Asacol & 5asa

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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
I've got a question for you guys. Last time I visited my GI she told me that if the asacol I'm taking is no longer working that she thinks that it wouldn't be good to put me on any other 5asa medications because she figures it wouldn't work.

I've done some reading about pentasa and it looks like that would work better now than the asacol I'm taking (I have inflammation in my lower intestine). Have any of you been on asacol and transferred to pentasa or any other 5asa drug? Or, were you told that the only other choice was azathioprine, remicade, humira or methotrexate?

Thank you in advance for any info you can tell me:)
I was initiated on Pentasa and then switched to Lialda when Pentasa stopped working. Same drug but slightly different release mechanism is what I was told. The Lialda did work a bit better for awhile.
I did the opposite, switching from Pentasa to Asacol HD, though not the magic bullet, as Im waiting for biopsy results to add in a biologic, I feel that switching to a 5-Asa that was suited better definitely helped. Many people continue to stay on 5-Asa's while moving further on to diff drugs. I say give it a try, it can definitely make a difference depending on where your crohns is located
I started off on Asacol and was switched to Pentasa after about 1 year. I definately saw an improvement after changing to the Pentasa, but it does depend on where your disease is located. Mine was in the colon and terminal ileum. So I don't think a 5asa switch should be dismissed, especially if you're unsure about trying one of the stronger meds.
Thank you 2thFairy & nikimazur:) I'm currently on the regular asacol not the hd type. But, it's good to know. Probably a longshot, but may ask the doctor about it anyway. How long ago were you on the pentasa? niki, do you know if there's much difference in the price of the two? Right now through my work I'm paying a little over $100 a month for 270 pills.
I was on Pentasa for probably 6 months before switching over the Lialda. After that, I stayed on Lialda and all other meds were added on top of that.

There's not much cost difference between Pentasa and Lialda, but I don't know about the difference between Pentasa and Asacol. I would think they are about the same.
Price without insurance was both around 900 per month for both asacol hd and pentasa. My co-pay was 40$ for each per month, or 40$ for a thre month supply if I did mail order. The 5-Asa's for the most part are around the same price. Entocort on the other hand was over 1500$ per month, yikes, but still only had a 40$ co pay. You can call and ask your insurance company, even without having a script in hand.
wait, is pentasa them blue/greenish like capsules? I think I took pentassa in 91/92 but wound up going back to the azulfadine.
Pentasa is bright blue pills it came on the market in 93, and is ridiculously expensive, yet it's patent expires next year. Every 5-Asa has a slightly different formulation to dissolve in the "right" area. Like pentasa is targeted towards the small intestine while Asacol is targeted more towards the colon, and typically does not work in patients whose small intestines are effected.
It will be interesting to see what scheme they come up with when the patent expires. Wouldn't it be great if there was a generic form?!
Is there another asa besides pentasa that works in the small intestine?

What's the difference between asacol and asacol hd? High def lol.
"supposedly" Asacol HD is for moderate to severe flaring crohns while Asacol is or mild to moderate crohns. asacol HD is recommended only to be for six weeks max, according to the lovely package insert. In my honest opinion I find it a load of cow poo.

Asacol and asacol hd are technically not bio equivalent, and some people have flared when switching from one to another, just like trying to switch from pentasa to asacol. Is all based on the little coating on each pill, for they call contain melasamine. Sounds so silly, yet costs thousands of dollars, ehhh
make sure you ask the pharmacist about the possible interactions,
I looked on the Interaction checker and the Pentasa is listed as having a possible interaction with the Famotidine

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