Astra's daughter in the hospital..

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Oct 3, 2009
I am back, yet again, gosh never gonna get out of full retirement!

Joan has been emailing me letting me know that her daughter Jess is in the hospital for exploratory surgery. She has been in agony and diarreah. Doctors think it could be her appendix, but Joanie will let you all know what it comes out to be. She is worried that she could have IBD and she is exhausted.

Please sent her some support and love, because goodness knows she has been there for everyone else here! She has helped alot and has been giving you love too. Hang in there Joanie, we all love you and fingers crossed all will be well with Jess soon! Love ya girl! :hug:

Get better Jess!:getwell:
Poor Joan what a worrying time for her, I hope that her daughter gets better very soon and that it is not IBD. Hope they know very soon... sending hugs xx
Get well soon Jess! Bless you Joan, all the love and support and healing hugs coming your way!!! All the best to Jess. Bless her and you!
Love and healing hugs,
So so sorry to hear this! I hope you're daughter is ok Joan and that it turns out to be something simple and easy to fix!

My thoughts and prayers are with you guys

Awww how awful :(

Thinking of you Joan and hope you get well soon Jess.

Big Hugs :hug:

Hi Joan,

Thinking of you and Jess and hoping more than anything it is nothing too serious. I know you are worried sick hun, just know that we all here sending you and Jess our love, best wishes and support...

:goodluck: Jess and :getwell:

Always thinking of you mate, :hug::hug::hug:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Pen, thanks for updating us again and so sorry to hear this. Joan and Jess, I hope it turns out to be nothing or something that is easily treatable! Thinking of you and hoping for some good news.
Aww, Joanie, sorry!! I know you're thinking the worst and hoping for the best! I hope it turns out ok for Jess! I hope you can keep from stressing too much yourself. Thinking about you my friend!!
Joan, you are one special lady and I am sure your daughter is just as amazing. Keeping the two of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Dear Joan: I am so very sorry to hear that your daughter is in hospital. What a tough time for you and her and your family. Sending warm thoughts.
Joan - so sorry to hear about your daughter's illness. Hope all goes well. She's a lucky girl to have a mom like you, we're all thinking about you.
Thank you for letting us know. I will keep Joan and her daughter in my prayers.

Joan, I'm thinking of you and your daughter. I hope everything is alright! Hugs to you.
Oh Wow! Thank you my special friends and especially you Pen xxxxx

Jessica had been having bellyache since last Thursday after a Chinese meal, but the GP ruled out food poisoning cos her boyf wasn't affected. I was treating her with Buscopan for indigestion and wind! Ho Hum
As time went on she got worse and eventually started screaming, and we were up all night,I knew something wasn't right, so yesterday I took her back to GP and he phoned an ambulance.
At first they suspected a kidney infection cos her water sample showed positive.
They ruled out ecopic preganancy - negative.
As the day went on she got worse and they gave her antibiotics and IV drips, severely dehydrated. And painkillers
I talked to the surgeon and mentioned my Crohn's and he took that into consideration but said he was 99.9% sure it was the appendix. Her CRP was 189.
So last night she went to theatre and had it removed.
The nurse said the doc did a good 'clean up' cos it was a bit of a mess in there? Maybe it had burst? dunno. Jess managed to talk to me but was very groggy, but I'm sure she's ok and everything is fine.
I'm sooooooo knackered! Managed to get 5 hours sleep last night, prior to that I had been awake for over 24 hours.
So I'm going back later, hopefully to speak to a doc, and hopefully rule out an IBD.
I'll make it up to her, been bollocking her all weekend for not tidying her room! ha ha
Thanks everyone, love ya to bits!
Ah . . . phew eh !

Glad to hear that alls well Joan, she is in good hands anyway.

Why does she have to clean her room , when my sister asked her daughterto clean up she said . . . ."why who's coming?"


Take care Joan

Joan and Jess- you are in our prayers. Hope that you will get an answer soon and that it will be a speedy recovery.Love
Hey Joanie, so glad she has gone through it ok. Appendix removal is common, she could of been microscopically leaking just like me when I had mine taken out. Poor kid she must of been suffering pretty bad. Make sure you get some sleep, all we need now is for you to get sick again. Hang in there kiddo.

BTW all I have talked to Joan on the phone and she sounds so angelic...but don't let that fool ya! ;).

Speedy recovery Jess nad all is well!

Lots of love and hugs!!!
Thanks Penny for letting us know!
Joan I hope you get some much needed rest and your daughter
gets to feeling better real soon!!
Big hugs all around.
Hey Joan, good to hear that it was "only" the appendix. Cannot imagine what you have been through ...

Hugs to you and your daughter and a speedy recovery to your daughter from surgery and you from sleep deprivation. :)
Thank you for taking the time to let everyone know ...
I hope you can get some rest Joan, and fingers crossed it's just the appendix!
Only just read this.
Hope all is ok with Jess and that she is feeling better. Hopefully its 'just' an appendicitis....poor thing.
Look after yourself Joan, I'm sure you are taking good care of her.
Thanks for the update, Joan. I hope Jess has a speedy recovery and is feeling better in no time!
Aw, poor Jess and poor you, Joan. Big hugs and best wishes to you both. Take care of yourself too Joan. Easy to say I know, but try to get enough rest.
Helen xxxxxxxx
Angelic? Moi?

God my head's cabbaged! I was in the middle of a Samuel Peeps essay for you all, then had a bloody powercut!

I'll try again!
Been to see Jessica and when I walked into her room she shouted
'Mammy! I feel amazing! I've had a poo and a wee!'
I just burst into tears with relief! She looked soooooooooo good!
Surgeon had been to see her this morning and said 'You're a lucky girl!
I didn't get to speak to him but the ward Sister read me the surgical notes, it said...
'exploratory keyhole found peritonitis, proceeded onto opening up and perforated appendix detected, diverticulitis, inflamed bladder, inflamed bowel loops, pus in pelvic cavity, drained and bagged. Incision stapled. complicated appendectomy.

No mention of Crohn's or IBD, of course her bowels were inflamed but that was the peritonitis, me hopes!

Jessica has a lovely 6 inch vertical scar which she's a bit miffed with!
She's eating like a pig, and is soooooooooo happy!
She's still got a drain in and on IV fluids and painkillers, but she's doing great.
I can't help thinking that if she'd still been in Uni digs, she'd be dead now!
But......... that's all so yesterday!
My GP is an Angel, he saved my life last year and now he's saved my babe!
I'm knackered, but I'm ok and ready for my pit!
Thank you to all my special friends, you're just the business!
Cya soon
Just now saw this thread Joan, but wanted to wish you both well. Glad to hear she is feeling better and I hope it stays that way. Now go get some rest!
Oh Joan, so pleased Jess is doing so well :) You need to catch up on your sleep now :)

Big luvs & hugs

Joan, so very happy she is feeling so much better! Now YOU need to get some rest! Dont forget to take care of you.
Huggles and smooches!
Glad to hear she is on her way to a good recovery... hope its not IBD... apped' are scary things to but it out and good.... you are in my prayers and thoughts.. take care :)
Glad she's feeling much better and I hope she only goes onward and upward from here. A burst appendix is not fun and I'm glad they got to it in time. Be sure to get some more rest for yourself soon.
Only just come across this post but glad to have found that all seems well now!
I hope your daughter continues to recover speedily Joan and that you get the rest that you need.
Take care
Hey Joan, just catching up now. I hope Jess is doing great and that you cleaned her room for her :D

wendy xo
Oh FFS I can't believe I am just catching this now! Joanie! What a trip you've had the past couple days!!!!

Glad to hear Jess is doing well and on the mend. PHEWWWW!

Hugs to her and to you, and for Pen for coming out of retirment to let us know!

xo xo - Ames
Hey Joan, thanks for the quick msn. So glad Jess has made it through. I wondered if perontitis was a culprit, but dang if I was going to say that, when you are frantically worrying. One good thing about all this is Jess can now appreciate what you went through last year and know that pain. Glad it is all over. Meet ya for a chat tomorrow.

Now will ya all stay outta trouble so I can retire lol. I miss you all but ... I need to look after me and I am doing pretty damn good so far, so leave me alone!! :nonono:

Amy, you are such a hoot!! Hope you are doing well. Behave! Dont make me come back here you hear??

Love and laughter!xx
I'm glad to here that Jess is doing better. Hugs and comfort to both of you. :)
Glad to hear Jess is doing soooo much better!.....appendicitis can be a nasty thing - my father-in-law had his burst while out on a road trip....he ended up like Jess - this was umpteen years ago though and he recovered FINE!

Both of you get some rest, don't overdo it, ...oh, and will Jess be coming home to a clean room? lol
ha ha her bedroom is still a compost bin!
but I will gut it before she comes home.

Just got back from hospital, Jess is still doing great, surgeon saw her this morning and said she's recovering well and might come home Sunday!
She said she didn't want to, she loves her remote control bed too much!
Jess is a bit weepy and in pain, but that's expected, they've had a proper root in there and it's all traumatised!
They've bombarded her with 3 different anti biotics and her drain is out now.
She feels a bit paranoid that it's gonna happen again, so her nurse is going to have a chat with her to reassure her that, no, it won't, it's all been took out and washed down.
Jess laughed when I said they'd used a Dyson to do it!
So, all's well with our lot!
Thanks everyone!
That's great news :) No wonder she's sore and anxious: sounds like there was an awful lot going on in there! And how are you, sweetie? Are you rested and recovered for what must have been an awful shock? :kiss:
I hope you managed to get a kip Joan? Great news that she's on the mend. Sorry to hear she's still frightened though...bless her she's been through alot. Hope she can come home on Sunday!

I too love the remote control beds, she's not alone. Hugs to you both!

Cheers Helen & Misty!

I'm ok, very tired, had to go to work today, kids in my class were up the pole!
I had to go in cos I'm in enough strife as it is. Apparantly, according to their 'Employment Law' Jess isn't a dependent, she's out of danger, and to stay off today would be a sackable offence!
I said ' I don't give a flying f*** to be honest!'
I have a lot of sleeping to catch up with, so that's where I am, in me pit!
hope you're ok you two?
Hugs n stuff
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YOU get some rest now Joan and take care of yourself.
So pleased your daughter is doing well! :)

Big hugs~nancy
well, now the weekend can commence in style. Hope your daughter will be home by Sunday, unfrightened and you will get some well deserved sleep. :)
Thank you Heike

Been to see Jess this afternoon. I was a bit cross to see her still lying in bed with the same gown on that she went down to theatre in!
This isn't the nurses fault btw.
I made her get up and have a shower and wash her hair. Then I blow dried it for her.
I told her that the more she moved the faster the recovery. And not to lie in bed under the covers during the day. To get her day clothes on and sit in the day chair.
Tough love? yeah you bet!
And she felt a whole lot better for it too and smelt better! lol
Must of got some rest Joan, because you're sassy again! :rof:

Glad she is feeling better after her shower and tough love!

I'm glad to hear that Jess is feeling better. I think getting her up is a good thing. My mom was a nurse, and she said that they always tried to get patients moving around early on, to prevent blood clots. Be sure to take care of yourself as well.
Must of got some rest Joan, because you're sassy again! :rof:

Glad she is feeling better after her shower and tough love!


Sheesh, Misty, you took the words out of my mouth.

Good for you, Joan! Will she be relaeased today?

Sure would be nice ... well, here in the States today is Father's Day, so in that sense it would be a nice gift, no?? :D
Thanks girls!

Yes she's home! God, do I know it! Fetch me, carry me, serve me!
She makes a very bad patient! Whingeing for England!
She got straight into my bed to watch telly.
But secretly I'm so relieved, and I'm tired, so I've turfed her out me bed!
She's on Metronidazole and Cefaclor for 2 weeks and has her staples out next Monday, so fingers crossed her wound stays clean and heals nicely.

Yes it's Father's Day here too, but we haven't seen hide nor hair of him all day!
Lotsa luv
Joan xxxxxxxx
Hope you are resting peacefully Joan after your week from hell! Sleep tight my friend!!
Hi Joan,

Not been around for a few days, so I missed what's been going on. I'm glad that things are headed in the right direction.

Glad to hear your daughter is home and recovering. I hope she feels 100% soon!
Thanks everyone

ha ha we had a big fall out last night over my bed!
She wanted to get in it again, but so did I!
She called me a mean bitch, mmmmmmmmmm nice daughter I've got hey?
I've let her off whilst she's in recovery but if she ever calls me that again, she's out on her arse!
I've put this emotional outburst down to anaesthesia, drugs, and anti biotics.
So no, I've not had much rest!
Bloody kids! Who'd have em!
I dont av em! My mother cursed me. *god rest her*
One of her things was, when you pay the mortgage, then you can vote what happens. Years later my step kids got the same. 'Its not a democracy and you dont vote'.
You gotta love em, and be a toughie at the same time. Not easy. But worth it in the end eh? But Joan, as we all know, no matter how old we get, when we're sick....we want our mummies!!!
Awwww, poor Jess! Give her your bed ya big meanie! :ylol2:

Seriously though, it so fab to hear she is recovering and well enough to give you cheek! :)

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
hey Joan, i was away for a couple of days but am soooooooo delighted to hear your little lady is on the mend.

big hug


Hey Joan,
Computer was in shop once again so didn't see this until now, glad your daughter is recovering, now take your bed deserve some solid rest.
Thanks everyone!

Jess is recovering well, has a bit of pain in LRQ, maybe it's scar tissue knitted together,dunno?
But she has her staples removed on Tuesday so hopefully that'll make her feel much better.
Jess is also very depressed, I think it's just hit her what she's been through, also I've told her she can't go to any festivals til August. She had bought her tickets for Wakestock on 8th July, but she's not going, I won't let her go camping for 4 days, mud and crap, drinking and not sleeping, that will take her back to square one.
Bad Mother? Yeah, dead right!
Careful mother? Yeah, right on! :)

They usually don't believe us, but sometimes mothers do know best!
Careful mother? Yeah, right on! :)

They usually don't believe us, but sometimes mothers do know best!

Seconded! We have to be mean mothers sometimes. Wait til they have their own. I remember my mum saying that though...and thinking 'yeah, whatever!' ...lmao!
Joan, sometimes we have to be a bit strict with them when it's for their own good.
But I am so pleased to see she is coming along nicely
and when they start to show their feisty attitude
you know they are on their way to recover. ;-)

Big hugs to you both!
I wonder where Jess gets her feistiness from...can't imagine!
I hope her mood picks up soon. I'm sure having the stitches out will help. You can get special foundation creams from the red cross which are specifically decided to match all skin colours and hide scars. She could perhaps look into that if she is bothered about her scar.
Joanie, Glad you've come through this ordeal in pretty good shape. Sorry I didn't see this sooner to cheer you on, but of course you hardly need any cheering on, you're obviously another one of the supermom's around here! Hugs to you Joanie and best wishes to Jess!
Poor Jess!

23 staples removed today!
But all's well, we're doing just swell!
Thanks everyone for supporting us thro this!
Wow...I'll bet she feels better after having them removed.
I'm so happy to hear she is doing well....
and you made it through too! :)
23 staples removed. Deserves a big hug and a pressy. And chocolate of course!

Great news Joan, glad Jess is on the mend!
Awwww, poor Jess...:( But so fab to hear they are out! :). I bet she feels heaps better now that all that metal has been removed...:hug:

Onward and Upward Jess! :):):)
Dusty. xxxxxxxx

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