Guess the point I am getting at is does life ever become normal again... do I ever get used to all of this because just when I think I have worked my way through it all emotionally it hits like a train again...
I was feeling similarly this past year. I still am on an emotional roller coaster at times.

Needles may not always be a part of your life. There is always something new to be learned about this condition and you never know when a new med or new research will shine a bright light on things.

But for me, I guess life has a "new normal". One that will continue to hold surprises, both good and bad.

Best wishes to you.
Hi Miss BG
Have you seen this?
Being diagnosed and then living with a chronic illness is such a huge thing you get your head around. I think a lot of us bob back and forward between the different stages.
I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling down.

There is no cure for Crohn's--yet, but not so long, average life expectancy for victims of HIV was 2 years. Now, with treatment and proper care, life expectancy for those with HIV is about the same as it is for everyone else.

Researchers around the world are working on new, and more effective treatments, and conducting trial studies aimed at finding a cure.

All kinds of previously fatal diseases can now be treated and cured or have been virtually erradicated through vaccinations, all within the past 20-50 years. Small pox, diphtheria, polio, hepititis, maleria, typhoid, diphtheria, whooping cough, syphillis, etc. With early enough detection, even most cancers are now curable.

Crohn's can also go into remission, for very long periods of time.

There may not be a magic cure or medication that will make you feel 100% normal, today, but that's just today.

I wish you the best as well.
Hi MissBG
I'm sorry that your having a hard time coping right now, we have all been there. It is great to hear that the Humira is doing well for you. Try to keep your chin up, a year from now, you might be in remission and back to a completely normal life. Science is always moving forward. Who knows, maybe in our lifetime they will find a cure.

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