Avoiding colds and flu?

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May 23, 2010
:wink:Hey lovely crohnies....

For the second time in like a month i've contracted the flu and was wondering if any of you have some advice contracted from personal experience on how to avoid getting sick the whole time while on immunosupressant drugs??

I'm new to immunosupressants and dont quite know how to handle this....

Lots of love...
Do you have the flu shot available where you are?.....I have been getting it every year since they came out and have not had a true case of the flu since.......I do still get colds (am working on one right now!).....and did have pneumonia once.....but no true flu.....
lol... yes we do have flu shots available. dont really know if what i've got now is more cold or flu? In SA there is like 2000000000 different types of flu, so you never really know. This feels like its progressing in a very negative fashion though. i'm living off cough syrup and bioplus at the moment.
Nov/dec last year I got 3 severe colds in 6 weeks (the doc thought I had flu, but I already had the shot). Since then I have gone part time at work, tried to reduce stress and I have started doing some gentle exercise. I don't know if it's that, or maybe my body got used to the meds, but I haven't been ill since Christmas Eve.
lol... yes we do have flu shots available. dont really know if what i've got now is more cold or flu? In SA there is like 2000000000 different types of flu, so you never really know. This feels like its progressing in a very negative fashion though. i'm living off cough syrup and bioplus at the moment.

The last 4 years it has been crazy every time I go to S.A. I always end up catching some minor awkward bug for a week or so. Even without being on suppressants. They need to stop bringing all that crap there from zim and nigeria lol.
Dras - I've also been meaning to ask you - Do you find there are a decent amount of people there with crohn's or no? I've always heard crohns is less prevalent in 3rd world countries, including S.A. I also got crohns about 1 year - 2 years after coming to the states...? Always kinda wondered. Sorry for getting off topic.
I was just commenting to my husband this morning that I have been on Humira for 9 months now and I haven't been sick once. My friends and family around me have all been sick, but I haven't had anything.

I try to be careful about being around too many people, I wash my hands a lot and I get lots of rest. I take lots of vitamin d.

Good luck - hope you start to feel better soon! - Amy
Thx Rebecca! I'll try the exercise thing as soon as I can breathe properly.... lol!! and my stress levels are low seeing as i've been on holiday for 2 months now. Maybe my body also needs to get used to the meds...

Hey Zig, haven't spoken in a while hey, how you doing?
Oh my gosh, you are telling me. We were queue'ing at varsity to register for this years modules and i was surprized at how many students were from Zim and some of our other 'AMAZING' neighbouring countries, probably picked this bug up from there too come to think of it.... I'm gonna start wearing one of those white medical masks! lol
Dras - I've also been meaning to ask you - Do you find there are a decent amount of people there with crohn's or no? I've always heard crohns is less prevalent in 3rd world countries, including S.A. I also got crohns about 1 year - 2 years after coming to the states...? Always kinda wondered. Sorry for getting off topic.

Actually Zig, I guess there arent as many as in the states or the uk. The numbers keep rising though. When I tell people that I have crohns they look at me like i'm speaking french. Its really not a common occurance here as far as I know- I could be wrong though....
I was just commenting to my husband this morning that I have been on Humira for 9 months now and I haven't been sick once. My friends and family around me have all been sick, but I haven't had anything.

I try to be careful about being around too many people, I wash my hands a lot and I get lots of rest. I take lots of vitamin d.

Good luck - hope you start to feel better soon! - Amy

Congrats about being in such good health for so long. Not many crohnies get to say that! :) I'm really happy for you, and that the humira is doing the trick.

Thx for the vit D tip, will give that a try! And will try my best to avoid contact with people, or avoid close proximity anyway.... lol.Dont think my bf will appreciate that much.

Thx Amy.... xx
Actually Zig, I guess there arent as many as in the states or the uk. The numbers keep rising though. When I tell people that I have crohns they look at me like i'm speaking french. Its really not a common occurance here as far as I know- I could be wrong though....

I don't think you are wrong. I was suprised to see you on here at first. Never met another S.A with crohns. I've even continplated moving back there now that I am crohns free again. However the numbers keep rising there just like they have been in china. Over the last 10 years S.A has been marinated with all the fast food chains from here in america. Same thing with China over the last 15yrs. Makes you think...S.A has had anti bacteria soap, and cleaners for ever, so I don't think that plays a roll. Anyways im just babling, and wondering way off base. I hope you start feeling better soon!

I am still doing really good btw - thanks for asking =)
Let me rephrase... I haven't had a cold or flu in 9 months.... been plenty sick with Crohns and still can't get it under control with Humira AND Methotrexate. Ugh. At least I haven't had to contend with the flu too!!
Never met another S.A with crohns. I've even continplated moving back there now that I am crohns free again. However the numbers keep rising there just like they have been in china. Over the last 10 years S.A has been marinated with all the fast food chains from here in america. Same thing with China over the last 15yrs. Makes you think...S.A has had anti bacteria soap, and cleaners for ever, so I don't think that plays a roll. Anyways im just babling, and wondering way off base. I hope you start feeling better soon!

I am still doing really good btw - thanks for asking =)

the only other person I know that has crohns is a friend from school's mom. and I know quite a wide variety of people. Personally I do blame mc donalds for all my problems LOL! Just kidding... I had 2 years where I was constantly off school with tonsilitis and I was constantly on very high dosages of penicillin to such an extent that I became allergic to it, and i'm certain that's the cause of my crohns (ok maybe my love for fast food had SOMETHING to do with it)....lol

What made you ponder your whereabouts Zig? You miss biltong and pap and braaivleis too much?? :):):):) I would never survive in another country... We have our problems but I dont think I could be comfortable somewhere else.

I'm glad you're still healthy and happy...:)
Let me rephrase... I haven't had a cold or flu in 9 months.... been plenty sick with Crohns and still can't get it under control with Humira AND Methotrexate. Ugh. At least I haven't had to contend with the flu too!!

Ah damn i'm so sorry I totally misunderstood your post... :( props for being flu and cold free for so long. But i'm sorry that you're still struggling with your crohns...

Good luck and take care of yourself! :hang:

Sorry Dras but I'm in the same boat as you. :( I take 50mg of 6MP and seem to only be well for a few days to a week and then BAM! Sick again for at least a week but usually longer. Only been on it for 3 months now. I've taken it before and at higher doses so from my experience from before, it just took time to get used to the drug. After while I never got sick but I forget how long it took to stop getting sick cause I had been taking it for 10 years at the time.
Ah man! I'm sorry Crabby!:(

Like, i'm really happy that my tummy is starting to feel better but this TOTALLY SUCKS!
When my doc prescribed them for me, he didn't even tell me what they did. He was just like-"take tham at night because they can do funny things to you" and then I was like, WHAT???? Am I going to grow a third nipple or a beard or something??? lol!

I didn't think it would have such an effect on me since i'm on such a low dose as well (I went google crazy after getting home from the hospital, I wasn't planning on drinking anything that would do "FUNNY" things if I didn't know EVERYTHING about it.)

It's such a vicious cycle- You're sick so you get meds to make you better, but the meds that make you better are making you sick again. REM was totally right- it IS a mad world!

So until I start getting used to them I should invest in some tissues...

*Sniff* Thx Crabby...
I use Purell but still get sick. I'm starting to feel better from my sickness but guess what? The very first symptom that I felt like a week and a half ago is starting to come back. I just can't stop getting sick.

For me, reducing the stress level is impossible as I'm one of the 3 care givers my grandpa has right now after his stroke on Christmas Eve. And I found out that the ramp was built for him when he goes home next week but they built the ramp into the grass. THE GRASS! We're gonna be off roading my grandpa back into his house. We asked the church to do this for us (help build a ramp). I wish they had done it right and connected it to the walkway... Stress is never ending over here. :p
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa. Having something bad like that happen causes loads of stress for the whole family- I know. What type of bright spark builds a ramp into the grass???????????? Thats idiotic!

Went to the doctor this morning and turns out my cold has turned into a throat infection(JOY). Luckily I have been blessed with the best GP in the world, he is just so smart and caring and has given me loooooooooads of yummy meds and the medical aid has now decided that we no longer need to pay a levi to get our meds which also helps a lot...

What symptom has come back now Crabby?? With me it always starts with a very irritating post nasal drip... Feel so sorry for my boyfriend who has to put up with my whining all the time, and I am always in a bad mood when i'm not feeling well. He has been really great though. :)

Feel better soon Crabby!!! xx
I got my boyfriend sick with the same amazing cold or bird flu or whatever it is. It starts in the throat by making it feel itchy kinda and dry and shriveled, then goes into the nose with TONS of mucus that can be clear, white or even yellow. Then we start couching up the mucus. Then we get body aches from HELL. Then our throat changes and we have some ulcers back there (canker sores, some small some large and my boyfriends throat is more swollen than mine was, we're keeping an eye on it cause its the weekend). Then our ears get all snuffed up and out faces feel like they will explode. Then we feel ok but with a slight cough or sore throat so we do what we can around the house then BAM! Sickness comes right back with all symptoms and you're back on the couch like a useless festering blob. It gives a small fever too but mainly the feeling of having a fever with no fever (sweating, general "where am I?" feeling). We've gone through over two boxes of tissues and two small bottles of hand sanitizer. I'm soooooo tired... :p Today I feel tired and my throat feels ok. If I stay this way, I'll be happy. Its good enough.

Edit: We've been trying to think of what to call this sickness. So far we have The Blobber or the Blubber Bug. Maybe The Mutant Blobber Bug! o_O
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lol... that totally sucks!!! Mine sounds pretty similar, with the mucousy nose and the coughing mucous and the swollen throat. I've developed a new symptom since this morning, my voice is starting to come and go which everyone in the house LOVES because I can't whine about how ****** I feel. lol!

Doc also said my temperature is ok but I keep walking into people and tripping over stuff and my head feels the size of a hot air balloon.

BTW The Blobber seems the perfect name for it. You really do end up being a useless blob on the couch!

I was meaning to ask if you stop taking your imusups when you get sick or do you keep drinking them?
I was meaning to ask if you stop taking your imusups when you get sick or do you keep drinking them?

No I never stop taking my medication. I'll take Dayquill and pain killers to help with the symptoms (doc gave me Flonaze as well so I can breathe) and try to rest whenever possible but stopping the medication has never been an option. We don't take them so we can get sick, we take them to keep the Crohn's at bay and you can't do that if you aren't taking them. Its a love hate relationship but I'll take it over Prednisone any day. :p
@ ameslouise- thats funny because I havent gotten sick (knock on wood) (except for crohns symptoms) since this hole mess started! As far back as 08 I havent gotten sick! I used to get a cold or 2 every winter but havent had one for a long time! Was worried that I might after starting Remi in May but still nothing! Even went to Florida for the World Softball tournament and almost everyone on the team had gotten sick except for me and Im (we're) on an Immunosuppresant!!!
I still think it plays into why the Remi is not really working as well as it could! It seems that my immune system is still in overdrive and I dont think they have the right dosage and or frequency down yet?
Crabby - have you guys been tested for Strep?.....with the sores in the throat, that could be the culprit and you guys are just passing it back and forth......

Hope you feel better soon - my husband is home today feeling really crappy - I had to sleep with a tissue up against my nose to catch the constant drip! UGH!
I have this too! Ugh. I haven't had any fevers yet though (although I've been pretty much constantly on NyQuil).

Feel better everybody.
No I never stop taking my medication. I'll take Dayquill and pain killers to help with the symptoms (doc gave me Flonaze as well so I can breathe) and try to rest whenever possible but stopping the medication has never been an option. We don't take them so we can get sick, we take them to keep the Crohn's at bay and you can't do that if you aren't taking them. Its a love hate relationship but I'll take it over Prednisone any day. :p

I totally agree Crabby-I stopped MTX and Remicade for a bout with bronchitis and ended up with an abdominal abcess-NOT worth it!
Hope you feel better soon - my husband is home today feeling really crappy - I had to sleep with a tissue up against my nose to catch the constant drip! UGH!

Lol, sounds like me! I'm no longer a human, but a mucous factory.

Thx for everyone's input. I feel even worse today, this morning I couldn't breathe. The Blobber has taken my lungs hostage, feels more like bronchitis to me now- with the wheezing mucousy cough and chest pains. Luckily we have a nebulizer with some corrtisone and adrenalin sachets and it helps quite a lot. Other than that my cough syrup etc has been keeping me in a light coma lol!!!

And I finished my 3 day antibiotic course this morning and I am just deteriorating more by the day.

And to everyone else who has The Blobber- Good luck, and get well soon!!
These are things I have learned (sometimes the hard way!) from working at a clinic and being immunosuppressed: Wash your hands a LOT, and do it properly, or use hand sanitizer; also try very hard to not touch your eyes, nose or mouth without first having washed your hands. Those are the easiest routes for germs to get into the body, especially cold and flu ones. Also, keep your fingernails short, lots of stuff can live under those.
The germaphobe in me really comes out in public too, I will use a paper towel or my sleeve to open doors/turn faucets off in bathrooms, flush toilets with my foot not my hands, use a knuckle instead of my fingers to push buttons on elevators/ATMs/public phones etc.
Feel better soon!

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