Azathioprine & a lumpy scalp

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Feb 23, 2011
Has anyone suffered from lots of little lumps on their scalp taking Aza?

I started Aza last Wednesday, so have been on it nearly a week, and started to notice lumps on my head yesterday. I now seem to have loads :eek2:

A long time ago I had some lumps come up on my scalp, a bit bigger than these but fewer, and they were very painful. The doctor said they were inflamed/swollen lymph nodes and that I must have, or had, an infection.

Being as Aza affects the immune system and, if I understand correctly, the lymphatic system is part of the immune system I am a little concerned.
I have a GP appt on Thursday but wondered whether this might require attention sooner or perhaps it could just be due to the Aza. I have triple checked the side effects and it doesn't mention becoming like the head from Hellraiser after the needles have been removed ! ;)
Hiya Jet

Stay out of the sun with Aza or wear a great big hat! Seriously!

I was allergic to it, doc said it was toxic to my system, I came out in itchy, bleeding painful lumps all over my legs!
Get it checked, either for intolerance or sun exposure
I didn't get lumps on my head, but I did develop benign cysts. While they may have been benign (according to the dermatologist I went to see), it was hideous to look at since I had them on the middle of my forehead, back and sides of my neck, etc.

My GI said that it was most likely from Aza, but since it was helping me at the time, I decided to stay on it.

I hope you're able to get some answers from your doctor.
Thanks guys :thumright: I thought it must be the Aza

Ooh Joan, that sounds dreadful. I have been careful, using sun block and wearing a hat. I have never had to worry much about the sun in this country but I will make sure I am covered and/or have sun block on, thanks :hug:

Blimey Glum Chump, that's sounds scary! As you stayed on, and presumably got used to, the Aza did the cysts go away and not return?
I'm wondering whether these lumps will go as my body adjusts. They are a bit itchy but not too bad so I'll see what the GP says tomorrow and also call the GI dept at the hospital, if I can.
I'd rather give the Aza a chance if possible as my work situation just gets worse and worse but without actually getting to a place where I can 'play my hand' so to speak. This means I just keep being ill to some degree and I'm starting to feel unable to cope. If the Aza can reduce even some of the symptons it will help me fight
hello... im new to this today.. im on aza i was on it for about 3 years before then got ill again now been put back on it about a year ago, ive never experienced lumps anywhere, i get on while with my aza and im also having an humia injection every week aswell to keep my crohns under control.

hi jet.does it feel like wee spots or something alike???my scalp went like this while on was a pain but never realy bothered me to much.
hi jet.does it feel like wee spots or something alike???my scalp went like this while on was a pain but never realy bothered me to much.

Thanks Hainman, sort of, yes, but the ones I can see, near the front close to my forehead are just bumps/raised bits. If I run my hand across my scalp it's just covered in little bumbs.
They do seem to itch a bit but I have concentrated on not scratching suspecting that will result in sores :rolleyes:

Did the bumps go after a while?
hey jet,they they kinda came and was a nuisance but i could deal with it,ive got quite a dry scalp now anyhoo so didnt realy think about them at first,i since been taken off aza and now on 6mp and no ill effects so heres hoping.
hope you get things sorted...
Hey Jet:

The cysts hung around for quite some time. They finally burst on their own, but it was about a year later. The dermatologist had offered to drain them, but because the procedure would be regarded as "cosmetic" (since they were benign), I would have to pay out of pocket. I thought it was ridiculous to pay a dermatologist $2000 for it given I'd been popping pimples for free as a teenager, and if I really wanted, I'm sure I could have figured out a way to pop the cyst. It was cheaper just to get bangs and grow my hair in a style that covered the back of my neck!

I hope the Aza works well for you and you start getting some answers from your doctor!
Thanks Hainman & Glum Chump :thumright:

I had a good appointment with my GP who seemed to understand the Aza and everything well, including the lumps.
She said it's folliculitis, or something like that, being an inflammation of the hair follicles brought on by the Aza. As my bloods are currently okay she isn't worried at the moment and we're hoping it will die down - fingers crossed. I don't want my hair to drop out :eek2:

So, so far so good. Weekly blood tests for the rest of the months should tell if I can stay on the Aza so I'm thinking positive thoughts :)

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